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Personal Journal So, my mom goes to this pilates everyday and out of curiousity I asked her what does she do in her and what pilates means. I would say 30% of her answer would have been good enough for me but it made me thinking about meditation and what do we get from meditation. Ok, I am not into yoga and all but I often wonder how enlightened Buddha actually became by meditating for so many years. After I went back to my room, I checked out some meditation websites online just to check out ways to meditate and why people spend crazy money on it.
Actually, to come think of it, I don’t really know what drives people to meditate but I guess it must be life’s pressures and stress. But looking at some people I know who meditate, I am not sure if it works. The first meditation site I opened was about guided-meditation techniques. I decided to be guided to meditate using what author had recommended. There was some music that I was asked to download. Upon playing it, a nice woman’s voice came up. There was a sitar playing at the background, sounds of water flowing in the river.
I must tell you that I a bit relaxed by the music. Then the woman began to guide me. She asked me to lie down on an easy chair and concentrate on my breath and this is where my problem began. No matter how hard I tried I could not concentrate on my breath, something or the other came to my mind. Contrary to what she was saying, there was no sensation in my legs. All I could think of was school assignments, a friend’s party coming up or my pocket money. It actually stressed me more than destressing, guess meditation is not my cup of tea.
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