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Opinion polls continually show overwhelming opposition to illegal immigration as well as for the idea of amnesty. Amnesty for illegal aliens is simply a reward for law-breakers and encourages even more illegal immigration. Those who want amnesty for illegal aliens do not seem to realize that a crime. Illegal immigrants receive more from public monies than they contribute which lower the standard of living for legal citizens. Illegal immigrants contribute greatly to the overall population growth and health care, education and employment are the most impacted. Salaries are driven down by illegal immigrants willing to work for much less while their children, illegal and legal, overcrowd the schools. It’s the U.S. taxpayer who is sent the bill for their health care services as well. In addition, the large influx of illegal aliens burdens the already inadequate number of units classified as affordable housing and other welfare resources such as energy, water, and land usage (“Illegal Immigration”).
Laws should be enacted that bring criminal charges against all those who aid illegal aliens to gain entry into the country and against those employers who hire them. All social benefits, including medical care, education, and welfare for illegal immigrants should be eliminated with the only exception being medical treatment given when first contacted before deporting the criminal. If the U.S. can’t secure its own borders, what confidence does this instill in the world’s view when it tries to police other areas of the globe?
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