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THE 39 STEPS" AT THE WALNUT THEATRE IN PHILADELPHIA This THE 39 STEPS is a most famous play and very beautiful too as we keep on laughing after watching this play. THe beauty of this play lies in its directorship, the theme and the way it is presented. It is basically a social satire with feminism as its approach. Feminism has passed through many phases with the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries as the most crucial eras for the growth of the feminist movements. Last five centuries was the period of modernity generating the rise of capitalism as well as socialism, the development of the states and also emergence of the regional divisions.
Within this context, gender issue and the conceptualization of femininity emerged as women began to realize their equal importance and rights. Hello, this company is very exploitive as it is exploiting you clients as well as we writers. The second phase of the feminist movement from the 1980 and 1990’s also made it possible to bring the issue of inequality in the world politics. In the academic world too, feminism was adopted by many women who realized they should be given their due share. The concept of feminism since then has become the most crucial and a new disciplinary framework for the studies of the gender issues especially women.
Though the feminist movement was started centuries back, yet the impetus of it was felt during the Second World War when the whole economy was transforming from labor intensive towards the technological development.
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