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Why are you pursuing a career in nursing? When someone decides to pursue a career, there are several factors to take in to account. Aptitude, growth, scope of further education and practice, respect in the society and financial stability are some of those factors but the most important factor which eventually overcomes the effect of all other factors is the niche created by the individual in his society through his profession. Often people go wary of their professions because they are not able to satisfy their urge of contributing to the society in a positive way.
I am pursuing a career in nursing as this career fills in all the boxes that are required for a suitable career. International Council of Nursing includes taking care of dying, sick and handicapped, prevention of disease, advocacy, research, partaking in the formulation of health policy and health system management and continuing education as parts of a nurse’s professional credentials (International Council of Nurses). Thus, it is obvious that as a nurse, one gets to touch upon countless lives directly or indirectly.
This profession is not just about passion and humanity. It has strict codes of ethics, standards, skill and fitness and it requires one to update knowledge about his profession on regular basis. Since 1901, the profession of nursing has been under national regulation in most countries. As a result, working environment, pay scales and working hours have been modulated. These moves were aimed at maximizing the convenience of the nurses since they have been in a shortage for a very long time. Although much remains to be done, the profession of nursing is looked upon with great respect and worth in the society.
As a nurse, one has several options when it comes to specialization. These fields include pediatric nursing, geriatric nursing, home health nursing etc. Similarly, nurses can choose their own practice settings. These include hospitals, homes, military, laboratories, research institutions and health legal consultancy firms. As a result, there is ample room for growth. It is due to all these reasons that I have chosen to pursue a career in nursing. What makes you capable to be a nurse? The profession of nursing utilizes several abilities.
Not only does it require vast and updated knowledge of healthcare practices but it also requires the skill to deal with the psychological aspects of a disease. I feel that I am capable of adopting nursing as a profession as not only am I a keen learner but I am also an avid reader of health-related literature. Through my love of research, I can ensure that my knowledge about the profession of nursing and healthcare remains updated. Disease is always a source of discomfort to the patient and his family.
Different people respond to it in different ways but when studied closely, the nature of the response to disease is limited to very few options. A basic understanding of human behavior can give us this understanding. The ability to be able to put oneself in someone else’s shoes yet remaining composed, professional and impartial in the light of that understanding is an important ability that I am known to possess. The profession of nursing also requires one to be able to make quick decisions as most of the time it is the nurse who is the first person to encounter an emergency situation.
This requires a balance between being able to perform when under stress as well as understanding one’s own limitations and handing over the work to a person more suited for that job such as a senior nurse or a doctor. I am confident that I am aware of my abilities and give the highest priority to the well-being of the patient. With disease spreading to all parts of the society, in all age groups and all cultures, it has now become increasingly important for a nurse to be able to communicate in the best possible way to the old and the young, the rich and the poor and the literate and the illiterate.
Communication with the patient as well as his family lies at the core of the new age healthcare practices where informed consent is of utmost importance. This is a skill that I have possessed for the longest time and I plan to polish it further during my period of training as nurse. Most of all, I derive great strength from comforting the dying and helping the sick to recover and this renders me suitable to be a nurse.
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