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The of men and women, the conflict of mentality and understanding is going on as long as the humanity exists. How many men were searching for an answer to the question “What women want?” Women think they figured men out – men want basic things: food, TV and, well, to be satisfied. Men are considered to be limited in their conversations to sport, cars and women only. Women are considered idle and vain, with conversations centered only around fashion, looks and gossip. At the best, women talk about their children.
It seems that no intelligent conversation is possible with them either. How, then, is it possible for men and women to communicate successfully and reach mutual understanding? One key element for the success is the recognition of the differences in the thought process, and to acceptance of those without trying to change the other person or trying to “shape” them according to what we are comfortable with. Men choose not to talk about unimportant and trivial things. Men need action. They want to go ahead and fix the given situation.
If the knee is scraped, just put a bandage on it, and there! - It does not hurt any more. There is nothing more to talk about. It is not the same for women. They not necessary need the bandage, but they do need to have someone who would embrace them and will say it will be alright. Conversation is not only a way to find solution; it is an important process of assessment. Sometime, conversation is a way of relaxing and releasing stress after a full working day. Other times it is a need to stay “connected”.
Both articles give very interesting perspectives on communication differences. The one will be wise to remember those and use it in building connections. As it is shown by the example in the second article, that exact knowledge and understanding helped the couple to improve their marriage of twenty-three years. Once they understood the meaning talk has for their spouse, many problems were solved by themselves. It was very interesting to find out, also, why men prefer not to speak their minds.
It might appear to the woman her man is hiding something from her because he does not trust her or simply does not care enough, while man’s reasons not to talk might be more noble – his silence might stem from desire to protect her and not to limit her freedom. I was watching a woman reading articles. Sometime she was nodding, other times the eyebrow was raised – she was surprised. Some parts she was amused by and read them to me; other parts she found funny, and was laughing about. However, when she finished reading, I was surprised to hear her reaction.
“I agree with everything”. “Any more comment?” I asked. ”No.” I was surprised by her short answer, even though usually she is rather talkative. With her emotions she said more than with her words. Then articles were read by a man. He was reading through the text with no visible emotions. He finished reading the text with the same face expression he started. Then I asked for his reaction and was surprised by his answers. He spoke with overtone of hurt in his voice. He said that men did try to communicate, but they were misunderstood, and their honesty was misused.
For that reason they stopped communicating all together. Then the statement followed that he personally would never confide with the woman, not entirely. “Trust is of the utmost importance to men,” continued this male. He was reasoning that men can fight other men, but many times men will be powerless against a woman. Thus, men choose not to expose themselves, not to run the risk to be ridiculed and defeated. That was an interesting finding. It does correspond with what one of the articles suggests – men are in competition, constant race to retain their position with other men.
They are looking for support from women, and some space to “breathe”, rather than having “what are you thinking about” question haunting them. Understanding is difficult, but possible to reach. It takes wisdom, desire and patience, but it is also rewarding.
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