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Order 521093 Topic: Daughter from Danang The running time of the movie Daughter from Danang, directed by Gail Dolgin , Vicente Franco, is hour and twenty minutes. This movie depicts the story of the consequences of war in Vietnam, how poignantly it affects a family—first separation under compulsion (part of the Operation Babylift, to relocate Vietnamese children to U.S. for adoption) and then reunion. Heidi, is reunited with her Vietnamese mother after 22 years. She had landed in U.S. at the age of 7.
At the concluding phase of the Vietnam War she was shipped to U.S. She owed her birth to a white-skinned American soldier and a Danang woman who was deserted by her native husband. The movie depicts how at every stage of her life, Heidi had to face untold miseries on account of circumstances related to of her birth, abandonment by the parents, and the cultural clashes to which she was exposed to. Her destiny was linked to the destinies of two nations. On being sent to America with the consent of her mother, primarily for safety considerations in Vietnam, she was adopted by a single mother, in a township of Pulaski, Tennessee.
As she reached adulthood, her relationship with the adopted mother deteriorated and she began intense search for her own mother. She succeeded in her efforts, got a link to her whereabouts and came to know that she lived with her half-siblings. Heidi decides to visit her at the native homeland, notwithstanding the deep cultural differences. The plot of the movie is not smooth-sailing one, but full credits to the producer, they maintain a non-judgmental approach and it involves several questions for which satisfactory solutions are difficult to find.
Her birth mother has abandoned Heidi, and it is not expected of her to show love and sympathy for her. Or should she? The mother fails to win the confidence and love of her daughter and the viewer feels that the reunion has added more misery to her already miserable existence in Vietnam, due to life of utter poverty.
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