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and Section # of Alternative Media In the modern age nobody goes to the market and bus products whose names are unheard of. The only way to tell people about a specific product is through advertisement. Now adays you see advertisements everywhere, from the front page of the morning newspaper to the breaks in between the late night TV shows. Innovative methods have been invented to catch the eye of the consumer; from the covers of cigarette packs to huge billboards on main highways. The conventional methods are getting old for consumers and a new method which caught my eye when I received a text message informing me about the new pizza place that had opened recently, in my vicinity.
I had no clue, about the advertising method and the method they acquired my number. Bulk SMS Advertising After a little research it got clear that texting a list of cell phone numbers for a specific product is the latest method of advertising. It is cheap and a specific consumer community can be targeted. Teenagers in our community hang out a lot in pizza restaurants, filling out forms in which they leave their contact numbers, as it is a part of the feedback card in these restaurants. These pizza restaurants contact companies like squidoo.
com which are online ventures setup for the convenience of people and companies that do not have a lot of funds or advertising. Conclusion This latest method of advertising is cheap and is hassle free. Neither do a lot of companies have to be paid nor people, to take fliers across the town to tell about something new or old for that matter of fact. Intelligent and innovative methods like SMS marketing have a big role in the future for the product-consumer relationship. Works Cited squidoo. “SMS Advertising”.
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