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19 March Article about room Observations Summary: Most EFL/ESL English mentors in both government and private educational institutions are familiar with the concept and significance of classroom observations. Classroom observations are frequently conducted in schools because they provide the people in charged with all the information that is required to upgrade the educational setup. However, from the perspective of the teacher being observed by the supervisor or the director of studies in a classroom, there is too much that gets at stake in such visits.
Classroom observations raise the level of teachers’ consciousness and anxiety no matter how casually a director may perform them, because the teachers know that their capabilities are being assessed and their performance is being critically analyzed. The acquired consciousness is quite likely to sap a teacher’s ability to demonstrate the best he/she has. On the other hand, owing to the great significance of classroom observations in the improvement strategies of the educational setup, their importance can not be denied and they can not altogether be eliminated.
Therefore, there is need to devise ways in which classroom observations can be conducted with least inconvenience to the teachers. (Monarch) identifies ways in which the activity can be performed in the most meaningful and supportive manner. Classroom observations can be improved by pre-observation discussions, and providing the teacher with an opportunity to express his/her concerns about the class. It is advisable for the teacher and director to mutually select a focus of observation prior to conducting it.
Data can be collected on pre-formatted layouts. Finally, feedback strategies should be well managed and the teacher’s perspective should be appreciated (Murdoch 2). Works Cited: Murdoch, George. “Classroom Observations - making them useful for teachers.” pp. 1-2. 2009. Web. 19 Mar. 2011. .
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