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Sociology - Paragraph The construction of self and society has always been a major concern of sociology and the building of reality depends greatly on the social construction of knowledge. Every reflective analysis of how reality and truth are constructed in the society brings out the fact that social construction of reality is based on several factors which affect the society in general. In other words, the societal definitions of reality depend on various elements of the society such as the institution of politics, economic interests, values, ethics, other interests etc.
One of the fundamental facts about the social construction of reality is that it is eventually created by the human beings who are influenced by various factors in the society. At the core of every international relation, global commerce, everyday life, etc. is the question how the reality is constructed in the society. Thus, understanding the social construction of reality helps in realizing how and why certain news issues (such as the dumping of oil off the California coast) end up ‘on the cutting room floor,’ never making it into the mainstream news.
As David M. Newman maintains, “the social construction of reality (truth, knowledge, and so on) is the process by which reality is discovered, made known, reinforced and changed by members of society… Not all of us possess the same ability to define reality. Individuals and groups in positions of power have the ability to control information, define values, create myths, manipulate events, and ultimately influence what others take for granted…” (Newman, 41) Therefore, it is fundamental to comprehend that the social construction of reality is based on various factors that affect the social life.
Similarly, individuals and groups, politics, economic interests, values, ethics, other interests etc. determine how and why certain news issues affecting the society are constructed and maintained. In a profound investigation of why certain news issues never make it into the mainstream news, it becomes lucid that such news issues are controlled and covered up by the major forces that influence the social construction of reality. Thus, it is fundamental to realize that the process by which reality is constructed, communicated, manipulated, and accepted in the society influences the major issues of the day.
The society constructs its realities through the medium of language and it determines the various issues that should reach the public attention. The various forces of the society including politics, economics, values, ethics, other dominant interests work together to decide which all news issues can affect society and which all issues need to be sidelined. In other words, as part of the process by which reality is constructed within society, certain issues in the society never make it into the mainstream news.
It is through the communication media mainly that general public is informed about the important matters happening within the society and the news promulgated through the media greatly reflects the cultural values of the society. As the news spread through the media can construct the political and economic realities to the public, the agencies that influence the social construction of reality manipulate and restrain certain news issues. “Because of the economic pressures to attract audiences, and to keep their attention, TV networks and newspapers usually censor themselves… The economic and political motivation for such selectivity becomes apparent when we consider who owns the media.
” (Newman, 31) For example, certain news issues such as the dumping of oil off the California coast end up ‘on the cutting room floor’ and it is part of the process by which reality is constructed within society. Sidelining news issues such as the environmental nightmare happened in California cannot help the progress of the society in the long run, whatever be the reasons for restricting and manipulating such realities. In short, the process by which reality is constructed within society suggests how and why certain news issues end up ‘on the cutting room floor,’ never making it into the mainstream news.
Work Cited Newman, David M. Sociology: Exploring the Architecture of Everyday Life. Pine Forge Press. 2009. P 28.
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