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Health Psychology and Health Sociology - the Movie Juno - Essay Example

The paper "Health Psychology and Health Sociology - the Movie Juno" discusses that the movie Juno focuses on the argument that it is an individual change process, that acts in conjunction with all other elements of the wider perspective that explain the development of humans…
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Introduction Regarding the movie Juno it’s clearly evident that each life phase presents various challenges and new experiences right from teenage life to retirement. In patterns examining of development throughout a person whole life, various authors give key insights of world experience, they as well look into how several established theories faces challenges by current changes to the human understanding of development. This touching introduction gives a deeper appreciation of life phases of different aspect and how psychological principles aid our understanding of them. Hendry and Kloep's objects the theory of emerging adulthood which argues that a new stage in development of human which is distinct from adulthood and adolescence, is seen to overlaps with both stages. In their argument they disagree with this because According to them development is-specific to domain whereby plasticity is demonstrated. People who are young to reach adult status may be early; this is seen in some domains, while in some aspects, it’s not the case to others, which may be never. Its also observed development is reversible and non-linear to rejecting the theory of emerging adulthood is not a guarantee basing on these points.. But it can be possible to view development as demonstrating plasticity, as reversible and nonlinear and as domain specific, and still taken to be useful to conceptualize development regarding general development periods, that includes emerging adulthood. This was done by Hendry and Kloep themselves, they presented their original essay in the model, this showed development from adolescence to early adulthood" to middle adulthood to old age. The usefulness was conceded for general conceptions for different life course stages when they proposed this model. This then posed a question; which life course conception is most appropriate? Differences were revealed in exchange with Hendry and Kloep in the perspectives but also common important ground. In recent decades it’s agreed that the young people lives right from their late teens through their mid-20s in societies that is industrialized have dramatically changed, toward a less and longer passage to adulthood, including education that is long and training and entering marriage in late ages as well as parenthood. The emerging adult’s paths taken during these years are diverse, both between and within societies, and that it is critical for scholarship to investigate and recognize this diversity. Advances in Identity As it’s evident in the movie Juno, a time of great challenge and uncertainty is experienced in the late teens and early twenties. Adolescence has been left by emerging adults are relactant in taking adult responsibilities, which the support of parents. We can see in the movie Juno where Juno is just a teenager who gets pregnant but he fears to take responsibility as a mother instead she gives out her baby then she proceeds on with her traditional adolescent relationship: Basing on a study of diverse on religiously and ethnically U.S . graduate as well as undergraduate scholars, many of them with regards to children being adult see them as not adult yet (Nelson et al., 2007). little people who have economic resources explore alternatives in work, , personal, loves, education as well as beliefs and values more as when they were young. Identity development greatly prolonged by emerging adulthood., Between 18- to 25 can involve themselves in activities of a wider scope this may be seen in people released from the parents but have not been immersed in adult roles as Juno was not staying with the parents when she was still young but was like she was married. Because less is socially expected, ways to responsibilities of adult are very diverse in order and timing across individuals (Arnett, J. J. 1997).. For example, many students of college pursue their education as compared to the past generations in a nonlinear way, drawn-out this causes some change When they explore career options, working part-time while taking courses affecting school to work or travel. Almost third of U.S. graduates of college enroll in graduate school, this sees them still taking more years to make decision in their desired career track (U.S. Department of Education, 2000). Attitudes and values of young people broaden as a result of these experiences,. They show interest more in historical, philosophical, and political matter and tolerance for ethnic is seen to be greater as well as cultural diversity. Furthermore, several viewpoints exposure motivates coming up of a more complex self-concept which involves awareness of values over time and their own changing traits together with increased self-esteem (Galambos, Barker, & Krahn, 2006; Labouvie-Vief, 2006; Montgomery & Côté, 2003). Advances in this identity are contributed by these changes. During the college years, young people refine their approach to constructing an identity as regards to Juno MacGuff. Besides weighing several possibilities, they as well in depth evaluate commitments that do exist (Luyckx et al., 2006). For example, someone may take classes in array that is broad disciplines if not yet selected the major. Once a major is chosen, evaluation of an in-depth of the choice are likely to embarked on basing on the motivation, interest and performance as well as on the career prospects while taking additional classes in that field. Either the commitment, to the major strengthens, or return to exploration broadly to options may result. Most students cycled between evaluating commitments and making commitments in various identity domains extending over the first two years of college in a study that is longitudinal. Student’s fluctuations about their commitments saw that movement between these two states was sparked (Luyckx, Goossens et al, 2006). Variation in Culture, Cultural Change and Emerging Adulthood The recent appearance of complex bridge and rich between assumption of adult responsibilities and adolescence is explained by rapid cultural change. In many fields entry-level positions require enough education as compared to past time, young people who are adults are seen to look for higher education in large numbers resulting to delay to career commitment as well as financial independence. For example in the movie Mark’s decision of not ready to have a baby that resulted to him separating with Vanessa could have been influenced by such. In other terms, nations that are wealthy with populations that is longer-lived their need not pressing for labor of young people, this frees 18- to 25-young people for exploration which is seen to be extended. Cultures which prolongs entry to roles of adult up to early twenties limit emerging adulthood. In developing countries like India and China, usually those who join the universities from wealthier families encounter emerging adulthood, than their Western counterparts often for a shorter time (Nelson, Badger, and Barry, 2006; Nelson and Chen, 2007). Furthermore, the majority overwhelming young people in non-Western traditional countries that remain in rural regions that they grew up are seen to have no “emerging adulthood.” they normally enter parenthood, marriage and work that is lifelong early with limited education which is not for the case of Juno who was brought up in town settings, (UNICEF, 2009). About what it means to become an adult, young people vary in their beliefs where many benefit from these transitional years in countries that are industrialized. Basing on the searching of years, diverse respondents ethnicities groups , cultures values and religious backgrounds aspects, psychological qualities values, especially self-sufficiency is emphasized whereby someone’s action is responsible for one’s actions is accepted, beliefs of a person as well as values is decided upon, becoming independent financially and an equal relationship with parents establishment (Facio & Micocci, 2003; Mayseless & Sharf, 2003; Nelson et al., 2007 is considered more to of others, self-control, as well as other roles attainment, like parent and marital partner is also included by youths from collectivist minority groups (Arnett, 2003; Nelson et al, 2004). The decision to have children Complex array of factors affects the parenthood choice; this includes religious and personal values, financial circumstances and health status. Traditional gender identities women normally decide to have children. Woman childbearing than her occupation has less impact on employment. High-status women with careers that are demanding they less often choose parenthood but when they do, normally delay it as compared to women with jobs that is less consuming). Americans have variety of views about their desire to have children; this includes a variety of disadvantages and advantages but in all groups. Regional differences and ethnic exist, the warm, relationship that is affectionate and the fun and stimulation provided by children are the most important reasons for having children. Also learning experiences and growth are frequently mentioned that is brought by children to the lives of adults, someone move on after death of one’s own willingness, as well as accomplishment creativity and feelings as a result of helping children grow Its believed by most adults who are young that to have children means responsibilities and extra burden with regards to the movie, Juno find it hard to raise her child after giving birth and she sees to relief the burden from him is by giving it to Vanessa. They believe that “freedom loss” as well as “financial strain.” Which was also for the case of Juno in the movie. Are among the parenthood disadvantages, , in the US new parents currently may spend about $200,000 in raise a child since birth to age about 18 years of age, this is according to a conservative estimate, it is seen that many will experience extra expenses that is substantial for financial dependency as well as higher education during emerging adulthood The families with adolescents sharp changes in parental roles is brought by Adolescence, Its noted that revised relationship must be establish by parents with their adolescent children This involves mixing guidance with freedom and gradually loosening control. In search for their identity adolescents explore values and goals as well as gain in autonomy, often parents complain on their teenager of being too focused on peers and don’t care about being with the family. In the movie Juno never spend her time with the family as she was busy exploring the world that is why she ended up having unwanted pregnancy. Child bickering on heightened parent over everyday issues takes time, especially on mothers, who are seen mostly negotiating with teenagers. Generally, children are thought to navigate the adolescence challenges more easily than parents, several of them report a dip life satisfaction and in marital. During this period of the family, family therapy is looked by more people. It can also be seen in the movie that the parents of Juno seemed to careless about Junos life, furthermore the father had two wives Families with young children With regards to the movie Juno, Men and women are not well versed on how to take care of children in today’s complex world as compared to the previous generations as it was seen in the movie where Juno gives out her baby carelessly without bothering the subsequent outcomes instead she assumes her traditional adolescent relationship thereafter. Welfare of the next generation and society is based on taking care of child values Clarity and implementing them in involved, warm and ways that is appropriate. As indicated by less societal supports for families and children the cultures do not take parenting as a high priority more so, family forms change will mean that today’s parents lives differ to large extend from those of generations that is past.. The couple’s relationship is also vital. Parents who work together as a cooperating, coparenting team, and showing respect and solidarity among each other in parenting roles, warm marital interaction are likely to be gained, use child-rearing practices that is effective, as parents should feel competent, and have well developing children (McHale et al., 2002).This is not for the case of Juno’s parents who seems to have neglected Juno to make decisions on her own and even the father has more than one wife. It can also be seen in different perspective with regards to the movie Juno that there is a major challenge for employed parents in finding good child care more so when their child is ill or otherwise in need of emergency care, taking time off from work this is seen mostly in parents of low-income, that should work hard for longer hours to pay bills; as for, in the United States, there is no benefits from workplace (health insurance); as well as those who cannot typically afford the child care cost. The woman normally faces added pressures when convenient child care is absent. In this scenario the woman must give up her work, with financial consequences that is profound in families with low-income, or endure missed workdays, unhappy children as well as new arrangements searches. Despite its challenges, a young child rearing is source of adult development that is so powerful. Emotional capacities are expanded and are seen to enrich their lives according to Parents report. For example, according to remark from Ernie he felt that through sharing in child rearing, “as a person it was seen to round out”. For other parents who were involved said that parenthood helped them tune in to others needs and feelings, this required them to become self-confident, more tolerant and responsible, this is seen to broaden their friendship extended family and community ties. All children who are healthy to help them to develop into adult human beings are born with a certain range and level of fairly resources that is similar as well as to cope with challenges of life. Furthermore, the life course will be changed and altered over by these resources l. Also, all babies do have a predisposition to speak a language and learn to walk when they get bigger, as well as to hear, to see, to learn new things, to smell and to feel varying emotions. Consequently, Russian and Indian, Maori and British neonates, behave in much the same way. As well as those in poor and rich families, Reasoning and problem-solving brain center fully develops during the period of emerging adulthood, accomplished by a pruning of gray matter (Giedd et al., 1999). As regards to this, everyone is very different from each other from the day we are born, as well as fetuses in the womb. Innate are many of our resources, like certain reflexes. But we learn others; learning begins from the first seconds of life until death. Still others are determined structurally, like nationality. Just as certain existence of potential resources for every person from first time of life in the womb, so too does the inequality in their amongst individuals distribution. Furthermore, some resources are more ‘personal’ to the individual (such as intelligence) and, some are more societal. The emotional concept of intelligence has been integrated in adult learning work (MacKeracher, 2004). Urie Bronfenbrenner as a developmental theory needs to be addressed, despite it being not a stage theory. Urie Bronfenbrenner developed the ecological systems theory to elaborate how the child's environment and everything in a child affects how a child develops and grows this is in relation to movie Juno. Different aspects were labeled of the environment that influence development of children, it includes the mesosystem, the microsystem, the macrosystem and the exosystem. By definition microsystem is small environment the child lives in that is immediate to him. microsystems for Children includes any organizations they interacts with or immediate relationships like their their school or daycare and family that is immediate. There is an effect on how the child grows as a result of how the child interact with these organizations; the better the child is able to grow is directly influenced by nurturing and encouraging these relationships and places. Also, how a child acts or The reaction or action of the child to these people in the microsystem will impact how they treat her in return. biologically and Special genetic influenced personality traits of each child's, referred to as temperament, affects how others treat them at the end. The mesosystem which is Bronfenbrenner's next level elaborates how a child's microsystem different parts work together for the child’s sake. For example, if an active role in a child's school is taken by, a child's caregivers like watching their child's soccer games and going to parent-teacher conferences, this is seen to help ensure the overall growth of the child. In contrast, if two sets of caretakers of the child, that is the mom with step-dad and dad with step-mom, disagree on the best ways of raising the child and give conflicting lessons to the child whenever she is around, this may result to child'sgrowth hindered in different channels. The exosystem level includes places as well as other people such as extended family members, parents' workplaces, , the neighborhood etc of which the child may not interact with herself but still affect her to large extend,. For example, there will be negative effects on the child if her parents are unable to buy groceries or fail to pay rent as a result of parent to a child's gets laid off from work; On the other hand, there may be a positive effect on the child if for example the parents will be able to give the child physical needs if the parent receives a raise at work and a promotion . The final level of Bronfenbrenner's is the macrosystem, It’s the most remote set of people and the largest things to a child but instead still has a influence that is great to the child. The macrosystem includes things such as cultural values, wars, the relative freedoms permitted by the national government, , the economy etc. These things can also affect a child either positively or negatively. In search for their identity adolescents like Juno explore values and goals as well as gain in autonomy, often parents complain on their teenager of being too focused on peers and don’t care about being with the family. In the movie, Juno seems to spend less time with her family as she was busy exploring the world, that is why she ended up having unwanted pregnancy This could have been the probable reason to why she was loosing control. At this stage of adolescent children face many challenges that can see them messing up their life beyond change and this means they need parental care that includes guiding and canceling as well as their decisions should be influenced by the parents. For the case of Juno it seems she lacked this and what is needed for her is to be counseled before she messes up beyond change. Conclusion The movie Juno focuses on the argument that it is an individual change processes, that acts in conjunction with all other elements of the wider perspective that explain development of human rather than the simple passing of time. We develop by coping and meeting with a myriad of challenges from day to day but not just by adding years to our lifespan. Basing on this view it means also that these phenomena cannot be studied fully from the one discipline perspective alone. Scientists need to be encouraged to join a new revolution, and heartedly engage in interdisciplinary research. There is minimal relationship between social class background and well-being in emerging adulthood according to evidence available(Gore, et al. 1997) In summary, it’s debatable about the usefulness and importance of ecological theory in the study of families. Comprehensive set of issues are sensitized to by potential users rather, this perspective lacks to some extend in terms of its capacity to provide assistance in describing the inner workings of families with adolescents. As regards to many of the other theories looked at in several books, ecological theory offers practical utility that is significant and a well-integrated approach to our main area of inquiry. Further, with regard to the explanatory function of this approach some difficulties are encountered as well. Finally, the values connected to ecological theory have a favor for those willing to highlight the interconnected nature of all things. References Luyckx, K., Goossens, L., & Soenens, B. (2006). A developmental contextual perspective on identity construction in emerging adulthood: Change dynamics in commitment formation and commitment evaluation. Developmental Psychology, 42, 366.380. 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II.Gotlib & B. Wheaton (Eds.), Stress and adversity over the life course (pp. 197—214). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press MacKeracher, D. (2004). Making sense of adult learning. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. Giedd, J. N., Blumenthal, J., Jeffries, N. O., Castellanos, F. X., Liu, H., Zijdenbos, A., et al. (1999). Brain development during childhood and adolescence: A longitudinal MRI study. Nature Neuroscience, 2(10): 861–863. Questions answered What relationships/ social networks are demonstrated? Link your discussion of the importance and diversity of relationships and social networks to academic sources. What cultural aspects can you identify in the DVD? Identify the approximate age of the main characters and how age might influence how they behave, think and feel. Link this to academic sources Consider social and economic status and the relevance for understanding the decisions made Identify positive coping strategies or elements of resilience that relate to characters in the DVD Read More

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