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Major Categories of Fallacies - Essay Example

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The essay "Major Categories of Fallacies" focuses on the critical, and multifaceted analysis of the major categories of fallacies. Fallacies are arguments that are deductively invalid and have very little inductive strength. At first, they appear to be correct…
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Major Categories of Fallacies
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Hasty generalization. These are due to generalizing situations and making conclusions. For example, insinuating that all Muslims are terrorists. The fallacy here is that the word ‘all’ in the sentence implies a zero error margin, which could imply that you can prove that all of them are terrorists, which is not entirely true (Hasper, 2013).

Appeal to ignorance. This kind of fallacy occurs when we infer that something is right just because we cannot illustrate occasions when it all went wrong or that the same thing is wrong just because we cannot prove that it is right. For instance, it would be an unreliable induction to conclude that ghosts exist just because there is no proof (Janez, 2014).

Hasty generalization is a fallacy I have committed in my life. I grew up with the mentality that all Muslims are terrorists by nature. I thought the entire terrorism was a thing they learned in mosques. I knew that at some point in their life, they would be bound to commit these atrocities. For that reason, I marginalized them and always distanced myself, that was before I learned the reality and realized that not all Muslims are terrorists.

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