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Regional instituie for childern and adollescents,baltimore-future nursing research studies - Essay Example

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Adolescents, both boys and girls aged 12 – 18 from Maryland who have learning difficulties, behavioral and emotional issues are taken care of at RICA in Baltimore. To offer these services, the institution has employed a team that works round the clock to ensure that…
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Regional instituie for childern and adollescents,baltimore-future nursing research studies
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Future Nursing Research Future Nursing Research Topic: Taking care and treatment of adolescents in Regional Institute for Childrenand Adolescents (RICA) In BaltimoreInformation Adolescents, both boys and girls aged 12 – 18 from Maryland who have learning difficulties, behavioral and emotional issues are taken care of at RICA in Baltimore. To offer these services, the institution has employed a team that works round the clock to ensure that educational and rehabilitation programs for these young girls and boys are efficient.

The focus of the educational services and mental health treatment is to reintegrate the adolescents into the society. Consequently, the adolescents recognize their value in the society and start to live their lives to the fullest. Emotionally handicapped adolescents who are in a condition to live in a community setting are assisted through measures that make them aware of the situation but live in harmony with the rest of the population. It is also common for nurses at the center to address the negative behaviors and attributes associated with drug abuse.

They look at psychiatric behaviors from use of drugs or from withdrawal, anger, self-hating, low self-esteem and self-injuries behavior. They have recently introduced detoxification procedures for adolescents with a drug problem. They also ensure that the youths engage in meaningful interaction while they are at the center. Some mental problems may require a residential setting to treat. RICA has this setting to facilitate continuous treatment of adolescents with therapy. They live at the establishment for some time before the doctors can certify their improvement and their ability to live accordingly with the rest of the population.

This is an ideal strategy in treatment of young people with behavioral, learning and emotional troubles.ReferencesRICA-BALTIMORE - Home. (n.d.). Retrieved November 27, 2014,

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