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American Journal of Health What was the behavior change theory that was used for this study? Why was this theory selected? Do you think it was the best choice for this study design? How was this model measured? (4 points)Among the many theories used to predict exercise behaviors, self- efficacy is the best theory to predict exercise behavior. Self- efficacy is best suited because it offers a reliable prediction of the stages of change postulated by the trans-theoretical model of exercise behaviors.
I think it is the best theory to be applied since it enables the results obtained to be applied to underserved individuals in order to provide appropriate behavior interventions. In order to measure self- efficacy, participants were asked questions that enabled the examiner to classify their trans-theoretical stages of exercise behaviors according to their level of confidence. Participants with the least levels of confidence were placed on likert- scale as number one while those with the highest were placed on number five in the same scale.2) Who was the target population for this study?
Why was this population group selected? (4 points)The target population of the study was the low- income, poorly educated samples that were represented as the underserved population. The target group was used to validate the trans-theoretical stages of exercise behaviors since they were prone to frequent hospitals because of lack of physical exercises. 3) Propose how social disparities may have been a factor in the study results. (4 pts)Self- efficacy results indicated that precontemplators and contemplators had the lowest levels of efficacy as compared to the maintenance stage.
Social disparities are a key factor eminent in the study since poor individuals in their initial stages exercise behaviors do not have the confidence and the energy to sail through the exercise. Individuals in a high socioeconomic status have the zeal and energy to maintain during the exercise.4) How can this study be used for future research on behavioral change within this population group? (4 points)In the future, the study may be used to anticipate behavior change in exercise especially because of its consistency in its findings.
The study may be used in the future to compare results to the existing findings. 5) What are some limitations to this study? Will these limitations affect the applicability of the transtheoretical model to other low-income populations? (4 points In order to gather reliable information from participants, the examiner may require to offer rewards in terms of money or food to the underserved population, which poses a threat when such rewards are not available. The limitations may be a major setback to other target groups who misses the expected rewards thereby offering biased information, which eventually ruins the entire trans-theoretical model.
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