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Good Samaritan Considerations for Nurse Practitioners - Article Example

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The background of the paper "Good Samaritan Considerations for Nurse Practitioners" establishes the need for emergency medical treatment during various incidences, especially during airplane flights. There has always been confusion among NP as to render their services where they are present…
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Good Samaritan Considerations for Nurse Practitioners
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The writer mentioned several cases and even discussed three cases in detail where the person or an NP had to face legal actions afterward after they tried to act as Good Samaritans. The methodology was not complex in this case because most of the specific data were reviewed and taken from cases in courts and articles published. The writer even went on to mention several suggestive measures for NP in specific and other medical professionals in general about the way they should act in case there is an emergency. The conclusion is very well supported by the case, the writer has established. There is definite confusion and synchronization among various states about this law so it is very important for an NP to act according to the law of the state she is working on. Moreover, the writer also stresses the need for stronger and better legislation among states so that NPs are not hesitant to act when they see any emergency situation. This would reduce morbidity and mortality and even provide NPs a chance to render their services for the goodwill of people. This law is not applicable in United State but has also been adopted in a slightly different form by other countries as mentioned by the writer.

This topic is very important for future consideration of nursing because it can relate to their life and presents a problem that any nurse can face even outside the work environment. These discussions would help a nurse to make her decision in such a situation as per the laws of the state she is working in. This is a life-saving procedure but involves some legal problems that can occur in some of the cases (Tumolo, J. 2002).

This is one field that has a lot of scope for future research along the same lines. More studies and analyses of various cases would even highlight the issue which would help in proper law-making in different states. Nurses should also be encouraged through research and publication not to hesitate when it is about saving a life and should try to act as a good Samaritan.

In case of emergency, there has always been this confusion of ethical and moral grounds whether to act immediately in view of the knowledge a person has or abide by laws of the state and play safe. This article was based on one such issue. Good Samaritan law was discussed in detail and the writer, with the help of various cases and references, very well explained various dimensions of this issue. Suggestive emergency measures can be extremely helpful for NP to uphold their professional integrity and also save lives while working under the laws of the state. Since there was no actual data collection or interviews conducted for this study, there is minimal chance of any ethical consideration or violation at a personal level. However, this article itself is discussing a very important ethical dilemma that can well be a part of the professional life of any NP. The data was mostly taken from court records and as well as from other published studies.

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