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Motivations for Employment in the Field of Nursing - Admission/Application Essay Example

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This paper "Motivations for Employment in the Field of Nursing" focuses on the fact that the author was born in New York in 1992 and currently, she is a student of Brooklyn international high school. Her passion for nursing developed with the passage of time. …
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Motivations for Employment in the Field of Nursing
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I reflected that if our youth would have been paying heed to the noble profession of nursing, much of the lost lives could have been saved just by simple nursing techniques.The same events encouraged me to register myself in the online class so that can learn basic and handy skills of nursing like first aid, blood pumping, swimming, stitching and course of basic medicines. I am very much excited about the online class where I expect to learn a lot with fellow students. Do you think the federal government should mandate 1 hour of gym class & 1 hour of recess every day for all students, even HS students which would add 1 hour to the school day?

I think the federal government should and must mandate some time for the recess and gym. It will encourage the students to take part in extracurricular activities. It does not matter whether it will add an extra hour to the daily time table because its benefits dominate. The students will get a chance to enjoy exposure and health. Do you agree with NYC where they will mandate the size of soda drinks?Yes, I agree because there should be some regulatory framework and protocols on the size of soda drinks in New York and also their prices, especially for HS students.

Post to a peer where you agree with their posts.I agree with most of the posts of my peers and colleagues.

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