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Risk Factors That Cause Hypertension - Case Study Example

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The paper "Risk Factors That Cause Hypertension" argues in a well-organized manner that risk factors that cause hypertension include HTN x8 years, smoking, obesity cases, an increased intake of salt, and minimal exercise. The author presents a case of a 61-year-old who suffers from hypertension…
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Risk Factors That Cause Hypertension
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 It is evident that his family has a history of smoking, obesity, and HTN, hence high risks of increased cardiovascular problems.

             Medications for the ailment and the appropriateness of this medication follow. The author is also very keen to give additional information on the infection that a person should look out for in case of symptoms and the outcomes of the therapy. This clearly shows that the author is well conversant with the topic under study. The author concludes by giving plan P which entails the recommendations and steps to follow in the case of a new medication.

            However, I am actually concerned with the section on additional information. The author has stated points very briefly, and that may actually be confusing, especially the initials of terms such as UA, EKG, and ECHO among others – a person who knows nothing about hypertension may not comprehend them. I recommend the application of the work by Kunnamo (2005) for an improvement of the fact presentation. The author has, nonetheless, shown great knowledge in the presentation of outcomes of the treatment of hypertension.

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Case Study Critique Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 Words.
“Case Study Critique Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 Words”, n.d.
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