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In the current global world, the knowledge economy characterizes operations in different settings. In line with this, the nursing profession has been at the forefront in using the knowledge, in the field of nursing, to develop solutions that promote quality and safe care in the nursing practice. In effect, this has promoted competency in the field with new knowledge and standards being developed each day. In addition, new technology is also being developed each day with the technology aiming at promoting care and safety in practice. However, nurses need to be provided with current knowledge in their practice in order to use the knowledge to develop solutions that promote the quality of care and safety according to the current standards, which keep on evolving. In doing this, educators in healthcare facilities should provide this information to nurses in order to ensure that nurses are in tune with current standards of care.
Education is crucial in all professions, and not only in nursing. However, additional education separates the level of professionalism in various careers. In this case, the nursing profession requires continuous education of nurses in the profession in order to equip nurses with the knowledge and skills that are important and keep on changing in the contemporary world. In doing this, educating graduate nurses provides the profession with individuals who are aware of standard practice in their line of duty. Nursing career, like any other career, keeps on evolving with new standards of care and quality being developed. In addition, the evolving technology changes the current knowledge in practice, which highlights the importance of educating graduate nurses. Consequently, educating this group of nurses equips them with the knowledge and skills to provide quality care that is safe. Conversely, failure to educate them will be an injustice to the profession as a whole.
In contemporary society, it is evident that a number of graduates are not getting into the careers that they were trained for in colleges and universities. In this case, it has become a norm for graduates to venture into other careers and leave their trained careers. In effect, training them and maintaining the graduates has become a challenge to the nursing profession, and to other professions. The problem is further accentuated by the different backgrounds from which these graduates come, which is based on their experiences. In the nursing profession, it is important for the profession to maintain talent in the form of university graduates in order to satisfy the growing need for nurses and to promote quality care. However, it is important to ensure that the experiences of these graduates, based on their backgrounds, do not act as a hindrance for them to venture into the nursing practice.
Before graduate nurses are certified to venture into practice, it is important for them to train in a healthcare setting in order to be well-equipped for their future nursing careers. In effect, this highlights the importance of establishing simulation education in nursing education institutions. In this case, simulation education is crucial in providing a future nurse with the opportunity to experience working in a hospital setting and equip nurses with skills that will help them manage their roles once they qualify to join the practice. However, simulation education is an expensive venture due to the resources that are required to set up facilities for nursing simulation education. Nonetheless, the benefits accrued from this expensive venture promote the objective of nursing, which is to ensure the provision of quality care that is safe.
A successful solution requires the planning and implementation of a project that achieves the objectives of the solution. While the task of implementing and planning a project may appear to be easy, it is important to highlight that the planning phase requires extra time in order to ensure the success of the project. In effect, the intense and careful planning process requires determination and persistence. Nonetheless, the highlight of the hard work and endless planning is the achievement of a tool that is valuable and will ensure that I achachieveieved the objectives that I had intended to achieve for my targeted population. In this case, the glory attained then overshadows the endless planning, the hard work, and all the time put into planning and implementation since the results benefit the targeted population. On the other hand, it is crucial to point out that the overall objective of promoting the quality of care and safety is also achieved due to the intense planning of the project.
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