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Is It Necessary for Nurses to Have High Education - Essay Example

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Name: Institution: Course: Tutor: Date: Is it necessary for Nurses to have High Education? As the health problems become more complex, health care providers are increasingly being required to equip themselves with relevant knowledge and skills to address these accordingly…
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Is It Necessary for Nurses to Have High Education
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Healthcare is a sensitive field because of its direct impact on the life of an individual. Since nurses deal with the life of individuals, it is essential for them to be equipped with the relevant skills, knowledge and expertise. Indeed, it is necessary for nurses to have higher education. From the point of the level of skills and education, there are four distinct types of nursing. These include licensed practical nursing, registered nursing, bachelor degree nursing and PhD nursing. Also called licensed vocational nurses, licensed practical nurses are supervised by the registered nurses and perform mainly bedside care duties (Perrin 72).

Registered nurses on the other hand perform administrative duties, provide direct patient care and carry out the treatments that are prescribed by the physicians (Mander, 41). Bachelor degree nurses hold degrees in nursing and have a chance to pursue higher education at master or doctorate level. Finally, PhD nurses hold a doctorate philosophy in Nursing and have essential knowledge regarding nursing discipline and clinical research. In most cases, these assume the topmost leadership positions in institutions.

Nurses that are interested in pursuing higher education have the preceding options to further this good. Attaining higher education in nursing is important for various reasons. . This knowledge is requisite for enabling them to work efficiently and with utmost ease. Specifically, it helps them to exercise creative and critical thought especially when dealing with emergency health problems. This is instrumental in enhancing their performance with respect to saving lives and improving the health and general wellbeing of the patients.

Notably, relative skills can only be attained at a higher education level. For this reason, nurses need to further higher education. According to Kelley and Marthaler, the complexity of the concept of hospital care has increased significantly (Kelley and Marthaler, 62). An interview with the Health Department Head of the University of Hawaii ascertains that the health problems that are currently experienced are very complex (Watson 623). Patients are not only sicker but they are also frailer and susceptible to death.

As such, relative institutions have been compelled to employ more sophisticated machinery to handle sensitive cases and help save lives. In this respect, it should be appreciated that technological advances are very dynamic and effective use of technology requires that an individual be well informed about these changes. Relevant knowledge can only be attained through higher education. Therefore, nurses have limited options in this regard; they can only enhance their wellbeing and overall performance through higher education.

This is vital in enabling them to achieve their primary goals with respect to provide quality healthcare. Statistical evidence indicates that most health care institutions are focusing on multidisciplinary care teams (Benner, Sutphen and Day 51). This approach is desirable as it enables the institutions to provide services that are of very high

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