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Hispanic American Diversity - Research Paper Example

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Hispanic American Diversity The United States is known for its multiculturalism as people from Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America, and Australia have settled down in America and these people constitute what America is today. Regarding the ethnicity, the influence of Hispanic or Latino groups is very strong in the land…
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Hispanic American Diversity
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Among the major Hispanic groups, Mexican Americans take the major portion. The other groups, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American, and others have relevant influence in America. These Hispanic or Latino groups, that constitute a major portion among the population of America, are not well considered in the land. This research paper takes a study on Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Cuban, and central/south Americans and analyses the linguistic, political, social, economic, religious and familial problems of these groups in America.

Mexicans: Mexicans are the largest group among the Latino Americans. They contribute about one third of all Hispanic groups: “as of 2002, about 23 percent of Mexican Americans are English dominant, 26 percent are bilingual, and 51 percent are Spanish dominant” (Schaefer, 2006, p. 241). It indicates that Mexicans in America use a different language other than what is commonly spoken in America. Many times the Mexicans are denied of their heritage towards their language- Spanish. The people who speak Spanish are considered to be less able before those who speak English.

This language handicap is there among the people of Mexican Americans. The author, Schaefer in the same book makes out the distinction of Mexicans in terms of language. The students who speak Spanish were separated from the other students and bilingual education started with the hope of changing their native language towards English. The main objective of bilingual education turned to teach English as second language (ESL) among the Spanish spoken students of America in a way paved way for discouraging Spanish and establishing the supremacy of English.

This language barrier affected the Mexicans in other aspects like political, social, religious and economic spheres. In the political realm many Hispanic members are considered to be non citizens and are denied to vote. Jamieson et al. observe that “at the time of the 2000 presidential election, 39 percent of Hispanics of voting age were non-citizens compared with only 22 percent of White non-Hispanics” (Schaefer, 2006, p. 245). This indicates that many of the Hispanic groups are not accepted in America.

They are cut off at many levels. Even though much disparity is there, the political notion and involvement of Mexicans in it are on the move. If the American political scenario is watched carefully it can be understood that Democrats have gained much benefits from the Hispanic groups. It was evident in the election 2000. Schaefer says that in the election 2000, George W. Bush gained only 35 percent of their votes whereas Al Gore could gain 62 percent of the Hispanic vote. Most of the Mexicans are Roman Catholics and they consider much priority for religion whereas in America they face the language problems in religion too.

The Mass in America is enacted mostly in English and these groups are denied to get actively involve with the Holy Mass. In the matters with economic too the Hispanic Americans face hardships. Knowledge of English is considered to be a pre requisite for economic growth. In considering the economic levels of the Mexicans it can be stated that the economic level of Hispanic or Latino people are much lower than that of the non-Hispanic people. As the author states: “over the last twenty years, the proportion of Latinos in poverty has been two or three times that of non-Hispanic Whites”

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