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How Hip Hop Music Came Into Existence - Term Paper Example

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This term paper "How Hip Hop Music Came Into Existence" explores the origin of hip hop music, taking into consideration several aspects involving the problems that the youths passed through that may have been responsible for the emergence of the hip hop music. …
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How Hip Hop Music Came Into Existence
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How Hip Hop Music Came into Existence al Affiliation Introduction Hip hop music is one of the musical genres that have been in existence for several decades. It is important to note that this form of musical genre can be referred to in various ways. Some people may refer to it as rap-music. In addition, others may refer to the musical genre as hip-hop music whereas others can just plainly refer to it as hip hop. It is of crucial significance to note that the musical genre known as hip hop music consists of a stylized rhythmic music that has several characteristics. In connection to the above, it is of crucial significance to note that one of the characteristics of the hip hop music involves the issue of rapping. In this manner, the element of rapping is always very common and is almost predominant in nearly all forms of hip hop music (Katz, 2012). This paper is going to explore the origin of the hip hop music, taking into consideration several aspects involving the problems that the youths passed through that may have been responsible for the emergence of the hip hop music. In addition, the paper is going to explore some of the regions where the music genre of Hip hop music was mostly concentrated in the United States, as well as the reasons that may have influenced the rise of the hip hop music. How hip hop music came into existence The origin of the hip hop music is attributed to early histories relevant to the problems faced by the youth in America. Such youths saw it fit to spell some of the problems that they faced through rapping alongside the music. Other than rapping, it is important to note that the other characteristic of the hip hop music involves several forms of dancing as well as dancing styles. In connection to the above, it is crucial to note that hip hop music is mostly characterized by such forms of dancing including break dancing. These were some of the ways in which the youths employed in expressing their emotions as well as their problems relevant to the social, political as well as economic challenges that they faced in the regions of America (Flores, 2000). Other than the issue of dancing as well as rapping, the other common elements of the hip hop music includes scratching as well as graffiti writing. These are some of the artistic styles that accompany the issue of hip hop music. It is important to note that the origin of these elements is vested in the culture as well as the age brackets of the people mostly involved in the hip hop music. For instance, most youths are always the ones who mostly revere this musical genre called hip hop. It is of crucial significance to acknowledge the fact that sampling as well as beatboxing also forms part of the characteristics of the hip hop music. These are always predominantly evident during rapping. In addition to the above, it is important to note that hip hop music or rapping is also characterized by instrumental tracks, as well as turntablism as some of the common elements of the hip hop culture (Hess, 2007). It is of crucial significance to understand the fact that hip hop culture was created by a generation way back in history as a tool to express the urban woes that bedeviled the lives of the occupants. Some of the common social vices that the hip hop culture as well as the hip hop music mostly targeted to be addressed included the issue of underemployment as well as unemployment in the New York. This was especially felt among the black African Americans who were living in the New York City (Rausch, 2011). These people faced a lot of problems ranging from very low incomes, underemployment as well as total lack of employment amidst other forms of persecutions and oppressions. This informed the quest to device an integrative medium through which they could express their social woes as well as the persistent social vices that bedeviled their peace and compromised their human rights in the region. Other than the issue of underemployment, the Black African Americans in the New York City of the United States of America also underwent the problems of poverty. The issue of poverty was so pronounced in the United States during those periods. However, the most affected were the Black American youths. The issue of poverty was precipitated by several reasons including lack of employment as well as low incomes amongst those who were employed (Conyers, 2000). As a result of this, there was need to have a way for expressing such issues to the public limelight in order for the government to offer solutions to these problems. As such there was the rise of the hip hop culture. The hip hop culture was then expressed through hip hop music as a medium. Relevant to the above, it is of crucial significance to fully understand the origin or the rise of the hip hop music as well as the hip hop culture (Rose, 2008). It is of crucial significance to note that hip hop music has been part and parcel of the lifestyle as well as cultural identity for many youths in the American society. To be specific, the hip hop music has been mostly adored, cherished as well as regarded as part of culture and lifestyle by the African Americans living in the United States of America. It is of crucial significance to note that the music genre of hip hop music has its origins in the United States. This form of musical genre emerged in the nineteenth century. Specifically, the origin of the Hip hop music can be dated back to 1970s. it is important to note that the emergence of hip hop music was based on two main issues. First, this musical genre emerged as an alternative to urban woes as well as problems that most African Americans went through in the United States. Some of these problems included poverty, underemployment as well as social oppressions by the government. Therefore, the emergence of the hip hop music focused on reversing the situations that were faced relevant to the above social vices (Herry, 2012). In this respect, the youths engaged in the hip hop music as a way to raise income in order to help them survive the hard times that were experienced back then. This made the issue of hip hop music to pick up at an alarming speed. As such, the hip hop became a culture, as well as a subculture amongst the youths who were living in the New York City. The music was used to sensitize the public as well as the government on a number of issues affecting the society in general. However, most of the focus concentrated on the plights that bedeviled the society relevant to compromise on their social rights. Other than offering an alternative to the urban woes, it is of crucial significance to acknowledge the fact that the rise of hip hop music followed the need of the African American society to have a medium of expressing their concerns to the public as well as to the government. As a result, the issue of hip hop music evolved and became a culture of the African American society. As has been said earlier, it is important to note that the African Americans went though several forms of problems. However, they did not have the best platforms to express themselves in order for solutions to be accorded to such problems. Due to this reason, the community kept on languishing in abject poverty, facing severe diseases and ailments, as well as unemployment. These problems were mainly encountered by the youths of the African American origin. This follows that the population of the youths was growing at an alarming rate. As such, it was necessary that such youths be engaged in things that could help generate income so as to have good life. But this was not forthcoming and the conditions worsened day by day. This follows the issue of underemployment in the region. As a result, the youth decided to venture into the issue of music as a means to educate the other people, source of entertainment as well as an opportunity to generate some income to aide in facing the present problems that they faced. This saw the emergence of hip hop music in the United States (Katz, 2012). It is of paramount importance to note that hip hop music or just hip hop is a form of musical genre that mostly describes the urban youth culture in the United States of America. The hip hop music originated from a marginalized society in the United States who were faced with the problems of racial discrimination. In this respect, the rise of the hip hop music aimed at rectifying the social messes that were evident following such racial segregations as well as discriminations amongst the society. However, due to the issue of the core factor that the hip hop music concentrated upon, it is important to note that the music has commanded a lot of influence in the American society. The hip hop music has grown to international heights from the urban style of life. In the initial stages, hip hop music was predominantly practiced as well as had influence on the black as well as Latino youths residing in the urban set ups in the United States ( Rajakumar, 2012). But three decades following its inception back in the streets or urban set up of the United States, the influence of hip hop music has been felt in the international scope. Majority of the people have now embraced the hip hop music as well as culture following the nature as well as contents of the music. Some people have found the music very interesting and has made it part and parcel of their lifestyle. Moreover, the rise of the hip hop music has also been influenced by the problems that majority of people still face in the world, across racial as well as ethnic boundaries. The fact that hip hop music mainly sheds light on the social problems as well as shunning the societal injustices has also inform its rise as well as spread in the international spectrum (Price, 2006). In addition to the above, the background of the hip hop music can also inspire many people as they get involved in reflections of the past injustices. Such contribute towards bringing unity amongst those who are still facing such problems, thereby facilitating the rapid rise of the hip hop music across the cultural, ethnic as well as racial lines. It is paramount to highlight the fact that hip hop music or just hip hop had its origins following the movements of block parties in the United States. This was way back in 1970 in the region of Bronx. It is critical to note that block parties comprised of several disc jokers, commonly known as the DJs (Light, 1999). These disc jokers were engaged in playing certain particular songs as well as certain specific music genres. Some of the music genres that were mostly played by these DJs included the punk as well as the soul music. It is significant to note that the origin of the hip hop can also be attributed to the issue above. For instance, during the times when those disk jokers commonly known as the DJs were playing those forms of musical genres, they began to isolate some of the musical elements referred to as the percussive breaks. This technique was mostly used in the United States of America. In connection to his, not only was this technique used in America but also in the Jamaican music. Since the other foreign nations including Jamaica as well as the Caribbean had lots of mastery in this art, the technique found its roots in the American music industry (Green, 2003). However, during those periods, it is important to note that the percussive breaks employed by the disc jokers commonly known as the DJs were generally short. As such, it was necessary to have some people with long term experience in the technique to modify it. This was attributed to the emergence of the hip hop music, sometimes referred to as the hip hop. One of the most experienced DJs who contributed towards modification of the percussive breaks was called DJ Kool Herc. Due to his influence in the hip hop industry, this person was termed the founding father of hip hop music. DJ Kool Herc employed the use of two turntables in order to ensure absolute extension of the percussive breaks (Rabaka, 2011). This gave rise to the hip hop music in the year 1970s. It is of crucial significance to note that the issue of turntablist technique presented the opportunities for other elements of the hip hop music to be incorporated in the hip hop. For instance, turn tabling techniques comprising of beat mixing, beat juggling as well as beat matching and scratching led to creation of a base that allowed for the opportunity for rapping. This is a common characteristic of the hip hop music. In spite of the above, it is of crucial significance to note that the origin of the hip hop music may also be influenced by the disco music. However, it is also important to note that the backlash of the same disco music may have also contributed a lot towards the emergence of the hip hop music. It is important to note that the early days of hip hop music was greatly characterized by increased incidences of divisions that existed between and amongst the fans and detractors of the so called disco music. This presented a good chance for the proliferation or the emergence of the hip hop music in those periods. In connection to the above, it is of crucial significance to highlight the fact that during those periods, hip hop emerged as a direct response to the situations experienced. Hip hop emerged as a direct response to the divisions that existed between the fans as well as the distracters of the disco music. This was one of the ways in which the issue of disco music paved way for the rise of hip hop music in the early days of the nineteenth century (Suddreth, 2009). Conclusion In conclusion, it is of crucial significance to note that hip hop as a culture and music has gained international recognition and reverence. Hip hop music has been perceived one of the tools for championing the rights of people in the society, especially the oppressed as well as the discriminated upon individuals. Amongst the teens, the rise of hip hop music has been greatly welcome. The culture of the hip hop commands a very strong base amongst the youths as well as the teenagers within the urban as well as inner city regions. Hip hop music is a source of inspiration to many. In addition, it is of critical significance to underscore the fact that the hip hop music is considered one of the best music genres focusing on the real life experiences, including the problems facing the community in general. Bibliographies Hess, M. (n.d.). Hip hop in America: A regional guide. Santa Barbara, Calif: Greenwood Press. Price, E. G. (2006). Hip hop culture. Santa Barbara, Calif: ABC-CLIO. Rausch, A. J. (2011). I am hip-hop: Conversations on the music and culture. Lanham, Md: Scarecrow Press. Conyers, J. J. L. (2000). African American Jazz and Rap: Social and Philosophical Examinations of Black Expressive Behavior. Jefferson: McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers. Flores, J. (2000). From bomba to hip-hop: Puerto Rican culture and Latino identity. New York [u.a.: Columbia Univ. Press. Rose, T. (2008). The hip hop wars: What we talk about when we talk about hip hop--and why it matters. New York: BasicCivitas. Hess, M. (2007). Icons of hip hop: An encyclopedia of the movement, music, and culture. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press. Katz, M. (2012). Groove music: The art and culture of the hip-hop DJ. In Charry, E. S. (2012). Hip hop Africa: New African music in a globalizing world. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. Hess, M. (2007). Is hip hop dead?: The past, present, and future of Americas most wanted music. Westport, Conn: Praeger. Rabaka, R. (2011). Hip hops inheritance: From the Harlem renaissance to the hip hop feminist movement. Lanham, Md: Lexington Books. Hazzard-Donald, K. 1996. “Dance in Hip Hop Culture.” In Dropping Science: Critical  Essays on Rap Music and Hip Hop Culture. E. Perkins, ed. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. George, N. 1998. Hip Hop America. New York: Viking Penguin. Suddreth, Courtney B. (2009). Hip-hop dress and identity: a qualitative study of music, materialism, and meaning. Suddreth, C. B., & NC Digital Online Collection of Knowledge and Scholarship (NCDOCKS). (2009). Hip-hop dress and identity: A qualitative study of music, materialism, and meaning. Greensboro, N.C: University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Light, A. (1999). The Vibe history of hip hop. New York: Three Rivers Press. Rajakumar, M. (2012). Hip hop dance. Santa Barbara, Calif: Greenwood. Green, J. (2003). Rap and hip hop. San Diego: Greenhaven Press. Hess, M. (2010). Hip hop in America: A regional guide. Santa Barbara, Calif: Greenwood Press. Read More
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