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Assistant to the President - Essay Example

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Part-time positions, whether related to the students’ major or not, are beneficial to college students. For instance, students who participate in…
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Assistant to the President
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Finally, part-time employment shapes the students career choices, enabling them to identify their limitations in terms of education and training, and the need for further improvements, which increases their future labor market prospects. The Assistant to the President part-time position is a unique opportunity for ambitious and focused college students who would like to increase their visibility in the labor market. In this paper, I will demonstrate why I believe that this position is timely and significant for my academic progress, career development and professional growth.

I find the position of the assistance to the president very interesting in a number of ways. Firstly, this position would enable me to utilize my planning skills in assisting the president to plan and implement the “corporate giving” program. Secondly, I believe that working 10 to 15 hours a week will improve my GPA’s significantly. Thirdly, given the kind of training and experience I possess, I believe that the pay rate of 12 to 15 dollars per hour is quite attractive and appropriate to me.

Fourthly, the flexibility of the position, with opportunities to work from home, will enable me to manage and utilize my time effectively. Fifthly, this position has attractive benefit packages, such as occasional use of corporate vehicle acceptable millage rate for use of personal vehicle. Based on these factors, I believe that this position is quite attractive and worth of my consideration. The assistant to the president position is very important for my career progress and growth. Firstly, this opportunity will serve as my entry position to the corporate team of the corporation.

Secondly, the position has a promise of career advancement with increased responsibilities such as keeping track of applicants for funds, interviewing applicants at their place of work

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“Assistant to the President Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 Words”, n.d.
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