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National Sovereignty and Democracy vs Humanitarian Intervention - Essay Example

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The paper “National Sovereignty and Democracy vs Humanitarian Intervention” explains that after the cold war, a new phenomenon was born which gave the right to the powerful ones to intervene in the internal state of a country for the saving lives through government fall or civil breakdown…
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National Sovereignty and Democracy vs Humanitarian Intervention
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Why have armies so seldom intervened in the politics of European countries in recent years? Why have armies so seldomintervened in the politics of European countries in recent years? Why have they so often intervened in the politics of countries in sub-Saharan Africa? After the cold war ended, a new term by the name “Humanitarian Intervention” was born which gave right to the powerful ones to intervene in internal state of a country for the purpose of saving lives through government fall or civil breakdown. The direct influencers of this theory are Somalia and Iraq, while Bosnia, Libya, Liberia, Sudan and Haiti have also been affected (ALONSO, 2011). In the prospect of pursing these objectives, national sovereignty and democracy has also been the obstacles for humanitarian intervention. Humanitarian intervention challenges principles of sovereignty made 300 years back with the Treaty of Westphalia that set an example for modern Europe ending a century of destruction and war. Under this treaty, highest authority belonged to the ruler and no appeal for justice could be made after the ruler’s verdict. The religion or principles of the ruler had to be followed by the subjects, Pope in the case of medieval Europe. This rule proved its worth in putting an end to confessional wars and each state was given the right to all internal affairs without interference. The negative aspect of this treaty was the formations of dictator governments on the name of sovereignty where all power vested in the hands of government officials or in majority cases just one person. This category of dictatorship was practiced in 19th century by leaders such as Bismarck, Emmanuel Victor and Garibaldi and others (STEPAN, 2012). Among all regulations one right was given to the ruler to call for war. This sovereignty right was only given to powerful European nations and was never extended to areas and places outside Europe. This power of declaring war within nations lay under the hands of governments. None had the right to speak and interfere when a European leader declares war and conquers parts of African or Asian territories for the sake of civilization, humanitarian or modernism. In the 19th century the concept of nations states spread and with it the idea of national sovereignty extended to other territories (ALONSO, 2011). Back in the 20th century, the Nazi regime in Germany raised a number of challenges and questions to the belief of nation’s sovereignty. With the principle of non-interference nations allowed Nazis to practice their activities that became the cause of genocides and massive killings with destructions. It was only when the Nazis threatened Europe’s domination; forces within Europe stood up to defend the cause. The debates on recent intervention in Bosnia and Iraq raise the same question that the rulers have the right to impose regulations on their subjects without any interference. After two world wars of destruction and worst conditions for the cities of Europe UN was made to protect interference issues and help save nations sovereignty. UN has been unsuccessful in solving a number of issues within Europe (Cold War) and outside Europe (Palestine, Kashmir, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Iraq and Bosnia) but a number of new declarations and such instruments have been made to put in practice. From this time, 1945 onwards, human rights were made the agenda of saving nations from military intervention and wars. Human rights protection was made the rule to create check and balance on arbitrary power (ALONSO, 2011). Intervention in Europe Human Intervention can be of three forms; interference on the name of relief aid, economic or military sanctions and direct interference of military forces (STEPAN, 2012). Intervention through relief aid is rarely practices and is the weakest form of intervention witnessed to date. This type of intervention had been used in European States to grant money to elites and strengthen favoring governments. Sub-Saharan, African and other recipients of US and European aid that in one way or influences interference are Liberia, Ethiopia, Sudan, Kenya, Somalia and Pakistan. Interference of European states in issues of these states is prominent, whereas years of aid have not been successfully promoted stability and development in long-terms (ALONSO, 2011). Moreover aid in certain areas have aided in imposing war and destruction. Food aids in Africa have fed war in every region it has touched. Poor suffered when governments used aid only for armies and defense rather than helping civilians. US and European states are accused of knowing all these matters but providing aid to increase conflicts (STEPAN, 2012). Not all aid programs can be accused of interference. Operation Lifeline (1989)1 successfully saved Sudan from the worst drought and famine in history. Sanctions in Sudan (1993) proved worthy in pressurizing the government and they worked for the rural areas. However, in most cases these sanctions are bought too late, never given space to work or at times imposed too late or broken. In many cases sanctions add to human suffering (STEPAN, 2012). Sanctions are helpful in cases such as Somalia, where there is no form of central government and pressurizing encourages political settlements between the two conflicting parties. The tragedy with Yugoslavia is not empowering internal peace keeping forces on international grounds. International forces including the European forces didn’t have the ground to solve this issue due to sovereignty laws (STEPAN, 2012). UN peace keeping forces are not considered under interference forces because 160 nations hold their right in it. To be precise, UN protects NATO countries from each other from any military intervention from outside. Somehow this theory favors the powerful European states of today (STEPAN, 2012). Military Intervention: People who seek refuge in case of military intervention cause problems afterwards. The non-acceptance showed by Turkey by not letting Kurdish soldiers to enter the state created problems at the boarder which finally called for a military intervention in Iraq. Diplomacy of such type may prove to be beneficial for a short-span of time, but in the long-run it ends up with lives of civilians (Ford, 2012). Before any intervention in Africa, Europe or elsewhere, there should be thorough and accurate understanding of humanitarian needs. African crisis have been exaggerated and over-estimated by relief agencies and media to gain benefit. In Ethiopia (1984-1986)2 media predicted death toll to be above 5 million, while demographic figures after the catastrophe noted that around 50,000 were dead in the tragedy. Due to such factors African crisis has always been miss-understood (Ford, 2012). To build a response resource or force, it’s compulsory to accurately calibrate the emergency situation. Media reported that in 1992 2 million Somalia’s faced death due to starvation. This news feed urgent need for military action and massive aid program. Aid programs helped Somalia to counter famine in the early stages but failed to provide Somalia an appropriate plan that will prevent such disasters in future (Ford, 2012). Only a few military forces have had successful campaigns as military is not equipped to plan and overcome massive disasters, instead they are made to fight and win quick wars. Two such cases where military built successfully counterinsurgency campaign was French campaign in Morocco by 1910-1924 and British forces in Malaya (1950—1956). These two campaigns made a military strategy that favored economic, political and civil conditions of the two countries and gave a plan to save future. In these two cases causalities had been very high (Ford, 2012). Even if the military interventions proved to be justified, certain rules, facts, accountability and human rights should govern the forces and must be respected. The powerful nations in Europe should understand that military intervention cannot resolve all issues and crisis of the world (Ford, 2012). It’s easy to call marines for help in seemingly destructive conditions, but the after-effects of such interventions are not always welcoming. European Union has been successfully able to prevent war within its partnering states, but not governed states in the prevention of global law and order (Ford, 2012). Intervention in Africa During 1960-1990’s there has been a state of panic with 90 government changes in 48 Sub-Saharan countries. During these four decades these countries has witnessed worst conditions of war, conflict and strikes. 18 countries faced armed rebellious forces, 11 faced worst political environment and 19 witnessed varying state of mild political conditions (, 2012). Nearly 50 years have passed since the African countries gained independence from French and British force. From then till now African countries have never witnessed a state of political instability. Forces that have destabilized nations are racism, poverty, hunger, violence, civil disorder and disobedience movements and interventions. Government sector in these countries are budgeted by foreign aid. African leaders due to the legacy of their history are cautious of increasing military role in the country (, 2012). U.S. and European states view Africa as an insignificant security threat. No state in Africa gives any threat to any other nation’s interests. International Corporation is needed in the fight of African States against Narcotics (, 2012). U.S. Interests US interests in this region were during the Cold War because strategically Africa was used to pressurize Middle East and USSR. Cold War bought back strategic importance to Middle Eastern states, defense treaties were signed by them and strategic importance of Africa and US’s interests in the region died. Due to lack of strategic ties with other countries, poverty, employment and humanitarian needs are the core issue of African states. This in no way reduces the historical and economic importance of African states (, 2012). Scoundrel States Africa has had additional than its divide of scoundrel states, but the scalawags have usually not created serious, straight intimidation to U.S. safety. Libya have be an exemption, with its amalgamation of prop up for violence, chemical arms program, and martial interference in adjacent states, but as those behavior have reduced in current years, the risk has degenerated. At near, ongoing support of radical associations and activities by the Sudan government and extended of international trafficking in drugs through the incompetence or responsibility of the Nigerian regime comprise the only pressure to U.S. security. Further generally, the essential and lasting interest of the United States lies in containing rogues so they will not upset the development of neighboring states efforts to chase policies more in line with those of the center (, 2012). Evolution states require support to be sure they get on (or hang about on) the right pathway. They need compact, exhaustive, and reliable consideration by the international group of people working in performance to minimize contrary divergence and to stop the appearance of new unsuccessful states, which would merely undermine their district neighbors (, 1997). Eliminating Failures Instantaneous, mid-, and long-term labors to encourage steadiness and security on the African continent are needed to end the widespread violence that frustrates progress, creates setting ripe for humanitarian adversity, and every so often leads to novel failed states, argument, considered and natural, is the foremost enemy of following, social, and economic advancement and vestiges widespread in Africa. Africans admit this and crave to put a conclusion to it, up till now there is no conclusion in sight. Undeniably, for many African states, accomplish refuge and permanence remains the top rule concern, captivating priority over all other objectives. The county badly needs international help in this attempt (Ford, 2012). Africa nowadays is in a condition of lofty uproar. Strategic, opinionated, financial, and civilized trends diagonally the continent differ; more calamity, more detonation and implosions, and thus far new chances will undoubtedly take place as proceedings flow in random and now and then wonderful ways. On behalf of now, even though there are hopeful signs, it is moreover early to maintain that Africa is definitely and finally accepting Western hub values and establishment. In some countries, the endorsement of democratic put into practice and monetary reform leading to new development are obvious; in others, democratic system in addition to economic restructuring insulate. As yet, here are no key political and economic trends across the continent (dmfp publications, 2012). Solitary of the main local rascal in Africa, Mobutus Zaire was removed from power in 1997, and there is trust that the innovative regime can twist the new Democratic Republic of Congo onto a correct path as a shift state. Nigeria and its anti-democratic performance, human rights cruelty, and financial system in crumple from corruption and misconduct, is at a standstill a possible scoundrel, nevertheless the presidential election and revisit to civilian government intended to happen in 1998 may put it on the path to democratic state and economic recuperation (, 2003). South Africa is jointly a state in change and the essential state in southern Africa. The usually peaceful conversion to a post-apartheid age has been elevating, and a moderately flat changeover to a post-Mandela era is predictable, in ill feeling of apprehension about possible rift in the civil check and security military. The economy ruins in the dejection, with casing foreign asset, making it tricky for the regime to transport on promises to increase societal services to the destitute sector of the social order. The subject of the wealth could show volatile in the after that nationwide elections. Offense, particularly familial and global narcotics trafficking, has full-grown to intimidating height. In general, though South Africa remnants a major achievement story (CEPA, 2012). Additional significant conversion states in Africa are Angola, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo, for a period of time these states were witnessed to move away from war and destruction to the age of stability by peace. Kenya will soon be a peaceful state only if its rulers accept the urgency to liberalize and democratize in place of civil and internal conflicts (DRUCKER, 1961). Aide-Memoire, Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) relates conflicts in Africa with the ongoing civil war and military action. This catastrophe kills 1000 in battle field and civilians alike. In Africa, if an incident causes 950 deaths, then the conflict is not categorized as conflict but something different, more prone towards hostility.i If two military parties are not equal in military power and the power of bureaucracy, the conflict will not be considered civil war. For example the rebel moments in Congo contradicting with the blue helmet forces of UN. At the end of my report I will raise the issue of conflicts in Africa for the purpose of bringing attention to the issue so that immediate work is carried out in this respect. We cannot ignore conflicts within Africa by declaring them civil wars as described by AideMemoire. Civil wars are only one type of conflict present in Africa today. A general definition of conflicts is required for the African states which takes into account overall conditions of the countries and relies on merging multiple view points to have a clear idea. Writers, researchers and peacemakers should define conflict in Africa as a wider term which engulfs all sorts of violence, conflicts, disobedience movements and rebellions and civil wars (BROOKER, 2000). References: ALONSO, S., KEANE, J., MERKEL, W., & FOTOU, M. (2011). The Future of Representative Democracy. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. BROOKER, P. (2000). Non-democratic regimes: theory, government, and politics. New York, St. Martins Press. STEPAN, A. C., CHALMERS, D. A., & MAINWARING, S. (2012). Problems confronting contemporary democracies essays in honor of Alfred Stepan. Notre Dame, IN, University of Notre Dame Press. DRUCKER, P. F., DANTONIO, W. V., & EHRLICH, H. J. (1961). Power and democracy in America. [Notre Dame, Ind.], University of Notre Dame Press. (2012) CEPA: CED (U.S.-Central Europe Strategy Forum Dinner Keynote Speech: The United States and Central and Eastern Europe in the 21st Century: Promoting Democracy, Security or Both?). [online] Available at: [Accessed: 14 Nov 2012]. Ford, J. (2012) Democracy and Change: What are the Prospects for an “African Spring?” | African Futures. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 14 Nov 2012]. dmfp publications (2012) African Conflicts: Their Causes and Their Political and Social Environment . [online] Available at: [Accessed: 14 Nov 2012]. (2009) PRISM 3, no. 1: Sub-Saharan African Military and Development Activities. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 14 Nov 2012]. (1997) Sub-Saharan Africa. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 14 Nov 2012]. (n.d.) United Nations. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 14 Nov 2012]. Read More
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