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Cake is a form of art - Research Paper Example

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In modern days, baking a cake is more than just mixing the basic cake ingredients, setting the oven temperature, greasing the baking tin, and pouring the mixture inside the tin before placing it…
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Cake is a form of art
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After discussing the different types of cake designs that are readily available in the market, valid reasons why cake designing is considered as an edible art will be provided in details. The modern confetti cakes we can find in the market is made out of different shapes including shoes, bags, purses, a wine bottle in a crate, cameras, sports equipment, multi-tiered cups among others. A cake design can also be inspired by a comic book art wherein the different comic icons such as superman, batman, or Doctor Manhattan’s logo can be used as the main theme of cake design (The Weekly-Crisis).

Mainly used for children’s birthday party, a cake design can be inspired by specific cartoon character such as the shape of Bumblebee or Optimus Prime’s head (ibid). In other words, the list of possible cake designs is endless depending on the theme the cake decorator would dream of sculpting. Cake decorating styles can be inspired by different cultures. Specifically in Europe, Victorian style which is characterized by multi-tier styled cakes with pillars of flowers are used in wedding ceremonies whereas the Lambeth style which is characterized by layers of icings applied on the cake is often used in countries like North America and New Zealand (Gitundu).

In some cases, cake designing can also be inspired by Islamic or the 18th century (You Tube). Designing a cake has always been considered as an art because of the fact that cake designing requires good mix-and-match of colors, developing a strong cake designing concept, precision in making details in cake designs, and pipework (Garrett, Needham and Mathews, p. 9). Cake designing highly depends on the cake designer or the customers’ preferred motifs. In fact, most of the famous cake designers have strong background in fine arts in order to get the execution technique right (You Tube).

In making different fun cake designs,

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