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Violent Video Games - Essay Example

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The paper "Violent Video Games" highlights that the effects of violent video games and exposure to violence in media significantly affect children. There is a need to research the products in-depth and analyze the changes that occur in children’s behavior after getting exposed to media violence…
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Violent Video Games
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The causes of increased violent exposure include early exposure to these violent behaviors which further leads to their fascination with such instances. Children adopt behaviors and are psychologically affected by their surroundings. Anderson and Bushman (2001), provide a better understanding of such effects on viewers. Their scientific research states that “Violent media increase aggression by teaching observers how to aggress, by priming aggressive cognitions (including previously learned aggressive scripts and aggressive perceptual schemata), by increasing arousal, or by creating an aggressive affective state.”

Violent video games are not only affecting the social, psychological, and physical well-being of children but are also affecting their activities including education, family relationships, and interacting abilities. In this regard, Lynch et al. (2004), provide studies that “show a fairly consistent negative correlation between recreational video game play and grades.” Children, who are naturally aggressive without any external factor increasing this aggression, are more likely to be affected by such video games. A correlational study conducted by Anderson and Dill (2000) concludes that the relationship between violent video games and aggression is more likely devastating for children having aggressive behavior or showing negative behaviors in their early life.
The main result of the study by Baldacci, Pasold, Baumgardner, & Funk (2004) proposed that media exposure directly relates to the desensitization of children from violence. It also leads to lower empathy when it comes to real-life violence. The more a child is exposed to violence in media or video games the more he is desensitized to his surroundings. Similarly, it was also found through the study that the children's empathy level was significantly lowered with the increased exposure to media and games. Read More
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