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Component-Based Development in Systems Integration - Research Paper Example

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The paper "Component-Based Development in Systems Integration" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in component-based development in systems integration. Recently, industries and organizations are looking to encourage growth and development with the help of industrialization…
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Component-Based Development in Systems Integration
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Component Based Development in Systems Integration Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 Introduction 3 Architectures and Methodologies for Systems Integration 4 Particularities of Systems Integration 4 Integration Architectures 5 Integration Technologies 7 Integration Frameworks 7 Component Based Development 8 Component Based Architectures 8 Component Technologies 10 Component Frameworks 10 Component Based Development in Systems Integration 11 State of Science 11 Matching Component Frameworks to Integration Frameworks 12 Effects on the Particularities of Systems Integration 13 Arising Challenges 13 Conclusion 15 References 16 Bibliography 19 Introduction In the present scenario of globalization, industry and organizations are looking to encourage grow and develop with the help industrialization. Industrialization is defined as a method for disseminating industries within a set up of an economy, in section of handicraft, agriculture, and also small trade. In terms of goods and services industrialization is an implementation of highly productive and standardized method to facilitate increase in efficiency and reduction in cost. Industrialization is a very important step for technological advancement, economic growth, and also increase of wealth. Industrial production process has a benefit as it can allow a production of multiplicity of goods in an adequate amount and also quality. Standardization and specialization are two advanced levels of industrialization. This process enables reuse, automation of menial and rote tasks. The creative tasks such as product design which cannot be standardized are performed by highly skilled and competent workers. The industrialization follows a principle of standardization, standardization and systematic reuse, and automation. Software development is a process which is slow as well as expensive in nature. Industrialization helps to increase quality and efficiency and also to reduce cost by the implementation of highly productive and standardized methods. Objective of a software development focuses on areas such as quality, time, quantity, and cost. Therefore, application of industrial methods can help to increase productivity, quality, and complexity of software products and reduce production time and cost. Systems integration deals with taking necessary steps to integrate information technology system from a given level of integration to a greater one. It is incorporated by merging distinct entities into a single cohesive entity and including them in an already existing system. The component based development also follows a method of system integration. It was one of the pioneering and first ideas of using industrial principle. Present component based system development is the second key concept related to industrialization. Some of the main component based standards produced in present industrial set up includes Sun’s Java Platform Enterprise Edition (Java EE), Corba Component Model (CCM), and also Microsoft’s Distributed Component Object Model and .NET framework. In present information technology systems a generally accepted and also industrialized production related principle has turned out be necessary. Component based development approach is a part of such industrialization and system integration (Minich, “Software Industrialization in Systems Integration”). Architectures and Methodologies for Systems Integration Particularities of Systems Integration Software development is a process which occurs in a wide spectrum of areas. System integration can be stated as a process of moving an information technology system from an existing degree on to a higher degree. Merging of distinct entities into a cohesive single entity and integrating these into an already present system enables system integration. Information technology has a huge demand for flexibility and faster adoption of system, and business requirements. Integration process is separated in to data integration and application integration. Data integration focuses on the part of integration of various data related sources with the help of data consolidation, and also data warehousing. Application integration incorporates various combinations of separate software systems which work as a support to various systems. It is known as Enterprise Application Integration (EAI). System integration has with it several particularities. This distinguishes system integration from stand alone and conventional software development. System integration exchanges and communicates data along with number of different systems. System integration process generally challenges multiple technology combinations to integrate different systems. It also has three dimensions related to integration like actual workflow, strategic business process, and technical implementations. Each dimension has there own separate particularities like in case of business process dimension, lack of adequate knowledge related to a particular integration may prevent enterprises from selecting an optimal direction. In workflow dimension, business process workflow implementation in an ad hoc manner can lead to suboptimal degree of integration. And in technical dimensions, heterogeneity is a major part of system integration. Underlying technologies has to be aligned depending on data representation, functionality, and differences. Integration with legacy application poses additional challenges. Redundancy of data is also a crucial part of integration because in an integrated environment it may become very difficult otherwise (Minich, “An organizational approach to industrialized systems integration”). Integration Architectures Integration architecture is of various types like Point-to-Pont, Hub-and-Spoke, Pipeline, and SOA. System architecture is a backbone for an intricate computer system design. The architecture covers all of the software related essentials or elements, the relation between the elements and user interfaces part of that elements. System performance and reliability are greatly dependent on architecture. In point to point architecture, the solutions are generally efficient and fast. The efficiency comes from the architecture being bound tightly together. It is the original architecture which supports systems integration. The architecture is named point to point because it is connected and is tightly bound. It is also the simplest of system integration architectures. It has some disadvantages also complexity is much greater because of increase in number of connections. This makes it less flexible and increases maintenance cost. Hub and spoke architecture is the earliest recognized integration related technology. Its principle is that all the information approaching from an application must be processed in a single machine called hub. Hub deals with message processing by routing, combining, splitting and mapping messages. This architecture enables centralized control and definition of business processes as it doesn’t require data mapping. It is less complex because all the connections are to and from a hub. Distributed architecture is also called peer to peer architecture. It has an agent computer which is connected to one system and works to reduce processing load of that system. It increases processing efficiency by the distribution of workload. Growth of this architecture is also easier. CORBA, Microsoft’s COM (Common Object Model), Java RMI (Remote Method Invocation) is examples of users of this architecture. Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a modern and latest approach. It is an enhanced version of already existing distributed architecture. It uses loosely coupled software related services in order to support business process requirements. SOA architecture in present is created upon the concept of Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) (OBrien, “Integration Architecture Explained”). Integration Technologies Integration technologies include Message Broker, Enterprise Service Bus, Transaction Process Monitor, Web Services, and Component Based Middleware. Integration technology basically supports transfer of data across diverse subsystems. This procedure comprises of file transfer protocol, remote procedure call, and document protocol. Some kind of integration technology is necessary as it ensures overall system integration. Integration technology is accomplished by interaction protocol, process to process communication by well defined functional interfaces, and also by automatic data transfer, and common database structure for varying applications (United Nations University, “Knowledge facets for systems integration and information technology development”). Integration Frameworks Integration framework facilitates the integration of different applications and also data across the unmitigated enterprise. It helps to maximize an agency’s capability to guard its ingredients and also help to improve operational related efficiency. Elements related to integration framework comprises of business process and information modeling, regional data repository, middleware services like security services, identification services, terminology services, address resolution. Integration framework facilitates critical information at different pints in a process to be shared securely, quickly, and also automatically. It helps in eliminating data redundancy. It helps in improvement of decision making, increase in operational efficiency, and also in central representation related to common services and scalable infrastructure in support of future information technology investments (Motorola, “Integration Framework”). Component Based Development Component Based Architectures A component comprises of software related objects which are meant to interrelate with other components by encapsulating certain functions or a collection of functionalities. A component has got an evidently defined interface and it conforms to the approved behavior which is common to each component within the spectrum of the architecture. A component based model is generally used for the purpose of development and execution of different components (Petritsch, “Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) vs. Component Based Architecture”). The component based architecture is a layered and modular architecture. The layered system is created by application family engineering process. A layer of related application system is at the top. Beneath the application layer, are components reusable only layer. This includes business or application area like microwave instrument, banking system. These components are usable in quite a few of applications. The third layer comprises of cross business middleware components. This includes common software and interfaces like graphic user interfaces. The lowest layer related to system software comprises of interfaces to various hardware like an operating system which creates and interface to a computer (Griss, “Architecting for Large-Scale Systematic Component Reuse”). Component Technologies Component technology examples are CORBA Component Model, COM+, EJBs, and Web Services. The main concepts behind these are like system such as in case of CORBA it provided a C mapping initially and developed to C++ language mapping with Java language. This helped in developing heterogeneous distributed applications. CORBA utilizes Java language mapping but did not provide solution for web related usage. This called for development of HTTP, EJB (Enterprise Java Beans) and web services. Writing a CORBA application is quite difficult. Instead EJBs made it quite simpler. Due to some drawbacks of CORBA component model and need for middleware in e-commerce gave rise HTML, HTTP, and also CGI (Henning, “The Rise and Fall of CORBA”). Component Frameworks Component framework works in the middleware layer to enable reliable and robust operation, extension, up gradation, and also component trading. Some features of component framework include infrastructure, installation, binding, communication, discovery, and announcement of capabilities. Components and also applications are developed by using component framework. The different framework related to it includes .NET and COM support programming language independent development related to a component. Enterprise java beans (EJB) supports independent platform. Component framework also relates to language independence, platform independence, and also analysis support (Leclercq. & Et. Al. “DREAM: A Component Framework for Constructing Resource-Aware, Configurable Middleware”). Component Based Development in Systems Integration State of Science Component based development is a relatively new paradigm related to software construction. The success factors associated with includes the existence of a sufficient component repository, and also the placement of various components within the provided context of patterns, architectures, and structures. Traditionally, the information systems related development was based upon large work groups and also long periods of times. This resulted in uninvited chronological and economical scenarios. This disrupted the competitiveness of organizations. The most demanding challenge in development of software system is to build systems in a shorter period with relatively less lapse of time, lower cost and also in a complex environment. The component based development is in this regard is more flexible and also adaptable option in terms of new product development. In present day scenario a large number of component development technologies are present like CORBA, EJB, DCOM, .NET. The component based system helps to improve development and integration process by improving quality, productivity, and by reuse process (González & Torres, “Issues in Component-Based Development: Towards Specification with ADLs”). For component based development, certain requirements like platform independent protocol like XML, formalized and also enhanced meta - data within a component, deferred encapsulation must be met. In terms of common problems associated with system integration, a combination of system integration and component based architecture framework is absolutely necessary (Minich. & Et. Al., “Software Industrialization in Systems Integration”). Web services also require a legacy application organizational structure to support a new paradigm. Through the use of component based system web services have been able to develop mortgage, telecommunications, government, financial services projects (Martin. & Et. Al. “Web Services Promises and Compromises”). Matching Component Frameworks to Integration Frameworks In component based development various component models for distributed system, services component, GUI component, domain component matches with various integration concepts like pipeline based message brokers. Service component architecture is used by renowned software related vendors like Oracle and IBM. This architecture has the ability to integrate legacy service components by using technologies like web services, EJB, JCA, RMI, CORBA, and RPC. This component provides a reusable ability in programming style. Graphical User Interface (GUI) provides services such as computational capabilities, internet browser access to data stores. GUI components are prepared by matching or integrating Application programmer interface (APIs). Components such as COM, DCOM, COM +, CORBA, JavaBeans, Enterprise JavaBeans are integrated by GUI paradigms (Grechanik. & Et. Al. “Integrating and Reusing GUI Driven applications”). Effects on the Particularities of Systems Integration Component based development gives rise to systematic reuse. It also helps to reduce development cost, and also helps to lower integration barriers. Interface or proxy components within integration architecture help to reduce complexity. Wrapper components provide necessary scope to integrate legacy applications. Component based development along with system integration requires a specific level of framework or architecture which helps to provide the basis of software products. A legacy system mainly doesn’t offer flexibility, so it becomes hard to replace an existing legacy application. Systematic reuse and standardization are parts of component based development (CBD). It provides an approach for exchanging and systematic reuse of the artifacts related to software. A software related component can be independently utilized as well as composed to different applications. In terms of component based models there are Microsoft .Net, Java Platform Enterprise Edition, and CORBA Component model. Component based development has effected system integration much easier and has contributed to development of software with much more flexibility and with faster transition capability (Minich, “Software Industrialization in Systems Integration”). Arising Challenges Component based development process of software is a challenging task. The various risks that may arise in various segment like component features, versioning, unit testing, tools and methodologies, in new personnel, quality, certification, and authentication. Customer segment is also crucial in order to achieve success in preparation of a software component. Meeting their requirement is a challenging task. Quality issue is also very important to satisfy consumers. In terms of application management identification, finding a suitable assembler is a challenge. Also identifying projects for the component based software development is also a crucial task and poses a definite challenge to the companies. This component based development has been gained prominence through industrial revolution of software. There are various different challenges which are present because of uncertainties in leveraging existing legacy related codes and also the inability in finding needed components for development creates serious challenges for the construction of solutions related to components (Vitharana, “Risks And Challenges Of Component-Based Software Development”). Technological domain helps in integration of information and communication related infrastructure. Therefore, technological changes can drive integration decision on different dimensions. It also helps in eliminating data redundancy. Heterogeneity is also part of system integration it also along with legacy application are major challenges part of integration process. Conclusion System integration, by using component based development, helps in modern day software development. In the present context, when there is genuine increase in complexity as well as size of information technology system, then component based software development can provide much needed relief for companies’ engaged in this development process. Component based development with system integration also supports the information technology system to adapt as well as interconnect supports for new as well as changing business requirements. Therefore, in this global era, software development can gain tremendous benefit by using the system integration mechanism in software development. References Griss, M. L. “Architecting for Large-Scale Systematic Component Reuse”. July 07, 2010. HP Labs. Grechanik. & Et. Al. “Integrating and Reusing GUI Driven applications”. July 07, 2010. University of Texas at Austin, 2002. González, R. & Torres, M., No Date. “Issues in Component-Based Development: Towards Specification with ADLs”. July 07, 2010. Systemics, Cybernetics And Informatics. Henning, M. The Rise and Fall of CORBA ACM QUEUE, 2006. Leclercq. & Et. Al. “DREAM: A Component Framework for Constructing Resource-Aware, Configurable Middleware”. July 07, 2010. IEEE Distributed Systems Online, 2005. Minich, M. Industrialization. Software Industrialization in systems integration, No Date. Minich, M. Systems Integration. An organizational approach to industrialized systems integration, No Date. Minich. & Et. Al., “Software Industrialization in Systems Integration”. July 07, 2010. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2009. Martin. J. & Et. Al. “Web Services Promises and Compromises”. July 07, 2010. Acmqueue, 2003. Motorola, 2001. “Integration Framework” July 07, 2010. Motorola Integrated solutions division. OBrien, R. “Integration Architecture Explained”. July 07, 2010. Hubpages, 2010. Petritsch, H., No Date. “Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) vs. Component Based Architecture”. July 07, 2010. Helmut Petritsch & Familie. United Nations University, No Date. “Knowledge facets for systems integration and information technology development”. July 07, 2010. Unupbooks. Vitharana, P. Risks and Challenges Of Component-Based Software Development Communications Of The ACM, 2003. Bibliography Price, M. W. & Et. Al. Producing Reusable Object-Oriented Components: A Domain-and-Organization-Specific Perspective Association for Computing Machinery, 2001. Read More
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