In regards to mathematical probability of the failure or success of the system, physical security modelling demands that any given component of the physical security, the relative properties of detection, delay and response mix to create a general relative risk value for the security system (Alach, 2007). Consideration of issues related to developing an appropriate physical security should first be addressed after analysis of the nature of the problems identified through perception of the reality of human adversary that may defeat physical security system in real life scenario.
In an adverse case scenario, the adversary defeats the system to get unrestricted access to the facility, thus presenting a major risk to the facility. The basis for determining effectiveness of the components of physical security in this respect may be expressed either by probability of failure or probability of success (Alach, 2007). Systems theory Systems theory describes a trans-disciplinary field of study of the theoretical arrangement of a phenomenon independent of their types, variations, substances or levels of existence (Coole & Brooks, 2011).
The theory inquires into the principles that are shared by all complex entities as well as the approaches that can be used in describing them. Smith and Brooks (2012) depict systems theory as a set of principles that apply to systems regardless of the nature of their elements, forces or relations between them. In brief, the theory emphasizes the value of integrating parts or elements of a solution to solve a problem (Mele, Pels & Polesce, 2010). It further postulates that problems cannot be solved if interrelated components are pursued while separated or isolated.
A problem in this case refers to a situation that seeks a solution on account of the critical challenges that threaten its effective existence or functioning (Coole & Brooks, 2011). As stated by Smith and Brooks (2012), systems theory considers systems as capable of interacting with their environments. Systems can also obtain new properties that facilitate continual evolution. Systems theory stems from the perspective that objects examined through mathematics are basically “relations and sets between sets and their components”(Mesarovic, 1967).
Integrating Systems approach and Physical Security Systems theory suggests that the individual components of physical security cannot function in isolation. Rather, they work as an integrated system (Young & Leveson, 2014). Hence, protection of property using physical security is attainable using layers or components of physical protective measures. Therefore, in security management, physical protective systems seek to attain and sustain a steady-state despite their vulnerability to external and internal environment (Smith & Brooks, 2012).
In integrating physical security to systems theory, the physical security is viewed as system that is made of interrelated components that function collaboratively within an organization to achieve maximal security, or such objective (Masaya at al., 2007). Therefore, rather than reducing physical security to the properties of its components, systems theory is focused on the organization and interaction of the components that connect them to become a complete system. This kind of arrangement determines existence of a system that is separate or isolated from the physical substances of the elements (Fenelly, 2012).
Drawing on the aspects of physical security, the systems theory emphasizes the means through which an organized security system responds to threats in an adaptive way so as to cope with underlying vulnerabilities of threats in their external environment (Young & Leveson, 2014). This depicts that the kind of security system put in place should keep its basic components intact. Additionally, the theory emphasizes how agents of physical security such as security guards interact with the organization and those outside the organization while at the same time concentrating on identifying the specific components in the organization that substantially affect the outcome of security.
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