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Assignment 6 - Case Study: Meet Gloria - Essay Example

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A variety of barriers can exist when working with clients across cultures including: differences in language or dialect, opposing moral values and beliefs, and the existence of a possible negative dynamic due to your not being of the same origin. When working with a Hispanic…
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Assignment 6 - Case Study: Meet Gloria
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Case Study: Gloria Imagine that you are working with a Hispanic client. Discuss your biggest challenge. A variety of barriers can exist when working with clients across cultures including: differences in language or dialect, opposing moral values and beliefs, and the existence of a possible negative dynamic due to your not being of the same origin. When working with a Hispanic client it is important to consider and disregard any preconceived notions or biases pertaining to the culture and began each counseling session with a neutral perspective.

The biggest challenge to overcome when working with such clients would be to refrain from any judgment or assumptions when the client discusses behaviors or thoughts they exhibit that clash with the personal beliefs of the counselors.2. What are your impressions of Gloria as a client?Gloria appears to be very selfless and giving; this is apparent in her inward struggle to care for her mother and simultaneously offer her children the chance at a bright future. Her prime goals in life are increasing her knowledge and expanding upon her own abilities to assist others— deaf Puerto Rican children, for example.

She is also very concerned with maintaining the cultural values within her family to her children who are becoming marked by American society. I feel that Gloria is very proud of her culture and her accomplishments and intends for her children to take the opportunities present in America while remaining true to their heritage.3. What strengths does she bring to the helping process? What Challenges? In the counseling session, Gloria seems to be quite open and forthcoming with her counselor. Another strength in this process is that she seems to have already outlined her major concerns and knows where her issues lie.

Some challenges posed in this process may involve the counselor’s difficulty of understanding the significance of Gloria’s problem due to the cultural gap, and thus hindering assistance. However, because Gloria is so forthcoming, the problem is mostly alleviated.4. What would you do if your client told you she beat her daughter?In the case that I became aware a client was abusive with a child, I would first inform the client that such actions are illegal and unacceptable in the United States.

I would then seek out the appropriate sources to supply the family with intervention. I would also help Gloria implement practices to better cope with her children’s bad behavior.5. How would you help Gloria deal with the cultural conflicts she is experiencing?I think the best way for Gloria to deal with her cultural conflict would be for her and the family to be introduced to a mentor American family. With this method, Gloria is able to help them become adjusted and provide a support system that is based in the area.

Also, I would research activities and organizations in the community that are relevant to their Puerto Rican culture, so the family can continue to experience and enjoy that part of their heritage.6. What qualities or characteristics do you have that would make you an effective crisis intervention worker?When working with people to alter their behavior patterns and incorporate new adaptive behaviors, individuals frequently can become defensive and noncompliant. I would make an effective crisis intervention worker because I have the patience to deal with individuals when in unpleasant situations.

I can provide support and compassion to the client as well as his/her family, giving them the confidence to complete the process successfully.

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