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Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Brad Beauvais By: Setara Azizi XX/XX Annotated Outline: I. Introduction: This section will provide a brief overview of the paper and will provide details of what to expect from the paper. II. Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act: This section will provide a detailed explanation of the topic and will also provide an insight into the act and what has been set down by law.a) The act has been designed to provide all Americans with quality and affordable health care.
The act provides a complete transformation for the health care system and is based on containing costs.b) The act promises to address the following nine components of reform: “a) Quality, affordable health care for all Americans, b) The role of public programs, c) Improving the quality and efficiency of health care, d) Prevention of chronic disease and improving public health, e) Health care workforce, f) Transparency and program integrity, g) Improving access to innovative medical therapies, h) Community living assistance services and supports, i) Revenue provisions” (Responsible Reform: For The Middle Class, 2010). III. Analysis of Act: a) With the growing expenses and the equally negatively growing salaries, the main aim of all people is to ensure that one of the basics of life, i.e. health care is completely covered for and is accessible to all.
This is a very common topic for almost all Americans.b) This makes the topic very important as it will permit getting a clear understanding of where the health care sector is headed and what is the future for the health care of the middle class American families.IV. Conclusions: This section will provide an overview of the paper and will also provide the recommendations and conclusions that can be drawn from the study. Annotated Bibliography:Foster, R. S. (2009, November 18). Estimated Financial Effects of the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2009,”.
Baltimore, Maryland: DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES.The document provides a clear report on the effects of the patients protection and affordable care act of 2009. The document is detailed with a clear explanation of the act and is very helpful in developing the study further. Responsible Reform: For The Middle Class. (2010). The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Retrieved April 19, 2010, from above mentioned document provides a clear summary of the act and also provides a detailed explanation of the theory and the overall study which is very helpful for this study.
This is an overall very helpful paper and is helpful in completion of this research.Dorgan, B. L. (2010). The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from Democratic Policy Committee: website provides a detailed explanation of the act and is very insightful as it provides a through explanation of the topic and also provides insight into the benefits and drawback of the act as well. GovTrack. (2010). H.R. 3590:. Retrieved May 23, 2010, from website will prove to be very helpful for the research as it is a direct government website and is updated with the latest on the topic and all discussions regarding the topic are easily available in simple and straightforward language making it easier to follow and comprehend.
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