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Infection of the Virulent Stain of Tripudiovirus - Essay Example

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It is evidently clear from the discussion "Infection of the Virulent Stain of Tripudiovirus" that “the frequency of individuals in a population that has a particular element as antibodies in their blood serum” is the definition of Seroprevalence as per Marrium-Webstar Online Dictionary…
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Infection of the Virulent Stain of Tripudiovirus
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Order No 430694 Human Bioscience 28.4 The Answer of Question no As per the question where the case study begins with the infection of the virulent stain of Tripudiovirus and there are three specific terms associated with it. These terms are as follows- 1. Seroprevalence 2. Endemic 3. Morbidity 1. Seroprevalence is the terminology that is chiefly associated with the HIV/AIDS Infection. It means “The frequency of individuals in a population that have a particular element as antibodies in their blood serum” is the definition as per Marrium-Webstar online Dictionary. This means that in certain group of population where the study conducted with the degree of presence of a certain group of virus is called as Seroprevalence. (1) 2. Endemic: Endemic is, as per online Medical Dictionary “Present in a community at all times but in relatively low frequency. Something that is endemic is typically restricted or peculiar to a locality or region”. The opposite of this word will be Epidemic which means sudden severe outbreak of any disease. (2) 3. Morbidity : In simple language, Morbidity means illness. So, as per the terminology clarification, that particular sentence can be described with more clarity – “There is a high morbidity (Illness) associated with Tripudiovirus and while it is endemic (Present in low frequency)in the tropics there is almost no Seroprevalence ( Frequency in the population) in the mainland Australian population. “ The Answer of Question no 2 The Structure of Virus (5) The structure of Bacteria and Virus:(3) The structure of Bacteria looks like this. The cell consists of the cell walls and nucleosids The reason that makes bacteria vulnerable to antibiotics is the Cell wall itself. The antibiotics like amoxicillin or other stains of antibiotics directly interacts with the cell wall, breaks the same and the spreading is inhibited. It is the common practice of all the antibiotics but the same thing can not be applied against viruses. The Differences in between Bacteria and Viruses The structures drawn over simply states the difference which is as follows. A. The Bacteria : I . Has structured Cell wall. II the cell consists of Ribosome, Cytoplasm A Nucleotide and many other detail organelles of a cell III. The Bacteria at first penetrate inside the cell. Then they produce more number of bacteria that rapture the cell wall. Thus the infection been spread fro cell to tissue and so on, causing a general state of morbidity. IV. The Bacteria can be controlled with anti bacterial drugs. B. The Virus I. Has no cell wall, it has a cell membrane like structure instead. II. The Cell consists Messenger RNA or DNA and Ribosome, in most of the cases. III. Offers much different way of cell destruction. Look wise virus is much smaller then the bacteria and it attack the healthy cell. The cell engulfs the virus and the virus start producing own set of instructions and would throw the normal cell function out of gear. As a result, the healthy cell start producing the viral protein in lieu of normal protein and thus the cell was flooded with viral substances. Some virus even can copy the genetic code triggering further damage. IV. Control mechanism is virtually out of reach as of now. It becomes a part of healthy body and would grow internally. No proper medicine is available so far. (4) The structure of viruses is different all together. As per one statement, the activity of virus is perhaps best discussed goes like that-“Viruses are different from all other forms of life in that they generally do not have any "internal machinery" of their own. A bacterial cell is able to carry out its own functions, all it needs is a nutrition source and it can make copies of itself, get around, make and synthesize proteins and replicate DNA using only what it has. A virus lacks all of these things. A virus that is just sitting outside of a cell does virtually nothing until it encounters a cell to infect. Unless it infects a cell, it cannot make proteins, cannot duplicate itself, can not move around. But once inside a cell it uses the "hosts" internal machinery to do all these things and make more of itself. It essentially "hijacks" the host cell!” (5) That is the reason, the viral infection is tough to get cured. Had it been cured, we would have solved the misery of the disease called AIDS. Answer to question no 3 The different ways through which disease has spread There are different ways through the disease can be spread. A. Contract Transmission : There are three types of Contact Transmission I. Direct way : colds, hepatitis etc II. Via Fomite : Aids etc III. Via Droplet: by cough, sneezing etc. B. Via Vehicle Transmission : Transmission through food, water, IV fluid etc C. Vector Transmission : Two types of Vector Transmissions are there I. Mechanical Transmission II. Biological Transmission : More Complex Transmission Answer to the question no 4 The difference in between DNA and RNA A. The DNA 1. The cell construction includes Deoxyribose sugar which is considered as a stable component. Due to the C-H bond the sugar is less reactive, that’s why DNA is a more stable compound 2. Couple Bonding of the bases are of A-T ( Adenine- Thymine) and G-C ( Guanine-Cytocine) 3. Double stranded model with nucleotides, popularly known as Double Helix Model. 4. Contains vital genetic instructions instrumental in making different features in between plants and animals. B. The RNA 1. The sugar forms reactions as there is a C-OH bond that makes the substance more prone to reaction 2. Couple Bonding is A-U (Adenine- Urashil) and G-C 3. Single Stranded model 4. Basically responsible for transmitting the instructions. (6) C. Protein synthesis with DNA templates The protein synthesis takes place in nucleus. As per Creek, DNA can serve as the direct template to manufacturing Protein, bypassing the role of mRNA. In lab culture media, Protein synthesis was observed in Ribosome in presence of DNA. There are much more evidences that can lead to this conclusion that Protein Synthesis can be done with out DNA templates. (7) Answer to question No 5 The Overview of Homeostasis There are three basic components of feed back loop that is responsible for Homeostasis. They are dubbed as 1. Receptor,2. Control Center 3. Effecter. Homeostasis means the equiliubrm in body. The change in this context can be dubbed in this fashion A. When there is a change, it has to be detected by the detectors. B. Then the control centre evaluate the situation. C. The effector then takes the change within control. Any abnormal physical condition, be it the blood pressure or high temperature can be controlled and best explained with homeostasis. The answer of question no 6 Denaturation : A. Denaturation means the possible destruction of proteins in structural area. Here are the verbatim from the web page that describes the same – “Denaturation occurs because the bonding interactions responsible for the secondary structure (hydrogen bonds to amides) and tertiary structure are disrupted. In tertiary structure there are four types of bonding interactions between "side chains" including: hydrogen bonding, salt bridges, disulfide bonds, and non-polar hydrophobic interactions. which may be disrupted. Therefore, a variety of reagents and conditions can cause denaturation. The most common observation in the denaturation process is the precipitation or coagulation of the protein.” (9) B . Denaturation as a problem The reason is that, because of denaturation the basic structures got disrupted and the the hydrogen bondage got cut off. The cell structure was in jeopardy. That’s why Denaturation is always being considered as a problem. References 1. Ref No 1 : 2. Ref No 2 : 3. Ref No 3 : 4. Ref No 4 : 5. Ref No 5 : 6. Ref No 6 : 7. Ref No 7 : 8. Ref No 8: Physiology.pdf 9. Ref No 9: 10. Read More
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