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Global Warming and Agriculture - Essay Example

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Sustainable agriculture, no matter a long forgotten term by the present industrial farming techniques, was initially an idea of agriculture being an adequate and effective measure of feeding the population of the world, adapted through an efficient system of production and…
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Global Warming and Agriculture
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Biologists believe that the agriculture practices represent a very carefully designed natural pattern in which the production is limited by a specific amount of natural growth. If these limits were pushed too far beyond, their natural allowance then, the cycle would be destroyed leading to a decline in productivity in general. However, with the increase in global warming, and drastic undefined climate change and decrease in agricultural produce proves the dilemma that both the variables work negative to each other, (negative correlation) and shows how vulnerable the entire system is upon the external changes such as the climate.

Thus, it destroys the basic concept of sustainable agriculture, as this system was supposed to have an “adaptive capacity, as the ability to adjust to climate change, to moderate potential damages, to take advantages of opportunities, or to cope with the consequences” (McCarthy et al., 2001). Climate is the most significant variable of agriculture, whose even the slightest variability has pertinent effects upon the crop produce. The climate may have a stronger impact through indirect factors such as soil, water and terrain which influence the yield are actually produces of the weather conditions, and even slight variability in it, can have a massive impact upon the crop yields, which might be positive or negative, but certainly varying the regular pattern of production.

Sustainability was the idea, which wanted to enhance the economic development of the world, in lure of the future generations. The ecologists were concerned with the increasing soil erosion, water depravity and its contamination, pest attacks and their immunity to chemicals, and foremost the social and economic equity all arising t and from the lack of production and its increasing variability. Ecologists worldwide through the analysis of historical data of crop yield suggest that mankind had through decades

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“Global Warming and Agriculture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 Words”, n.d.
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