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Comparing Two Different Types of Suras - Research Paper Example

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The paper "Comparing Two Different Types of Suras" focuses on the critical analysis of the selected Surahs from the Quran depicting the fundamental differences in the subject matter of each of the two categories of Surahs. The Surahs of the Holy Quran are classified as either Makkan or Madinite…
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Comparing Two Different Types of Suras
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and Section # of Compare and contrast two different kinds of Surahs in the Quran Introduction The Surahs of the Holy Quran, revealed to Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H), are classified as either Makkan or Madinite; where the Makkan Surahs are the ones which were revealed to the Prophet before his migration to Madina and the Madinite Surahs were revealed after the Prophet and the believers migrated to Madina. Apart from this basic difference, both the categories of Surahs are distinct in content. The Makkan Surahs primarily were aimed to strengthen the Faith of the believers in Makka, who were majorly poor and weak and were living under the persecution of the Quraish, the rich tribe of Makka. These verses also instilled hope in the believers, as for them Allah repeatedly promised Paradise, the eternal abode of bliss. (Denffer) The Madinite Surahs on the other hand were focused on educating the believers in laws, duties and injunctions upon them, once an Islamic State at Madina was formed. These verses taught the appropriate way of living and how matters should be resolved. They also warned the believers of the hypocrites living within them in the society who were conspiring against Islam and the believers. (Denffer) The following selected Surahs from the Quran depict these fundamental differences in the subject matter of each of the two categories of Surahs. Makkan Surahs Surah 96.Al-Alaq (The Clot) The Surah starts with the first verse revealed to the Prophet (P.B.U.H), which was: to read in the name of The Creator. The Surah first acknowledges that there is a Creator of the universe and that same Creator has made mankind out of congealed blood. He is the Generous, the Knowledgeable, who imparts knowledge to mankind as He pleases. Recognizing Allah as the sole Creator is the first and foremost part of the Islamic faith. The Surah further builds upon the fundamental beliefs of the Muslims by mentioning that each soul shall return to Allah and the Angels are at His command, which will bring about destruction and calamity if ordered by Allah. Hence we see three articles of Islamic faith mentioned in this short Surah: the Oneness of Allah, the Angels and Resurrection. The verse further enjoins to prostrate in front of Allah and no other being, for He alone is the one Who can protect mankind. This prostration was later made a formal way of worship called the Salah. (Ali) Surah 101.Al-Qari’ah (The Striking Hour) This Surah explains that a Final Hour that will come which will end life on this world and on that Day the dead will be resurrected and will account for their deeds. It further describes what the Striking Hour is and when it will come. The devastation created on that day is metaphorically explained by mankind being scattered as moths and mountains flying in air like discarded wool. This predicts the mayhem and destruction marked by that day which sprouts fear in the mankind and bewares him of the danger which lies ahead. But what will happen afterwards is a greater source of fear, for each soul will be resurrected and accounted for its deeds. Those whose good deeds will weigh more than their bad ones, are promised Paradise and those with bad deeds will forever live in Hell, and Hell is made up of blazing fire, more dangerous and frightful than anything seen by mankind. (Al-Hilali) Thus, this Makkan Surah again establishes the basics of the Islamic faith, the Day of Judgment, the day of Resurrection and the concept of Paradise and Hell. However, believers will not directly go to Paradise on the pretext that they believe in Allah, the judgment will be done on the basis of deeds of a man and here comes in the true aspect of Islam which is to do the righteous deeds and be a source of comfort of the fellow beings. Surah 105.Al-Feel (The Elephant) There are many Surahs in the Quran that relate stories of the previous Prophets and of the people who defied clear signs of Faith and were punished severely by Allah. Each of such Surahs, besides informing the people of the past events, have a purpose and a lesson to be learned. Surah Feel refers to the army of Elephants that once came to Makkah during the time when the Prophet’s grandfather was alive. Abrahah Al’Ashram sent a huge army on elephants from Yemen to destroy the Holy Kaaba, the House of Allah build by Prophet Abraham. The Makkans had never seen an army of elephants and they were completely terrified. Allah protected Kaaba by sending a flock of birds who threw stones on the army which eventually killed the elephants and the army fled. (Shafi) The time spent by the Prophet (P.B.U.H) and the believers in Makka after declaring faith was filled with hardships and persecutions at the hands of the Quraish. This Surah reassures the Prophet (P.B.U.H) and the believers that Allah knows everything, the hardships and the sacrifices they have made to declare faith and keep fast on it, and He will protect them the way He had protected the Kaaba from the conspirators. Like most Makkan Surah, Surah feel too strengthens the Muslim faith and above all gives them hope that they believe in a Being Who has absolute power, Who can protect them from further hardships and Who has repeatedly offered Paradise and good news to the believers for their staunch faith and their sacrifices. Madinite Surahs After the establishment of the first Islamic State at Madina, the content of the revelations started to change from instilling faith to applying faith in daily life. The Madinite Surahs addressed the problems of the Muslims faced living in a cooperative society which comprised of the Muhajirins (the immigrants), the Ansars (the Madinites) and the people of the Books (Jews and Christians) living within Madina. Surah 63.Al-Munafiqun (The Hypocrites) Islam became very popular in Madina after the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H)’s migration. Many people embraced Islam but some announced faith merely by their tongues while their hearts were full of malice. These hypocrites, whose leader was Abdullah bin Ubayy, repeatedly backstabbed the Muslims by their false promises of allegiance as seen by their treachery in the battle of Uhad and other instances. The Prophet (P.B.U.H) and the Muslims were aware of their hypocrisy but since there was no command from Allah, they did not take any action against them. Through this Surah Allah tells the Muslims the characteristics of these Hypocrites and says that He is All-Aware of their plots. The hypocrites are not a part of Islam as they deter the Muslims from the right path and commit treachery and Allah will punish them and bestow the righteous with power and glory. (Al Quran Karim Surah Al Munafiqun) This Surah warned the Muslims about a problem they faced and further it tells them how to protect themselves by the treacherous plots of the hypocrites and this can by done by giving charity and remembering Allah before death comes for no soul shall be giving extra time to amend their mistakes, than that what has already been assigned to it. Surah 65.At-Talaq (The Divorce) As said earlier, the Madinite Surahs educated men and women to lead a structured and respectful life and to manage their affairs under the jurisdiction of Islam. Surah At-Talaq is a classic example of managing internal affairs between men and women. Islam is the first religion that acknowledged the rights of women and it has even given a preferred way of giving divorce if all steps of reconciliation between husband and wife have failed. Divorce, nonetheless, is considered one of the most unpleasant deeds in Islamic but it is not forbidden. The Surah talks about the rules of giving divorce. The husband can pronounce at most three divorces to his wife after which the couple is considered na-mehram. The husband can remarry his wife after one or two divorces but not after three verbal announcements of divorce. Once divorced, the female has to wait for three menstrual cycles to remarry another man. An untouched woman who is divorced does not have to wait to remarry. This period is known as the Iddat. In case the husband dies, the woman has to wait for four months and ten days to remarry. (Maududi) Surah Talaq was not sent down to encourage divorces but it enjoins a procedure to be followed in case such an act has to take place. The aspect of three verbal admissions of divorces ensures that married couples do not segregate sudden due to insignificant situations but think thoroughly before taking such a huge step. Islam has always approved for ways of reconciling with others and living in peace and harmony with the others, kin or not, is the Islamic way of life. Hence this Surah shows how the Quran not only educates mankind but also directs him in dealing with his affairs. Surah 110.An-Nasr (The Help) Some scholars believe that this Surah was revealed after the conquest of Makka and it refers to the Muslim victory in entering Makka peacefully. The Prophet (P.B.U.H)’s mission was to spread Islam in an ignorant world. In this ordeal he faced many hardships and finally Allah granted him victory when the Muhajirin were given back their homes and they could freely practice Islam. From conquest of Makka onwards, people started embracing Islam in large numbers and Islam spread in the Arabian Peninsula. This was the true victory of the Prophet (P.B.U.H). (Naeemi) In practically life, it is seen that people usually turn to God in adversity. This Surah shows that victory and blessings are given to mankind by the grace of Allah only and hence the successful should praise Allah for the success and ask for His mercy and forgiveness so that He showers His blessings on him in future as well. Conclusion The Makkan and Madinite Surahs differ considerably in their content. The Makkan Surahs aim to reiterate the fundamentals of Islamic religion and authority covering subjects like Tauheed (Oneness of Allah), the Angels, the Prophets, the Day of Resurrection and life after death. The emphasis is on following the righteous path no matter how many hardships come in way and to have faith in Allah that He will deliver relief as He has promised in the shape of Paradise. The Makkan Surahs consolidate the beliefs as they were revealed at a time when declaring the faith in the open was the greatest test for the believers of Makka. At that time there were no duties enjoined upon the Muslims. The Madinite Surahs build upon the beliefs mentioned in the Makkan Surahs and provide a code of conduct for the Muslim society, which should be followed along with the individual duties enjoined upon them. They often talk about the problems faced by the first Muslim State and means to solve them. Works Cited Al Quran Karim Surah Al Munafiqun. 15 February 2010 . Al-Hilali, Dr. Muhammad Taqi-ud-Din. Translation of Surah Al-Qariah - Holy Quran. 15 february 2010 . Ali, Abdullah Yusuf. The Meaning of The Holy Quran. Amana Publications , 1989. Denffer, Ahmad Von. Makkan and Madinan Revelations. 15 August 2005. 15 february 2010 . Maududi, Syed. English Tafheem-ul-Quran Online. 15 february 2010 . Naeemi, A. Khazain-ul-Irfan. Karachi: Maktaba tul Madina, n.d. Shafi, Mufti Muhammad. Maariful Quran. Karachi: Maktab-e-Darul Uloom Karachi, 2003. Read More
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