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The Impact of Cloud Computing in Mobile Phone Interaction - Research Proposal Example

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"Impact of Cloud Computing in Mobile Phone Interaction" paper presented a research proposal in the context of cloud computing and its usage in mobile phone-based communications. In the past few years, there have emerged a large number of technologies that have provided support for human activities…
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The Impact of Cloud Computing in Mobile Phone Interaction Table of Contents Introduction 3 Research Question 3 Research Background and Objectives 3 Criteria for Including Studies in the Review 5 Search Strategy 5 Results 6 Conclusion 7 References 8 Introduction In the past few years, cloud computing has become a very attractive technology for the majority of business organizations because “it facilitates the outsourcing of enterprise software applications and computing capabilities to intermediary services with the purpose of decreasing costs associated with applications, hardware, licenses, personnel, real estate, maintenance, power and other expenditures.” In view of the fact that cloud computing is based on the idea of “doing more with less” value proposition with higher return on investment hence it plays a critical role during the economic recession (KAMOUN, 2013). Without a doubt, the worldwide economic downturn forced the business organizations to reevaluate their business strategies and models from start till end. In this scenario, the business organizations spent a lot of time and resources in assessing their IT infrastructures and they considered cloud computing as a conceivable substitute to the traditional IT infrastructures. One of the most important advantages of cloud computing is that it allows the business organizations to convert fixed price mode (such as cost of ownership, servers, employee salaries , servers and additional expenses) to flexible price mode. On the other hand, with traditional IT models the organizations had to pay heavy charges all the time, whether they make extensive use of information technology or not. In fact, they had to pay higher prices for the time when IT was not used such as holidays. So there was always a fixed cost associated with traditional IT models. On the other hand, cloud computing is both scalable and flex­ible. In addition, it allows business organizations to buy only what they need, and pay for only those services which are used (Cooke, 2010). The basic objective of this research is to conduct a literature review on the impact of cloud computing on mobile phones and the interaction that are supported through the mobile computing. Research Question The primary research question of this study is: Can cloud computing be utilized as a part of mobile phone applications to execute works faster in relation to mobile phone applications which do not utilize cloud computing? The primary research question is followed by the following sub-question: What are the challenges which have to be overcome to use cloud computing in mobile devices? Research Background and Objectives There is a considerable amount of material on the subject of mobile phones and cloud computing. Quite a bit of it examines the likelihood to offload mobile phone capacities into the cloud to expand battery life, by decreasing the computational heap of the mobile phone. Miettinen & Nurminen (2010) clarifies that energy effectiveness is a basic thought for mobile phones and contends that cloud computing can possibly spare vitality through offloading. The energy expense of the processing must however be more prominent than the correspondence exchange expense to the cloud (Buyya, et al., 2009). Another intriguing comment is that energy utilization is more noteworthy if the information sent is separated into tiny bits than by sending the same information altogether. Miettinen & Nurminen (2010) presents an astoundingly fundamental however clear formula i.e., Ecloud < Elocal, which expresses that the energy utilization to send the undertaking to the cloud must be littler than the nearby utilization on the mobile phone, for offloading to be gainful. They have likewise examined the contrast between 3G and WLAN associations where they express that the 3G association utilizes more mobile phone energy the further far from the base station it is and that it sets aside more time for the 3G association to exchange information, in examination to the WLAN association, because of the lower transfer speed. To get information is likewise less power expending than to send it. Taking everything into account, Miettinen & Nurminen (2010) state that there are times when cloud offloading can be valuable yet that there is a part of variables to consider and that cloud offloading can have different points of interest like saving and sharing information over different stages. Palmer et al., (2009) has additionally examined the significance of mobile phones in a joint effort with cloud computing. The computational force of the mobile phone is expressed to be the main constraint of the mobile phone. This requirement makes it attractive to offload computational assignments to the cloud where the assets are "boundless". But, there are additionally issues identified with the association between the mobile phone and the cloud in types of inactivity, connection intrusion and system supplier costs that need to be viewed as (Pandey, et al., 2012). Carroll & Heiser (2010) examined which parts of mobile phones are expending most energy by measuring the distinctive parts of a mobile phone while it was working. The outcome demonstrates that information transmission, phone calls and the presentation are the parts that utilize most of the energy. To send and get information from the cloud is accordingly an extremely energy expending assignment in examination to other mobile phone related capacities (Kumar, et. al, 2010). Yang, Ou, & Chen (2008) has likewise recognized the confinements of mobile gadgets and contends that the scaled down size and convenience makes it difficult to run applications that oblige a considerable measure of computational force. Clients need to run the applications that they use on all the more effective PCs on their mobile phones (Dinh., et al., 2013). Consequently Zhu, Wenwu, et al., (2011) proposes that cloud offloading could be a conceivable arrangement. They directed an examination where they utilize content interpret application. The application peruses message through a mobile phone camera and makes an interpretation of it into German dialect. They looked at the consequences of performing the interpretation errand provincially on the mobile phone and by offloading it on PCs that spoke to the cloud. The outcome demonstrated that it is gainful to offload the undertaking. Rao., et, al. (2012) raises some imperative inquiries regarding the protection identified with offloading. At the point when performing the interpretation errand the picture of the content is sent to a PC that the client does not control, which implies that they no more have the control over the information and that outsider individuals could access it. Another intriguing point is an offloading choice motor, as a component of the application, which figures out whether it is suitable to offload an undertaking or not (Giurgiu,. et al., 2009). On the off chance that the conditions are great, for case with a good mobile phone association, it may be helpful to offload the undertaking to the cloud. However in the event that the conditions are not advantageous then the application rather executes the assignment generally on the mobile phone (Khan, Amreen, and Kamlkant Ahirwar, 2011). There are some challenges which have to be faced while using cloud computing on mobile device. According to Qi, Han, and Abdullah Gani, (2012) there are three major challenges that need to be tackled during the usage of cloud computing, they are limitations of mobile phones, division of services of application and quality of communication. In addition to such challenges, Warhekar, Ms Snehal P., and V. T. Gaikwad, (2013) argues that network and security issues are also the things which have to be deal with. Moreover, barrier of services which includes software, information and platform is also a challenge which has to be coping with (Basha, Ahmed Dheyaa, Irfan Naufal Umar, and Merza Abbas, 2015). The objectives of this study are to: Determine the applicability of the cloud computing on the mobile phones. Identify the solutions which can handle the challenges to utilize cloud computing on mobile devices. Criteria for Including Studies in the Review The concept of cloud concept came into knowledge in the year 2008 (Mather, Tim, Subra Kumaraswamy, and Shahed Latif, 2009), so the date of previous studies being reviewed and analyze will be from the year 2008 to 2015. Every type of study will be consider in this study because there is a shortage of literature on this concept and it takes time for a study to become a journal article. Research conference proceedings, published and unpublished journal articles and website content will be used to solve the research questions. Although it is a new concept and it needs lots of research to be done on it, it is hard to specify the study to a specific location. But in order to find the solution to our research question we have to collect data and for that purpose location plays a very important role. So, the location of this study will be Australia. The language which we will prefer will be English. We have chosen this language because of better understanding of the concept of cloud computing on mobile phone to us and to the readers as well. Search Strategy In order to find out the solution to the research question, we will review the previous study on the topic of cloud computing on mobile phones. As we have discussed it earlier, the conference proceedings, unpublished journal articles and published journal articles will make the most of our literature because up till now these are the ones which give lot of information and knowledge regarding our study. The keywords which will help in searching the material are cloud computing, mobile phones, mobile cloud computing and cloud based mobile applications. The sources can be easily search from the Scholar Google mainly. The databases which can give us the articles and proceedings are the Elsevier, Wiley Online Library and JSTOR. And the dates from which we will extract the data for preparing the study will be from the year 2008 to now, that is 8 years. Results There are two research questions of this study, which are that can cloud computing on mobile phones execute works faster or not and what are the challenges to cope with if cloud computing is done on mobile phone. The search which has been done by analyzing a number of research conference proceedings, published and unpublished journal articles stated numerous findings related to cloud computing and mobile phones. According to Bahl, Paramvir, et al., (2012), today’s mobile applications are requiring compute intensive abilities like speech recognition, computer vision and graphics, natural language processing, machine learning, planning, decision making and augmented reality. Using cloud computing on mobile devices will empower mobile clients to consistently use the cloud to get the resource advantages without bringing about postponements and jitter and without stressing over energy. Cloud computing on mobile phones is one of mobile innovation patterns in the future. Since it joins the upsides of both mobile computing and cloud computing, consequently giving ideal services to mobile clients. Mobile phone is enough for executing functions which have smaller bits when it comes to memory of the device. But when a mobile phone has a lot of memory and is full of data like photos, videos, games, files, applications and contacts then it happens to affect the battery or the energy of a mobile phone. It is considered to be easier and beneficial for the mobile client to utilize the service of cloud computing in such situation to offload the burden of mobile phone and direct it to the cloud. In this way the battery issue will be resolved and the data from the phone will be transferred to the cloud to execute the desired function. Not only the operation of execution will be performed by the cloud but it will also be done in a faster way as compared to the operation of a mobile phone. The purpose of cloud computing is to execute the functions faster than the mobile phone if the function is heavier and is composed of higher bits. The meaning of the cloud computing do not intends to deteriorate the importance of a mobile phone but it is just helping the users to get out of the stressful state if they are conducting a bigger function in a lesser time with a lesser battery to use. The concept of cloud computing on mobile phone is under construction and is in need of more research and investigation to help the consumers to make fully use of it. Even if cloud computing is utilized on mobile phones there are certain issues which need to be resolved. The challenges which were identified by Basha,, (2015) are security issues, need for an architecture of diverse wireless network and a single platform for all the mobile operating systems. Moreover, Fernando,, (2013) explained different level of issues which arise during the utilization of cloud computing on mobile phones, they were operational level issues end user level issues, privacy, security and trust, service and application level issues, data management and context-awareness. With such challenges being observed by the researchers, there are other issues which appeared to come in the way of using cloud computing on mobile phone. Such challenges were low bandwidth, seldom access of mobile network everywhere, inflexibility in cloud application, compliance and enforcement (Warhekar, et. al, 2013). As we have discussed it earlier that the topic of our study is new to the world of research. The work which has been done on this topic has seldom published journal articles which mean that we have insufficient authentic research on the concept of cloud computing on mobile phones. So the quality of the included studies is not up to the mark and it will definitely affect the outcomes of our result. But this is all happens when a new concepts comes in the knowledge of researchers and different types of studies come to the minds. And then with the passage of time some of them are widely accepted and the rest of them are rejected from which new ideas generates. We will use the previous studies and will investigate them by collecting and using the data which will validate our study that if cloud computing on mobile phone executes functions faster or not and the challenges which occurs to use cloud computing on mobile devices. Conclusion This paper has presented a research proposal in the context of cloud computing and its usage in mobile phone based communications. In the past few years, there have emerged a large number of technologies that have provided excellent support for different human activities. However, the cloud computing has emerged as a most prevailing technology as it has caught the attention of almost all the industries. In the past few years, its use has been increasing in all the areas of life. A great deal of research is being conducted to determine its effectiveness in all the areas of life. This proposal has covered a brief literature review to determine the impact of cloud computing on mobile phone interaction. The use of cloud computing can bring significant improvement in mobile phone interaction. References Bahl, Paramvir, et al., (2012) "Advancing the state of mobile cloud computing." Proceedings of the third ACM workshop on Mobile cloud computing and services. ACM. Basha, Ahmed Dheyaa, Irfan Naufal Umar, and Merza Abbas, (2015). "Mobile Applications as Cloud Computing: Implementation and Challenge." International Journal of Information and Electronics Engineering, 4(1). Buyya, Rajkumar, et al., (2009). "Cloud computing and emerging IT platforms: Vision, hype, and reality for delivering computing as the 5th utility." Future Generation computer systems 25.6: 599-616. Carroll, A. & Heiser, G. (2010). An analysis of power consumption in a smartphone. USENIXATC'10 Proceedings of the 2010 USENIX conference on USENIX annual technical conference. Cooke, J. (2010). The Shift to Cloud Computing: Forget the Technology, It’s About Economics. San Jose, CA: Cisco Internet Business Solutions Group (IBSG). Dinh, Hoang T., et al., (2013). "A survey of mobile cloud computing: architecture, applications, and approaches." Wireless communications and mobile computing 13.18: 1587-1611. Giurgiu, Ioana, et al., (2009). "Calling the cloud: enabling mobile phones as interfaces to cloud applications." Middleware 2009. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. 83-102. Fernando, Niroshinie, Seng W. Loke, and Wenny Rahayu, (2013). "Mobile cloud computing: A survey." Future Generation Computer Systems 29.1. 84-106. Kamoun, F. (2013). Rethinking the Role of Enterprise Architecture during Times of Economic Downturn: A Dynamic Capabilities Approach. Journal of Information Technology Management, 24(1), pp.26-48. Khan, Amreen, and Kamlkant Ahirwar, (2011). "Mobile cloud computing as a future of mobile multimedia database." International Journal of Computer Science and Communication 2.1: 219-221. Kumar, Karthik, and Yung-Hsiang Lu, (2010). "Cloud computing for mobile users: Can offloading computation save energy?." Computer 4 :51-56. Mather, Tim, Subra Kumaraswamy, and Shahed Latif, (2009). Cloud security and privacy: an enterprise perspective on risks and compliance. " O'Reilly Media, Inc.". Miettinen, A.P. & Nurminen J.K. (2010). Energy efficiency of mobile clients in cloud computing. HotCloud'10 Proceedings of the 2nd USENIX conference on hot topics in cloud computing. USENIX Association Berkeley, CA, USA. Palmer, N., Kemp, R., Kielmann, T., Bal, H. (2009). Ibis for Mobility: Solving Challenges of Mobile Computing Using Grid Techniques. HotMobile '09 Proceedings of the 10th workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications ACM New York, NY, USA 2009. Pandey, Suraj, et al., (2012). "An autonomic cloud environment for hosting ECG data analysis services." Future Generation Computer Systems 28.1 :147-154. Qi, Han, and Abdullah Gani, (2012). "Research on mobile cloud computing: Review, trend and perspectives." Digital Information and Communication Technology and it's Applications (DICTAP), 2012 Second International Conference on. Ieee. Rao, N. Mallikharjuna, C. Sasidhar, and V. Sathyendra Kumar, (2012). "Cloud computing through mobile-learning." arXiv preprint arXiv:1204.1594. Yang, K., Ou, S., Chen H-W. (2008). On Effective Offloading Services for Resource- Constrained Mobile Devices Running Heavier Mobile Internet Applications. IEEE Communications Magazine, January 2008. Warhekar, Ms Snehal P., and V. T. Gaikwad, (2013). "Mobile Cloud Computing: Approaches and Issues." International Journal of Emerging Trends and Technology in Computer Science. 2(2). Zhu, Wenwu, et al., (2011). "Multimedia cloud computing." Signal Processing Magazine, IEEE 28.3: 59-69. Read More
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