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Culture Geography of Childhood - Essay Example

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The paper "Culture Geography of Childhood" discusses that generally, by analyzing cultural and traditional elements in the given photograph a viewer can understand the role of culture and tradition in a person’s character formation and knowledge acquisition…
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Culture Geography of Childhood
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Culture Geography of Childhood Introduction: Part Researches prove that an individual’s personality is a complex mixture of mental features that makes people entirely different from other persons. The process of personality development is based on a child’s cultural, social, traditional and educational backgrounds. It is a part of common knowledge that family is the first educational institution for a child in his life. Number of potential factors plays a vital role in a child’s character formation and learning. Most of these factors are coming from culture and tradition. Psychologists and educational researchers have mentioned culture and tradition play a vital role in acquisition of values, knowledge, beliefs, behaviours and expectations of a child’s life. Eminent psychological and learning theories such as social constructivism and cognitive theory underlines the significance of social or family interaction in character formation and learning. By Barbara M. Newman, Philip R. Newman remark; “Vygotsky considered the nature of reasoning and problem solving as culturally created.” (Newman & Newman 2008, p.60). This photographic essay the researcher investigates the role of culture and tradition in a person’s character formation and learning. The selected photograph is about a boy named Aissa from an Algerian Islamic family. For this photographic essay researcher selects a series of photographs about a small boy. Figure 1,2,3 and 4 Figure-5 Figure -6 Analysis of cultural beliefs or traditions seen in the pictures: The photographic essay reveals a story or evokes a sequence of emotions in the mind of the reader which discuss cultural beliefs and traditions of a child. The first set of the photographs reveals that the boy Aissa is very frankly mingled with his family members and one can easily find his positive attitudes towards his parents. The boy keeps a healthy relationship with his family members. The given image (figure1and 2) also expresses the boy has developed good and excellent personality because he respects all members of his family and his society. Erich Fromm, Michael Maccoby assert;” Village parents are serious about obedience, and they feel that to be playful for or to show enthusiasm about the child at this age would undermine respect.” (Fromm & Maccoby 1996, p.189). The boy in this photograph is a member of a conservative Islamic Algerian family and this picture shows the cultural and religious background of the family. The given photographs help the viewer to reach the idea that the boy has followed and sustained a structured behaviour and it also reveals the characteristics of his culture and tradition which follow the habit of respecting others. Don Tinkler argues that “Of major importance in the development of positive self concepts are the kinds of relationships that have already developed in student personal social interaction in groups, whether that might have been within the family, among peers, or with children and teachers in previous classes.” (Tinkler 1993, p.9). And these images also show that the boy’s pleasant mind (figure-3 and 6) and the viewer can feel that the boy feels a sense of security and self esteem in his family. Aissa’s father and mother have kept a good personality with the help of their religious and traditional principles they carefully protected their son and they were also give the good quality education of their son. Respect and mutual understanding between family members ply a vital role in Algerian Islamic communities and this can see in these photographs. Figure 3 helps the viewer to understand that Aissa’s respectful nature is developed by his parents and it is crystal clear that the parents are the first role model or first teacher of a child’s life. The photographs forced the reader to think about the customs and manners of Algerian community. The boy’s parents were the role models of his life, and one can understand that good parents and family members can maintain a structured behaviour pattern of their child. The boy in this photograph has the tendency to follow values and principles and he obey the parents and he do all action is well and never practices antisocial activities such as alcoholism, drugs and substance abuse. Another set of the photographs (figure 4) shows that his entertainment activities and his social interaction. Even the family follow a rich conservative ideology the parents have followed some traditional and development principles in their life and one can see that the father and mother and other family members are give the support of the entertainment activities of the boy. Figure 2 reveal s the images of boy’s sports activities and the parents support him very well. The parents understand their child’s abilities and desires and like to show their readiness to visit historical places and visit different monuments. It also reveals the family follows have followed some traditional beliefs which promote social interaction. The joins with his seniors and juniors and he give the same respect to all his fellow beings and he accepts the ideas and thoughts of all members. These images are shows that the boy communicates very honestly with his parents and other family members and friends. The parents have given more importance in their son’s needs and feelings and provide him an independent life. The parents of the boy in these photographs strictly follow some values in their life and they understand their child’s likes and dislikes very well. In the case of Aissa’s life his father and mother understand his problems and they were tried to solve their son’s physical and mental problems. Figure includes the image of the boy who stands in front of the huge tower. The tower symbolizes ancient culture and tradition. It also symbolizes a different nation and a different culture. Conclusion: To conclude, analysing the given photographs a viewer can realize that the boy in this photograph follows a structured behaviour in his life. He follows social and cultural values in both personal and academic life. It also reveals the healthy relationship between the boy and his parents. More than academic subjects he likes sports and other entertainment programs. Culture and tradition play a vital role in boy’s character formation. The boy keeps a structured behaviour which constitutes social interaction, effective communication and proper absorbing of different cultures and beliefs. Reference List Fromm, E., & Maccoby, M., 1996. Social character in a Mexican village. [Online] Transaction Publishers, p.189. Available at: [Accessed 20 January 2010]. Newman, B.M., & Newman, Philip R., 2008. Development through life: A psychosocial approach. 10th ed. [Online] Cengage Learning, p.60. Available at: [Accessed 20 January 2010]. Tinkler, D., 1993. A ‘constructivist’ theory of acquisition and its implications for leaner-managed-learning. [Online] Higher Education for Capability, p.9. Available at: [Accessed 20 January 2010]. Part-2: Culture’s role in childs character formation and learning: Psychologists have proved that cultural and traditional factors play a significant role in a person’s character formation and his learning process. The exponents of social constructivism argue that social interaction promotes the process of scaffolding. Effective interaction between family members helps a child’s language learning and behaviour formation. In his essay Kendra Van Wagner remarks; “According to Erikson, our ego identity is constantly changing due to new experience and information we acquire in our daily interactions with others.” (Wagner n.d.). The parents in these photographs understand their child’s mind and they make good relationships with their child this type of parents relationship is very wide and strong. The parents forced the child to follow moral values and customs through their cultural beliefs. The boy in these photograph greatly influenced by three agents of socialization family, religion and educational institutions and these agents has a serious role in shaping his character. Driscoll|N.G. Nagel (2010, para.3) remarks; “In each stage there are influences or agents of socialization who have an impact on the child and the messages of socialization being received.” A child acquires his or her knowledge from his parents and they are the good teachers. Generally parents make high position of their child’s mind so the good parents make good position and bad parents create bad position in their child’s mentality. Shirley G. Moore points out that “Authoritative parents, in contrast to both authoritarian and permissive parents, tend to be high in nurturance and moderate in parental control when it comes to dealing with child behaviour.” (Moore n.d.). Parents have a significant role in the overall development of their own child because father and mother give instructions and information about life, generally children are follow this good instruction then they become reached the success life. Socialization is a process of learning from the period of birth to death. It is an adjustment of a man in his living conditions which is helpful to the existence. All the patterns of a society like values, believes, rituals, language and behaviour etc. understand through this process. An individual becomes as a social animal or the part of the society by the socialization. These photos reveals his affection with the family and changes in various circumstances. Dr. Raymond Moore gives helpful information about socialization. He remarks “Positive or altruistic and principled sociability is firmly linked with the family - with the quantity and quality of self-worth.” (Moore 2003). Socialization has different stages and various agencies. Infant socialization, child socialization and adult socialization are different stages of socialization. Primary stage is infant socialization in which family is the world of an infant. He learns many things from the family; like love, affection, language and behavioural patterns. So family is called as the primary agent of socialization. “Our children learn their first patterns of interaction with others by imitating their parents. Then, when they go into the larger group, they carry these patterns with them.” (Bonnie & Williams n.d.). The above statement reveals and it helps the viewer to analyze that influence of family continues in each and every stage of a person’s life. The family has followed a culture which respects other religion. So the boy follows the same culture and tradition in his life. Education is most important and a life long process in a person’s life and education is started with human’s infancy. Parents give quality education to their children and also they give the protection and motivation for them. This care and moral support help to construct knowledge and success in both work place and personal life. The book named Promoting social and emotional learning: guidelines for educators By Maurice J. Elias gives helpful comments for a reader to understand the process of self management and personality development. The author notices that; “Increasingly, competence in recognizing and managing emotions and relationships is seen as a key ability for success in the work place and for the effective leadership.” (Elias 1997). Exponents of social constructivism, cognitive learning theory, Behaviourism have supported the process of social interaction among the children. Healthy family relationship provides effective communication skills and knowledge acquisition... The child follows the different stages of life in his life journey such as early childhood, later childhood and adolescence. Adolescence stage the parents become more conscious and they give more instructions and also they give good and actual protection of their children. The father and mother have equal responsibility to give moral and mental support to their young children. In his book entitled No exit: what parents owe their children and what society owe parents Anne Alstott (2004). underlines; “During the rebellions of adolescence, parents offer a stable relationship, permitting the child to experiment with rejection and distance without rejecting the child in return.” Parents in the given photograph watchfully lead their son and they give more well quality information about the Islam religion these good information are very useful to Aissa’s life then he accept and obey the Islamic religion and respect others. Social, cultural and religious backgrounds influence a person’s character formation. Adolescent period is considered as the most crucial stage in a person’s life. In this stage he needs consideration and recognition. Fast moving of physical and mental growth require extra care and support fro the part of family members especially parents. Parents who have enough awareness in human psychology make unbroken and stable relationship with their children and relationship provide feelings of security and protection to the mind of the children. Responsible parents create good family atmospheres this good family atmosphere is help to generate the children’s good behaviours and good thoughts. The family is the basic place of children’s life because the infant observes and follows his/her family member’s actions and way of behaviour. Parents have great experiences and family interactions provide immense chances to share this life experiences is with their child this help to their child to understand all things in the society and outer world. Parents’ role in children’s life is very simple in nature, but it has everlasting effects in a person’s character. Studies show that schools and other educational institutions are not at all the only option for educating children because of the parents are the first good teacher of the child’s education. Concha Delgado-Gaitan (1990) asserts “Both the home and the school shared the responsibility for children are learning, and the home emerged as a vital part of children’s literacy development as a result of diverse parent – child interactions around non school – related literacy activities.” Initial stages of language development of a child begin in home and he/she acquire language through the words and movements of their parents. Both school and home play a vital part in child’s education and children accept values and knowledge from their teachers and parents. With the help parent’s help the children to develop the physical or mental growth. Maslow underlines the significance of motivation and self esteem in children’s life. Maslow remarks; “Internally motivating esteem needs are those such as self-esteem, accomplishment, and self respect.  External esteem needs are those such as reputation and recognition.” (Maslows theory of motivation - Hierarchy of needs, 2007). Self esteem is considered as the primary stage in knowledge acquisition process. Parents, teachers, and peer groups influence a child’s character formation and the development of communication skills. The given photograph forced the viewer to think the role of society and family in character formation. Self confidence and self management are essential for positive character formation. The parents encourage their children in participating various entertainment activities and educational activities and the pleasant face of the boy in the photograph reveals his self esteem and self confidence. Different entertainment activities and social programs are including education process. Cultural and traditional backgrounds of the family teach the boy how to behave in society. Conclusion: To conclude, analyzing cultural and traditional elements in given the photograph a viewer can understand the role of culture and tradition in a person’s character formation and knowledge acquisition. A child begins his/her learning procedure from early childhood and continues to the end of his life .Acquisition of human values, moral principles are serious steps in personality development process. Healthy family relationship and effective social interaction between individual and society are essential for character formation. Various psychological and learning theories and principles underline the importance of social interaction and experienced learning in personality development. Constructive philosophers argue that the process of scaffolding is possible through child’s interaction with teachers and other children. A person who has rich background of culture, tradition and religion shows a structured behaviour in his personality. Even the boy who pictured in the photograph is a member of conservative Algerian Islamic family his parents permit him to learn different cultures and manners. He gets proper education and moral support from his parents.. Figure 5 reveals boy’s tendency to receive different culture and customs. He respects other religious persons and their manners. Reference List Alstott, A.L., 2004. No exit: What parents owe their children and what society owe parents. [Online] New York: Oxford University Press. Available at: [Accessed 20 January 2010]. Bonnie., & Williams, L., n.d. Socialization and homeschooling. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed 20 January 2010]. Delgado-Gaitan, C., 1990. Literacy for empowerment: The role of parents in children’s education. [Online] Routledge. Available at: [Accessed 20 January 2010]. Elias, M.J., 1997. Promoting social and emotional learning: Guidelines for educators. [Online] ASCD, p.7. Available at: [Accessed 20 January 2010]. Maslows theory of motivation - Hierarchy of needs, 2007. [Online] Envision. Available at: [Accessed 20 January 2010]. Moore, R. Dr., 2003. Socialization. Moore Foundation [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 January 2010]. Moore, S.G., n.d. The role of parents in the development of peer group competence. [Online] Families Worldwide. Available at: [Accessed 20 January 2010]. Nagel, N.G., & Driscoll, A., 2010. Family socialization. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 20 January 2010]. Wagner, K.V., n.d. Eriksons theory of psychosocial development-psychosocial development in infancy and early childhood. Read More
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