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Global Warming - Disaster of the Future - Essay Example

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The essay "Global Warming - Disaster of the Future" focuses on the critical analysis of the serious disaster of global side effect which has been developing as a side effect of our lifestyle. It explains the causes, outcomes, sufferings, losses, and control measures of the disaster…
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Global Warming - Disaster of the Future
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GLOBAL WARMING – DISASTER OF THE FUTURE This essay is about the serious disaster global warming which has been developing as side effects ofour life style. In this essay we have made a comprehensive explanation regarding the causes, outcome, sufferings, loses and control measures of the disaster. Since this is a dreadful disaster to be happened in future we have also pointed out the responsibility of individuals to avoid such disaster. Table of Content Introduction……………………………………………………………...3 Disaster Background………………………………………………….…3 Risk Management Cycle…………………………………………….…..5 Risk Identification………………………………………………. ...........7 Risk Measurement….................................................................................8 Risk Analysis……………………………………………………..............10 Risk Decision……………………………………………………..............11 Risk Implementation…………………………………………..…...........12 Risk Management Strategy………………………………....…………..14 Conclusion………………………………………………………...……...15 References…………………………………………………...……………17 Figures: Risk Management Cycle……………………………..…………………..5 The Risk Analysis.………………..…………………………………….. Introduction Global warming is a natural process by which stationary rise in atmospheric air temperature occurs constantly. This phenomenon has been becoming a cause for the climatic change on earth. This not only increases the temperature on earth’s surface but also the temperature prevailing over the oceanic region of the world. This remarkable rise of temperature is on account of pollution occurring all over the world. The polluted atmospheric condition over the earth is capable to develop infrared radiation. The main gases present in the earth’s atmosphere are water content, Ozone, Carbon dioxide, Nitrous oxide and methane. These gases are termed as Green House Gases and have certain roles to increase the temperature on Earth’s crust. The industrial transformations and development have increased the production of greenhouse gases in the atmospheric air and is considered as one of the main reasons for the global warming. This phenomenon has observed from the middle of the twentieth century. Disaster background The concentration of the gaseous media of the atmospheric air has great influence to increase global warming. This is affected in accordance with two principles. One is by the direct emission of infra red radiation from the gaseous constituents of atmospheric air and the other is indirectly through clouds. The solid and liquid particles present in the atmospheric air are responsible for the indirect process to develop the global temperature. These solid and liquid suspensions present in the atmospheric air are generally termed as ‘aerosols’. They are universally originated gases substances and the carriers of these substances to the atmosphere are wind. During their travel with wind the aerosol substances undergo tremendous chemical and physical changes naturally. The characteristic features such as Physical, Chemical and concentration of aerosols present in atmospheric air are also taken in to consideration while thinking about the indirect influence on global warming. The risk management Cycle The risk management cycle points out the volume of risk factor caused due to the nuclear emission occurred from the nuclear power plant at Ukraine. On viewing the risk management cycle the depth of control and prohibition measures can be determined. The risk management Cycle The Risk Management Cycle points out the volume and depth of risk factors which will be happening by the process of global warming. On viewing the risk management cycle the control and prohibition measures can be determined and applied suitably. Figure: 1 The Risk Management Cycle. Source: Lectures Note (Ailing, 2008). This figure illustrates all of the factors in the risk management cycle. The cycle starts with risk identification. Risk identification Commonly the presence of elemental Carbon is the reason for the global cooling or warming. Presence of excess of carbon dioxide in the greenhouse gas is found to be the killer behind global warming. Each individual residing on earth is responsible for the accumulation carbon dioxide in the atmospheric air. The process is due to the burning of fuels and fossils throughout the world. Thus, the total effect of this phenomenon is a process of constantly increasing global warming. Another reason for the global warming is deforestation. Constantly increasing population persuades the masses of the world to enter in to the forest area. They destroy trees and plants in the forest area to find out their living means. This is either for cultivation or to start an industry. Plants and trees are highly in need of carbon dioxide for the purpose of Photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process by which the plants and trees prepare their food material by using atmospheric carbon dioxide in the presence of sunlight. Thus trees and plants have been abundantly using the atmospheric carbon dioxide for preparing their own food. But the processes of deforestation by human beings increase the chances to accumulate carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and create circumstances for global warming. The climate on earth has been governing by an associate venture of ocean and atmosphere. More over the climate changes on earth are centralized with respect to sun. The rays from the sun especially warm the equatorial regions on earth. From the equatorial region the heat is equally transmitted to north and south directions. This heat warms the oceans as well as the atmosphere. Then there happens a transmission of heat between ocean and atmosphere. Since all these process are interlinked the rising of temperature will result the global warming. Risk measurement There are numerous consequences regarding this global warming. Global warming becomes responsible for the climate variation on earth. Warm air has a tendency to absorb water content and the net result will be enormous evaporation. Habit of the warm air to hold the moisture content is termed as ’Precipitation’. If the process of holding water content by the warm air is more than evaporation, there occur floods. On the other hand, if the evaporation is more than the absorption of the water content, there occurs the draught. Both these processes cause severe havoc to agricultural crops. Thus global warming can convert the agricultural lands to deserts and forests can be transformed to ashes. Global warming is capable to alter the ecological nature prevailing in the ocean and sea. It is a well known fact that global warming will increase the temperature over the oceanic region. The tiny microorganisms which are responsible for the lives under the sea get destroyed due to the rise of temperature, which in turn results the destruction of living beings in the sea. Thus the mankind looses every valuable thing from the deep sea. Destruction of both plant and animal species from the earth is the major consequence of global warming. Due to the ecological imbalance certain species like dinosaurs have already destroyed from earth. Hence the stationery rise of this global temperature will result some more species from plants and animals to be destroyed. Thus the global warming adversely affects the inhabitants and ecological nature of earth. Extreme weather and storms are the other outcome of global warming. The constantly rising temperature makes the weather condition too unstable and as a result of this develops intolerable situations like drought, floods or hurricanes. A major issue of the global warming will be the health problems which may arise globally. The natural calamities are enough to cause severe damages to agriculture, human life and property. The attacks of such natural calamities are usually followed by starvation, malnutrition and contagious diseases which may lead to death of individuals. In addition to this the global warming develops tremendous deadly waves of heat which cause destruction of crops and death of men and animals. The North Pole and South Pole are the coolest in the world. They are termed as Artic and Antarctic regions. There the oceans are solidified to icebergs due to extreme cold. The global warming develops temperature rise over the oceanic regions of the world. This effect will be more predominant at Artic and Antarctic regions and forces the solidified oceans there to melt. This eventually causes a tremendous rise of water in the sea and ocean worldwide. The sea level rising cause Islands and coastal regions get drowned. The sea level rising also develops tides in the rivers of the world. The net result of these chained process is severe flood in all major rivers of the world and due to the development of extreme flood, there happen loss of lives and properties of numerous human beings and animals. The global warming is capable to cause a sudden, unexpected steep warming all over the world which in turn develops a sudden climatic change worldwide. Ocean currents that move from tropical regions to northern and southern directions of the globe make the oceanic water warm and also develop warm moist air by evaporation. Since sea water is salty in taste the residue of the evaporation process will be salt only. Normally the water beneath the sea level will be less salty than the surface water. Thus, the surface water is highly concentrated with salt and has more density also. Hence, this water moves towards the bottom of the sea and it travels like water currents. As soon as the high density water moves downwards the place will be automatically replaced by normal sea water from other places to maintain the equilibrium. Risk analysis Scientists have been conducting researches in order to find a solution to reduce the global warming. Their researches are mainly based on new technologies. In their event they could make some positive results to reduce the global warming of the near future. But they could not make any success regarding the matter to reduce the currently prevailing global warming. This is too unfortunate to notice. They proposed some measures to fight these havocs. According to them the process of increasing the efficiency of fuels has got too many advantages. They have also suggested technologies by which the carbon emission can be minimized. All these proposals lead to reduce the formation of greenhouse gases. They have also invented that the efficiency of fuels can be increased by some hybrid technologies. The efficiency of energy can be employed on a large scale by conserving and utilizing the same with respect to the requirements. The energy can be produced and conserved on a large scale with the help of concerned energy developing plants. This will reduce the production of carbon, since there is no need to burn the fuel to produce energy. Thus the process of conservation of energy enables to prevent the environmental pollution to a great deal. Risk decision Since carbon dioxide is the chief constituent of greenhouse gases the need to prevent it from accumulating in the atmosphere has become most essential. To overcome this difficulty scientists have developed a new mechanism to store carbon dioxide in the underground. Here the carbon dioxide is directly transferred to the underground storage sections from the abundantly carbon producing sources like thermal power sectors. This process is carrying out with respect to the carbon dioxide storage simulation technology. The carbon formation can also be reduced by using of electricity as fuels, bringing changes to industrial technologies, by improving automobile technologies and by making remarkable changes in the lifestyle of individuals. The life style of people of modern centaury has been fully relying on the utilization of energy. They need energy for heating, lighting, cooling and riding. In the case of short distance riding the very suitable alternatives are either cycling or walking. Both of them are very effective for improving health of individuals and at the same time saves considerable amount of energy. This can be practiced by employees and business personals by choosing or constructing their own residential sectors very near to their professional sector. Thus they can minimize travel and also save energy. The same theory can be employed in the case of industries and business also. These two sectors need raw materials for their performance. If both the business centers and industrial centers are situated very near to the raw material available centers the transportation expense and thereby the energy consumption process can be avoided. Thus we can save the world from the energy shortages also. Energy is also needed to produce materials which are essential for the daily life. Thus the energy has become an integral part of the human life. They should give preference to energy which emits no carbon dioxide during their utilization or production. Risk implementation The scientist’s researches could donate certain new technologies and energies to the world. The solar energy, wind energy, energy from oceans and tides in rivers and geothermal energy are some among them. These technologies can be employed in the construction of buildings and houses. The buildings can be converted to energy saving centers by using insulated materials which can resist heat to a great deal. Other energy saving materials such as solar furnaces and heaters, gas filled materials for doors and windows, heat reflecting materials for roofs and walls and heat resisting paints are very effective to develop energy saving mechanisms. By using these materials for construction purposes a soothing and cooling effect can be maintained in side the buildings. Hence, these buildings never require the service of air conditioning devices and thus energy can be saved to a great deal. Moreover, required number of trees and plants can be grown inside the compound to maintain shade and cooling effect. Another method is to implement echo driving techniques in construction works. These techniques provide knowledge regarding the reduction of carbon dioxide during the construction process. The drivers of heavy construction machineries are trained to develop higher fuel efficiency from the respective machines without causing any deviations in the efficiency of the work. This technology has helped to reduce the production of carbon dioxide during the construction to a great deal. At present all major construction firms provide training on echo driving to their drivers as a precautionary measure of their industry. Another alternative to reduce carbon dioxide emission from vehicles is to use backhoe driven by electrical energy instead of the backhoe controlled by ordinary devices like engines. The backhoe run by electrical energy emits 50 % less carbon dioxide than the ordinary engine driven backhoe. The production and consumption of bio- fuels at the construction sites help to prevent carbon dioxide accumulation in the atmosphere. Used cooking oil is the raw material commonly required to develop bio diesel fuel. This can be employed on engines of all construction machineries and devices commonly using at the construction sites. By this process the production of carbon dioxide can be reduced by one ton. Five percent bio-diesel in association with gas oil provides remarkable efficiency to heavy machineries used for the construction works with lesser emission of carbon dioxide. An echo-friendly product has developed recently which can be used abundantly in the air moving tubes of air conditioning devices. This material is too much effective to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide. All these are effective in reducing the greenhouse gases formation also and thereby provide great assistance to tackle the disastrous havoc creating global warming. To check up the emission of carbon dioxide, the most advanced technology is Geo- engineering. In this technology the carbon and greenhouse gases are absorbed, stored and subjected for purpose of preparing food materials for the plants by means of Photosynthesis. Methane is the other global gas in which carbon is found abundantly. When methane is burnt, equal quantity of carbon dioxide escapes in to the atmospheric air. Normally the methane burning places are coal mines, landfills, oil mines and waste burning plants. From these places the greenhouse gases are formed abundantly to the atmosphere. By reducing the production of Methane the accumulation of the greenhouse gases can be controlled to a great deal. Researches have been going on in order to find out a solution for this havoc creating process. Risk management We can employ some means to check up the rise of global warming. For this there should be mechanisms to retard the process of Radioactivity. The best way to check up the radioactive process is to minimize the chances of green gases formation. The easiest way to get the job done is to reduce the sources of carbon formation and to increase the sources of carbon absorption. We can reduce the unnecessary burning of fuels and fossils to reduce the production of carbon content. Fuels are mainly used for transportation purposes. If we can replace the carbon emitting fuels with hydrogen fuels, biological fuels or electricity environmental pollution can be avoided and thereby the global warming can be prevented. Hence, the best alternative of fuel is the nuclear power energy. The consumption of this energy will develop neither carbon dioxide nor greenhouse gases. This can be brought in to practice by enabling the nuclear power plants to produce electrical energy during the enrichment process of Uranium. Recent researches have revealed that the use of natural gas as fuels emits negligible mount of carbon comparing to fossil fuels. Hence, globally there is an encouragement to avoid fossil fuels and turn towards gaseous fuels. Another reason to increase greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide in the atmospheric air is deforestation. By preventing deforestation and employing reforestation the accumulation of greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide can be controlled to a great deal. The process of increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will simultaneously increase the global temperature and make the life intolerable to human beings and animals. The people of every country have got their own responsibility to discourage deforestation and encourage reforestation in order to prevent global warming. Each individual can also help the world by cultivating and growing fresh crops and trees in residential areas. Plants, trees and forests are the storage centers of carbon dioxide in the world. More over the trees and plants can reduce environmental pollution and also develop cooling effect on earth. Thus they can provide assistance to human beings from being destroyed themselves. Conclusion According to scientists ninety percentages of the reasons for global warming is due to the activities of the human beings. Hence, it is high time to think seriously regarding the global warming process and resolving the reasons behind the phenomenon. People are not aware about the dangers hiding behind the phenomenon. If the Artic and Antarctic regions are melted due to extreme heat, the sea level will rise tremendously and the whole world will be under water within seconds. Hence, individuals are committed to stop the disaster at any cost. Man has great desire for inventing new technologies. But unknowingly this desire leads to global warming. Unless each individual takes the matter as serious the whole world will be burnt to ashes in the near future. But one thing relieve us from worrying. The scientists have put forward one advice in front of the individuals and governments worldwide. The advice points out need to implement systematic treaties and policies internationally favorable to reduce the causes behind the global warming. They have suggested implementing special programs aiming to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide internationally. According to them the governmental agencies of all countries should impose strict rules and regulations to control the emission of carbon dioxide. They also urge the need to unite the industrial and business establishments with respective governments and individuals allover the world to take measures to improve the availability of the efficiency of the energy or insist to use advanced energy sources which are favorable to stop the global warming process. The process of global warming can be minimized only if every individual come forward with strong desire to keep away the drastic havocs of the global warming. Reference Globalwarming, Jan 2009. Web. 12 Dec. 2009. Read More
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