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The Buyer Behaviour of the Golf Players - Essay Example

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The paper "The Buyer Behaviour of the Golf Players" discusses that manual surveys were conducted to study consumer preferences and factors affecting their behaviour. The results from the manual surveys were collected, combined and analysed using SPSS and Microsoft Excel…
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The Buyer Behaviour of the Golf Players
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Research Methodology Introduction: This research project aims to analyze the buyer behaviour of the golf players with focus on one of golf products, namely the golf driver. A number of brands for the golf drivers are available in the market and Nike is chosen for detailed analysis. This chapter clearly identifies the research objectives for the project followed by a brief explanation of the various research methodologies. One of these methods is chosen for this study and the rationale behind this choice is also analyzed. The questionnaire design is done, followed by choosing a proper sample from the population. Data collection methods and tools utilized for analysis are also discussed. Types of Research Methods Used: With the positivistic paradigm, the emphasis is on using measurement to find out the relationships between facts and causes of the phenomenon. This is “an essential element of the research process under this paradigm” (Collis & Hussey, 2003, p. 57). This approach is useful when there is a need to conduct statistical analysis (Collis & Hussey, 2003, p. 56). A positivistic approach will be used and the researcher will be independent, will not be influenced by the subject of research, and will take “the role of an objective analyst” (Saunders & Lewis & Thornhill, 2000, p. 85). The major reason for this method as a choice for the study is because, quantitative researchers focus on the measurement and analysis of facts and causes. According to Denzin & Lincoln (cited in Silverman 2005), “qualitative investigators think they can get closer to the actor’s perspective through detailed interviewing and observation” (p. 10). With qualitative researchers, the emphasis is on the close relationship between the subject of research and the researcher where the value is in the social reality and the meaning of the social event or phenomenon. The qualitative approach relies on the quality and depth of data and does not focus on the “measured (if measured at all) in terms of quantity, amount, intensity, or frequency” (Denzin & Lincoln, 2000, p. 8). In addition, as Waters (2001) explains, the quantitative approach is based on “simplified representations of reality where real features are depicted by symbols” (p. 8). The main benefits of choosing a quantitative approach to this research are as discussed below. Firstly, this method allows stating of the research problem in very specific and clear terms. Also there is a clear possibility to follow the original research objectives that have been set down and to arrive at more conclusive conclusions. Also this method provides a chance to clearly lay down all the elements of the research to identify the main issues and the clear solutions to the problem. The information gained from this method are generally very fair and realistic. This is because the results are gained from the customers directly and this provides a clear vision of the actual target markets. Also since it is a controlled survey, it provides a clear result rather than any possible manipulations. Also since this method involves gaining the views of the actual target markets, it reduces the chances of any subjective judgement on the topic and thus minimises the chances of any irregularities in the research findings. Reasons for Choice: This section will deal with the major reasons for the choice of the methodology. As discussed earlier, this dissertation utilise quantitative method of collecting data. Since the main objective of this research is to study the general demographics of the golf players and the recency and frequency of the Nike golf driver buyers, there is a high need to gain a number of responses from customers and people across the country interested in golf. Hence the most effective mode of collecting data for this study would be through surveys. This allows the researcher to gain complete information of the choice of the customers and the drivers that they buy. Also since this research requires more straightforward answers rather than explanatory answers hence a survey is the most beneficial. Also, this research requires statistical data and information to be able to reach a conclusion. Hence this method has been chosen for the research. Research Design: This part of the proposal describes the research approaches and methodology which can be utilised in the proposed research. It also provides an overview of the data collection methods, the type of data to be used and the method of data analysis. There are two basic types of research, namely, qualitative and quantitative research. Hussey and Hussey (1997) consider these two methodologies to be at the two extremes of the research continuum. Qualitative Research: Qualitative research takes into account an in-depth view of behaviour patterns of people. It aims at finding the reasons behind each aspect of behaviour or trend that is displayed. It becomes an answer to the how and what for the decision making unlike quantitative method being results of questions related to the what, when and where aspects (Jobber, 2004). Qualitative or phenomenological methods tend to produce rich intensive data relating to small numbers of people and moreover, they tend to provide more contextual data – which adds value to other data – while acknowledges the fundamental complexity of certain social phenomena (Walker, 1985). Hence, qualitative research need not have a very large sample; however a focused sample is necessary which helps the classification of data into patterns so as to form the basis for interpretation of results and for report making and organizing the results (Saunders, et al, 2000; Housel & Nelson, 2005). Quantitative Research: Quantitative research is a systematic method of investigation of quantifiable properties and entities (Jobber, 2004). It is a scientific method used both in social as well as other research forms. Generally, quantitative research is a repetitive process for evaluation of results and hypotheses. It is a positivistic approach that “Seeks the facts or causes of social phenomena, with little regard to the subjective state of the individual” (Hussey & Hussey, 1997, p52). The chief aim of quantitative research is apply mathematical techniques, hypotheses, theories and tools so as to have quantifiable results. The results are measured and scaled indicating the connection between mathematical models and empirical expressions of relationships that are quantitative in nature (Saunders, et al, 2000). Questionnaire Design: Questionnaires are one of the best forms of research methods as they are relatively inexpensive and have a potential to gain large number of respondents. In a number of cases this is the only suitable method for research and is a feasible way to reach a number of reviewers large enough to allow statistically analysis of the results. It is known that a well designed questionnaire can prove to be very beneficial to the research and can be used effectively to gather information. Also questionnaires with demographic questions can be used to gain correlation information of the participants (Jobber, 2004). There are a number of steps that are involved in designing a questionnaire and each step of the design process needs careful attention and examining to ensure the best results are gained. The various steps that are involved can include, firstly, defining the objectives of the research. Secondly, determining the sample group, then the questionnaires can be written out and the administered following which the results can be interpreted. The following part of this section will detail the steps involved in this research. The questionnaire design was done in three stages. During the initial stage, the questions arising on a general basis of the various topics of golf were listed down. At the end these questions were collected together and analysed to check whether all the areas of interest are covered in these and repetitive or similar questions were removed. During the second stage, these questions were rephrased into simpler forms. Also, the questions were combined together into a single phrase wherever possible, but without increasing the complexity. In the final stage, the questionnaire was reviewed for any ambiguities or possible misinterpretations. Some of the questions had to be rephrased and the order of the questions had to be changed to ensure that the responses to the questions from a person are completely independent of one another. The final questionnaire consists of eleven questions. Each of these questions has been designed to achieve as much as information possible for the topic. The questions are based out of the knowledge of the game and are mainly pertained to the objectives of this dissertation. Here the interviewees have been given the option to answer open ended questions as the topic is one which requires the experts to provide as much as information as possible. The final questionnaire that has been used for this research is hence condensed and a refined version of the various questions that arose in the initial stages of the research. These questions are straight forward and very direct. Since the aim of the study is to gain the knowledge and the choice of customers in terms of the brands for the game of golf drivers. Scaling Method Scaling is an essential part of the whole research process. It is generally a part of social research studies. Scaling refers to the act of measuring or ordering responses with respect to traits as well as attributes. A majority of the questions in the survey focus on measuring the attitudes of the customers towards the product and also the knowledge that the customers have about the products they use. The pre qualification questions for the research are more of choosing a yes or no for the answer. The core questions however have a variety of questions. These ranges from providing the customers with a few choices to choose from which match the statement appropriately and also yes and no answers. A few of the question have also followed the Likert Scale. This however is not the exact five point scale, but are based on similar terms. The Likert scale is one of the several non comparative scaling techniques. Likert scale is generally used when the respondents are required to indicate a degree of agreement or disagreement with each of a series of statements about the stimulus objects. The method has been used to find out the responses of the customers for their views of the characteristics of the product, the brands and the attributes that awe them the most. This research makes use of a four point Likert scale, ranging from the terms as listed below. The values represented by the five points are listed below. Value Description Description 1 Not that Important Poor 2 A little Important Fair 3 Quite Important Good 4 Extremely important Excellent Table Likert Scale Population and Sampling: The survey is focussed on Thailand population of golfers. So a random sample representing the adult Thailand population (aged above 18) was selected as the target. The total population of Thailand has been recognised to be a total of 61.5 million. Researches have shown that golf is a very high revenue generating sport in the country and Thailand has earned a whooping amount of almost 8 billion baht from golf alone. The main players of golf are many in the country and the foreign golfers alone on average total up to 400,000. The love for the sport is evident from the fact that the country has as many as almost 200 courses for golf. This is regarded as one of the highest in terms of the world standards and the international market for the game. The main focus has been on the Nike driver users. The chosen sample for focus will be age groups from 18 to 50. Also, the population of golfers who buy Nike Drivers will be focused upon. The sample chosen has to be very random to gain the golfers from across the country and understand the buyer behaviour of the customers. Hence, to get responses from a wider range of audience and to get response from a randomized sample, this research method was adopted. A sample of golf players were selected and approached. The aim was to receive a minimum of 150 valid and complete responses to the questionnaire. Hence random golfers were chosen and presented with this survey. Though this is small proportion of the total population of the country, this is justifiable as the number of golf players from only a proportion of the total population. Hence it can be concluded that 150 responses will be sufficient to provide reliable results to the research. Data Collection and Analysis: The data collection has been mainly based on qualitative method. This includes a survey conducted for 150 people. The survey was conducted using the questionnaire (attached in the appendix). This was printed in paper and was carried out in the region of Thailand. The recipients were chosen randomly and the responses were obtained. The main aim of this manual data collection process was to include responses from people who play golf and customers who buy golf drivers specifically. This was carried out to compliment the study and provide recent and latest information and to increase the reliability of the results. The responses from the surveys were combined to form the final data set. The entire response set was exported to Microsoft Excel from the ZAP Survey Software. The data was then analysed using SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) version 12. Major analyses including Central Tendencies, Cross Tabulations and Regressions were carried out in SPSS. For a part of the analysis, Microsoft Excel was used. This included the entire questionnaire that has been provided and was used to gain the information from the customers. The use of the SPSS package allows for perfection in terms of the statistics that have been collected. Using the SPSS programs allows eliminating human errors that might occur while calculating the stats manually. The results are provided in graphs and tables which provides a clear view of the data that has been collected and transforms the raw data collected into understandable information. Figure: The Entire Process Pilot Testing: The research is quite vast hence a pilot testing will be undertaken at first. This is a mini version of the actual research and is also referred to as the feasibility study. The main aim here is to test the questionnaire and the research design that is used to ensure that the results are focused and reliable. To do the pilot testing of the research, a sample of 10 people has been chosen and the questionnaire was provided to them to respond to. This was mainly to check for their responses and also to gain a better feel of the customer reaction to the research. Once this was conducted it was easier to gain a feel of the public and their views and choices. Also since the responses for the pilot testing was positive with a good number of people willing to undertake the survey, it was clear that the questionnaire survey would prove to be well received by the market sample as well. This method is very important for a successful research as it also the researcher to ensure that the research instruments are well developed and works effectively. In this case it allows to ensure that the questions being asked are clear and are being responded to in the right direction. It can refer to so-called feasibility studies which are "small scale version[s], or trial run[s], done in preparation for the major study" (Polit et al., 2001: 467). It has also been noted that the pilot plan allows for improvement of the questionnaire in numerous ways as discussed below. Firstly, it provides a brief administration where the pilot study is exactly as the final study would be administered. This provides a brief understanding of all aspects of the study and provides the researcher with a chance to improve the study. It also allows for any changes to be made before the study can go live thereby reducing all risks and possibilities of errors. Secondly, it allows for feedback to be gained from the participants about any ambiguities and difficult questions. This is a chance for the researcher to change the questions based on the feedback of the participants. Also this forms a test run for the research. Here the time taken can be analysed and a decision can be made based on this to ensure there is no time that is wasted or used unnecessarily. Also this allows the elimination of unnecessary questions and removal of the difficult and ambiguous questions. The researcher can also use this method to assess if each answer gains the range of responses that it intends and if it is beneficial to have the questions in the research. It also allows establish that replies can be interpreted in terms of the information that is required. This is also a chance for the researcher to ensure that all questions are answered and if not analyse the issue and make the necessary changes as well. It also allows re-wording or re-scaling any questions that are not answered as expected. These test runs basically allow the researchers to shorten, revise and also if necessary pilot run the questionnaires again (UNIS, 2001). Conclusion: A quantitative method of research has been chosen for this research of the golf players in the region of Thailand. More specifically, manual surveys were conducted to study the consumer preferences and factors affecting their behaviour. The results from the manual surveys were collected, combined and analysed using SPSS and Microsoft Excel. The data and the finding have been clearly laid out in the next chapter. The Research Ethics Committee approved the entire research process and care was taken to ensure that the Research Ethics Code of Conduct was strictly adhered to, throughout the research process. The next chapter deals in detail with the research findings based on the results gained from the SPSS program. Bibliography Collis, J. & Hussey, R., 2003, Business Research: A practical guide for undergraduate and postgraduate students, 2nd edn. London: Macmillan Press Ltd Denzin, N. K., & Lincoln, Y. S., 2000, Handbook of Qualitative Research, 2nd edition, London: Sage Publications, Inc Housel, T.J. and Nelson S.K., 2005, Knowledge Valuation analysis: Application for Organizational Intellectual Capital, Journal of Intellectual Capital, 2005, Vol. 6, Number 4, p544-557 Hussey, J. and Hussey, R., 1997, Business Research: A Practical Guide for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Students, Macmillan, Chippenham Jobber, D., 2004, Principles and Practice of Marketing, 4th Edition, McGraw – Hill, Berkshire Polit, D.F., Beck, C.T. and Hungler, B.P. (2001), Essentials of Nursing Research: Methods, Appraisal and Utilization. 5th Ed., Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Saunders, M., Lweis, P. and Thornhill, A., 2000, Research Methods for Business Students, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, London Silverman, D., 2005, Doing Qualitative Research, 2nd edition, London: Sage Publications UNIS, 2001, The Importance of Pilot Studies, Winter 2001, Issue 35, Accessed on 22nd July 2009, Retrieved from Walker, R., 1985, An Introduction to Applied Qualitative Research, Aldershot, Gower Waters, D., 2001, Quantitative Methods for Business, 3rd edition, Harlow: Pearson Education Limited Read More
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