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What are causes and effects of not conforming to social pressure - Essay Example

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Peoples’ standard of life increases as technology makes the economy grow. Because of high quality life, people start seeking more material needs. Everyone wants to be like others and act like a celebrity…
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What are causes and effects of not conforming to social pressure
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According to Asch’s research, most subjects tend to trust their own decisions even though they are under pressures that the confederates try to force subjects into changing their opinion. As a result, conformity is not totally necessary for people in order to stay in the group. Having a fashionable high technology product is what most people want today, especially the iPhone from the Apple Company. It is built with the latest technology and with elegant looks. Many people are conforming to buy it because of the advertising and existing users’ pressure.

Their envy makes them follow others’ behavior. I was once asked by my friends to replace my phone with the iPhone because they are all using it. However, I refused to buy it because I feel I do not need it. It is not necessary to have such an expensive cell phone that I may not use the full functions of. I always ask myself the question of why I have to be like everyone else. Indeed, there is certain conformity such as traditional culture that people should follow, but it doesn’t mean that I should behave like some of those people buying pointless, fancy products.

Even though I do not conform to social pressure, there is nothing changing in my life. I am still part of my social group, where my friends do not judge me as an outsider. Actually, there is nothing wrong with nonconformity. At least I have my own value to analyze anything. My mind and behavior are not controlled by someone else. So, I can have my own principle to do what I want. Similar to Asch’s experiment, only people who trust their own judgment will get the correct answer. However, people who conform to the group pressure are just for their self-complacence.

They think it is the only way the group can accept them and have the same place in the conversation. In fact, it is how social groups make people think they are in the top trend and control their

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