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A factor that effect normal speech development - Essay Example

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Acquisition of speech is an important aspect of development in a child and it occurs in stages. The first milestone in speech is cooing which occurs between 1 to 6 months, followed…
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A factor that effect normal speech development
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At 2 years of age, the child is able to utter 2- word phrases. By 3 years, the child is able to form sentences, uses plurals and past tense, can make sentences with 3 to 5 words and 90% of the talk is understood by strangers. At 4 years of age, the child can make sentences with 6 words, can converse and tell stories. At 5 years of age, the child can make sentences with 6- 8 words, can name 4 colors and can count ten pennies correctly (Schwartz, 1990; qtd. in Leung & Kao, 1999). Delay in the development of speech is a major concern to both parents and pediatricians.

Speech delay can occur with or without delay in other milestones. A child is considered to have delay in the development of speech when the speech milestone attained is significantly lower than that which is normal for that age. It is important to identify, investigate and institute appropriate intervention in speech delay because; this can have significant impact on the social, academic, personal and vocational life of the individual. There are many causes for delayed development of speech. The most common cause of speech delay is mental retardation.

Infact, it accounts for more than 50% cases of speech delay (Leung & Kao, 1999). Most often, speech delay occurs due to inadequate stimulation of the child. An older dominating sibling may steal all the attention of the elders of the house. Various hereditary factors can affect speech development. Delayed speech in parents can result in delayed speech in the offspring also. Many genetic diseases which lead to global developmental delay or mental retardation can contribute to delayed speech. Exposure to many languages at a time or frequent changes in the childs environment can contribute to delayed speech.

Chronic ear infections, effusions and impacted wax can lead to hearing debility and hence delayed speech. Intact hearing is vital to speech and language development in the first few years of life.

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