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08 October 2008 My is ------------ and I am doing Bachelor of Science, Mathematics/Computer Science. Artificial Intelligence and control system program is the field that I really interested in. Artificial Intelligence is most evolving and rapidly developing field of computer science, and also its scope is broad in neural network, fuzzy system, and decision support systems. I have decided to choose this field for my future studies after joining the graduate school. I have done the BS and it is my dream to join graduate school because I have sharp capabilities of computer programming and logical reasoning and these capabilities are really required for this field.
I have developed my capabilities more by taking participation in research projects, also have job experience working as teaching assistance. I have been planning a career in computer science for several years, but as an undergraduate I determined on getting a powerful and solid background in mathematics and science. During graduation, I have done an employment as a Software Development Engineer and Test Control System to allow myself time to thoroughly think through my plans and to expose myself to a multiplicity of work situations.
I have also experience of teaching at University of South Carolina Aiken as a Teaching Assistant (TA). These experiences have shaped my personality, gave me more confidence to handle the critical situation and face the audience in a better way. This approach has been very helpful to me in rounding out my career plans. These experiences have polished my research abilities and produced the ability of critical thing inside me. This job and research experiences have provided me different way of reasoning a problem and I have got a lot of techniques to handle, manage, elaborate research related problem.
I have firsthand experience with computers in a wide array of Programmed GPS units; designing web pages; maintaining servers and networking. It has motivated me to think about ways in which I can utilize my control system program knowledge for scientific research. I have participated in many research projects during my studies like I have participated in research for the Control system for hydrogen Center at Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL)-department of energy, another research project in which I have participated is: Weighted Vertex Degrees, Eigenvalues, and Laplacian Eigenvalues at university of south carolina aiken.
These are the real accomplishments that I have ever made in the field of computer science. My researched projects have a great contribution in the development of interest of computer science research, and the boost me to join the graduate school for the accomplishment of my research dream. These research projects are very high technology projects that have build my research interest in different fields like AI. They have opened my mind for the future research projects. One plan that mainly fascinates me is development of AI decision support system for our community usage, and I think those kinds of techniques could be put to excellent exercise in Computer science.
I have worked two summers in a Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL)-department of energy firm as a Software Development Engineer, there I got a chance to work at Wal-Mart, Augusta, GA as Assisted customers with sales and product information, also there I have got the honor of employee-of-the-month for three times. My past work experiences have helped me a lot to develop my personality and provides the real direction toward my future. I have all time enjoyed and been strong in a region that needs logical, analytical thought, and I am apprehensive to join my interest in decision support systems with my knowledge of, and aptitude for, computer programming, control system program work.
There are quite a lot of particular areas that I have previously studied that I think would lend themselves to research based on expert system techniques, including expert system implementation techniques as a decision support system and their other domains. As I have chosen the field of artificial intelligence and in this field for research I have strong capabilities of critical thinking, logical reasoning and analytical thought, so I believe that I can make a significant contribution in the field of Artificial Intelligence.
I have attended both lecture/lab and field courses in computer science, as well as a short module dealing with computer networks, Testing, Artificial intelligence, Database, and I am extremely interested in the entire area. I would like to explore advance AI and new upcoming field of AI for further at the graduate level. I am also interested in learning more about the techniques about the expert system implementation point of view. I plan to pay more attention to all these areas in graduate school while at the same time I will continue to build up my overall knowledge of advance Artificial intelligence.
My eventual academic objective is to receive a Ph.D., but enrolling first in a masters program will make me able to find out a variety of interests and make an extra informed decision about which specific discipline I should study in depth. As far as enduring aims, I expect to obtain a position at a university or college where I can indulge my primary desire, which is concerned with scientific-research, and as well attempt my hand at teaching.My decision to focus on Artificial intelligence or control system program as a graduate and to explore the computer industry after graduate school has equipped me with a unique set of strengths to recommend this program.
The depth of my interest in AI has only developed in my time away from academia, and although I have acknowledged several possible areas of specialization through earlier studies, I look forward to contribute my brand new perspective on all subjects.Work CitedKenneth C. Laudon. Management Information System Sixth Edition. New York. Addison Wesley Publishing Company. 1997.
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