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The Positive Effects of Enzymes - Essay Example

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"The Positive Effects of Enzymes" paper examines enzymes which can be defined as catalysts that cause a chemical reaction to process at a quicker pace. Enzymes are the catalysts of biological and chemical processes that are related to a variety of natural processes occurring in human beings. …
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The Positive Effects of Enzymes
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This includes a wide range including the formation, decomposition, and rearranging of molecules to provide the individual with the energy and essential substances needed to live and function. Without enzymes, however, these processes would occur far too slowly for proper metabolism.

Enzymes are composed of amino acids. This combination of amino acids is usually referred to as a protein. Many refer to enzymes as special proteins that are biologically active or contain energy. It is because of this energy-releasing element that enzymes can perform their work. Nevertheless, enzymes cannot be classified alongside other proteins. Once the enzyme no longer possesses energy, it will fail in its function as a catalyst and is now equal to any other general protein in the body.

Enzymes are classified under several key groups. These include Proteases that help break down proteins, Lipases that help decompose lipids and fats, Amylases that help break down carbohydrates, and finally Cellulases that break down the vegetative matter called cellulose. Further enzymes can also be classified as digestive enzymes, food enzymes, metabolism enzymes, etc. Food enzymes are introduced to the body via the oral intake of foods. However, food in this crude form manifests only the necessary enzymes to digest that particular food item, which is usually not sufficient for storing in the body for use at a later time.

It should be added that the process of cooking and processing (as done in mass-produced foods) depletes the food of all its enzyme content. In this context, enzyme therapy comes as a boon for all those aspiring to prolong their natural lives. By understanding the core processes that enzymes employ in their various functions and utilizing them in such a way as to benefit the overall well-being of the individual, several beneficial long-term effects can be achieved that include an active and vibrant old age as well.

For instance, pancreatic proteolytic enzymes have been identified as a treatment option for cancer. Similarly, the enzyme Wobenzym is found to consist of animal-based enzymes called pancreatin, trypsin, and chymotrypsin, the plant enzymes bromelain and papain, and the bioflavonoid rutin. However, experts are still divided over the right approach to enzyme therapy. While some advocate a plant-based therapeutic approach, others prefer enzymes that originate from animal sources. 

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