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Human Factors in technology - Essay Example

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I have to admit that my work is made much easier and faster with the substantial progress in technology through these years. However, the work load had…
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Human Factors in technology
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Human Factors in Technology I had been working as a banker for several years and the recent changes in technology has greatly influenced my work pattern. I have to admit that my work is made much easier and faster with the substantial progress in technology through these years. However, the work load had not decreased, since the manpower utilized in banking profession had been shifted to automated services and the surviving staff has to shoulder extremely responsible tasks. There had been mixed responses from banking professionals who witnessed this swift change in technology that both enhanced and challenged their career.

However, technology had to progress, since it was unthinkable to hinder its journey towards a better and easier world. The first significant change I had to experience was the decrease in human contact that the Credit/Debit Cards, ATMs and telephonic and electronic transfers caused. It seemed in the beginning that the career prospects of a banker will become bleak due to these developments. There seemed little scope in such a scenario for many of us who spent quality time to acquire communication and interpersonal skills as part of our job training.

The entire concept of working in the front office had been changing very fast. Though it took time for me to get acquainted with the new system, many of my apprehensions were proven wrong as I learnt how these skills were still relevant, even more so, in the technologically advanced scenario. Moreover, there were many customers, especially senior citizens, who needed time to get accustomed to the changes. They needed assistance from us, and this led to a stronger link with the customers. Any new advancement in the field brought in situations where many customers needed support from us, and the human interaction involved in banking did not in fact decrease over time, though its dimensions have changed, as in every aspect of life.

The fact that my profession called for a clear knowledge of the technological aspects related to it was in fact a blessing in disguise. Many of my senior colleagues found it difficult to gain or update their computer and electronic communication skills. However, the younger generation who were more open to these changes and eager to keep abreast of the technological advancements got a chance to learn more through their job trainings and refresher courses. This had in fact made many of us capable of meeting the new challenges in banking and other fields as well.

For many of us, it was also an opportunity to get familiarized with the international aspects of banking and learning more about related fields like economics and international relations. This has made us better informed citizens of the world. One flipside of these technological changes is related to the unhealthy lifestyle it has promoted. Office work was drastically redefined, as everyone had to sit in front of the computer for long hours. No matter how hard we tried to maintain human interaction in our job, it had to more or less based on virtual reality.

The brisk and hearty aspects of a banker’s career had in fact given way to that of a cleric’s, merely equipped with modern technical gadgets. This had affected the general health condition of many of us, and we had to invent many ways to overcome this. We had to adopt proper exercises during work to avoid damage to the spinal cord. And we had to dedicate a major portion of our weekends to make up for the lack of physical exercise during our sedentary work pattern. The technological advancements have definitely changed the quality of my life as a banker.

Even as it made my work easier and faster, I had to take into account the bad effects such a work pattern had on my health. But one has to realize that this necessary evil is just the price we have to pay for the quality time we gain through technology. In the present situation, one can get more things done in the banking field within the shortest possible time. Many of the hassles associated with banking are now just part of history. We have at our disposal more time that we have to utilize judiciously, giving sufficient concern for our health.

In this way, one can make the most of the technological changes that are part of every aspect of our life.

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