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An Overview of Teen Pregnancy - Essay Example

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The paper "An Overview of Teen Pregnancy" suggests that A friend recently informed me that she is pregnant. She and her boyfriend seriously considered having an abortion. Her parents were not aware of her condition. The author told her not to pursue it for fear of taking an unborn life…
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An Overview of Teen Pregnancy
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The Reflective Log Lisa Shing Section Teacher July, 2006 The Reflective Log Teenage Pregnancy What was the event? Brief Overview A friend recently informed me that she is pregnant. She and her boyfriend seriously considered having an abortion. Her parents were not aware of her condition. I told her not to pursue it for fear of taking an unborn life. She said her boyfriend might leave her if she pursues her pregnancy. I tried to talk with her boyfriend to settle the issue to no avail. He dismissed all my explanations. This caused my friend on a brink of having a depression. I asked her to join a religious organisation to which I am also a member. I visit her everyday to keep her company. 2. What were the positive aspects of the event? My constant presence helped ease her anxiety. Our frequent talks also helped make her mind clear. The church organisation gave her some spiritual development. My assertiveness and communication skills made my friend re-consider having the baby. I realised the need to develop skills in counselling and giving advises. Through my own prerogative, I was able to develop, implement and introduce troubleshooting strategies that made my friend re-consider taking an abortion. These strategies can also be used in other case scenarios. I realised the value and need to equip myself with technical information and methodologies in handling more complex tasks like teenage pregnancy. Young people like me should be aware of such social work concepts to be able to analyse these social problems with young people who are experiencing such concern. My friend’s experience made me stop and think about the current situation of young women who are struggling to keep pace with motherhood and their adolescence period. 3. What were the areas that could have been improved upon? I should have approached her boyfriend in a more informal way rather than in an accusing manner, especially in the idea of having an abortion. Being the father of the unborn child, he should be man enough to face his responsibilities. He should have been more supportive in this critical moment of her life. Given the fact that my friend’s boyfriend may sooner or later leave her, I would suggest to my friend that she should be prepared of raising the child alone, without her boyfriend’s presence. My friend should have been more assertive in her right as a woman and on being a future mother rather than being driven into the idea of abortion. As a mother-to-be, my friend should pursue the right of her unborn child and seek child support. I should give my friend some reading materials in handling pregnancy at her age. My friend’s absentee parents may have contributed to her early pregnancy. If they were around to monitor her daily activities, all of these would not have occurred. 4. Can you think of another way you might have handled the event to improve the outcome? I would call my friend’s parents, who are working abroad, and inform them of their daughter’s current situation. It is possible that my friend is somehow not getting the attention that she needed from her parents so instead relied on the presence of her boyfriend and friends. Although she has friends and guardians to support her, my friend would still need the support of her parents that would assure her that despite what happened they still love and would take care of her and her unborn child. There is a need to have a community-based institution or “teenage clinic” that could handle the growing need number of local teenage pregnancy. A school nurse, health visitor or youth worker might be able to help give ideas for setting up the clinic. Young people like me should be encouraged and involved in this kind of social work endeavour. 5. Were there moral or ethical concerns arising as part of this event? There is a need to increase the youth’s awareness on teenage pregnancy. Schools, healthcare institutions and the local government should educate adolescents the effects of teenage pregnancy, means to which it can be avoided and how this issue can be disseminated. Parents should be critically aware that adolescence stage is a period where teenagers experiment on a lot of different things. Education of this critical issue should start in the home. Young individuals particularly men should learn to take full responsibilities of their actions. The essence of a woman is not mainly based on how she establishes her career but as to how she manages to raise a home filled with mature individuals. 6. Are there any personal learning outcomes that I can apply following this evaluation? To develop assertiveness and communication skills To develop counselling skills To develop and enhance technical and methodological knowledge on social issues To enhance the value and role of the family in a child’s growth and development Addiction to Video Games 1. What was the event? Brief Overview Five years ago, my neighbourhood friends told me that my brother James was often spotted in a local video game arcade during class time. I did nothing at that time because I was too busy attending to my own school requirements. His frequent cutting classes resulted to a decline in his academic performance. He enjoyed playing more than studying. The teachers called my parents attention. They reprimanded him for his actions and made him swear not to do it again. 2. What were the positive aspects of the event? My parents were able to immediately address the issue before my brother’s actions went out of hand. The diligent attention of the school to delinquent students was instrumental in developing strategies to control my brother’s bad habits. I realised the need to develop my confrontational and questioning skills when faced with crucial situations. This event gave me an understanding on how school administration confront, handle and devise ways and means to control the number of delinquent students and the growing effects of peer pressure. I realised the value of time management in handling school work, recreational activities and family quality time. I realised my responsibility as an older sister in watching over the welfare of my younger siblings while my parents are not around. 3. What were the areas that could have been improved upon? I should have immediately told my parents about my brother’s habit before the school administration called my parent’s attention. I should have questioned and confronted my brother about this issue. I should have devised the means in resolving this issue together with my neighbourhood friends, key people in school such as the class adviser and friends. My parents should have initially limited my brother’s access to video games. I should have encouraged my brother to focus on activities that will enhance his skills and talents. I should have asked my neighbours to watch and monitor my brother’s actions before anything serious happens. 4. Can you think of another way you might have handled the event to improve the outcome? I should not have encouraged my brother’s addiction to video games when he was still learning how to play with it to develop the responsibility for his actions and not society dictating what he should or should not do. My parents and I should have monitored his studying habits by checking on his home works, regular communication with his teacher and monitoring his grades from class exams. Family guidance is essential in teaching the child what is right from what is wrong. Children are best protected and nurtured when families are strong. As an older sibling, I should have visited his class from time to time to be acquainted with his friends and teachers. My family and I should have encouraged my brother to focus his skills, abilities and other recreational activities to develop his potential and strengths. Family strengths are what ultimately resolve issues of concern.  It is important to set up opportunities for families to show their strengths. The school should have developed means and ways to divert children’s attention from deviant behaviour to school activities. Family counselling should have been conducted to evaluate the overall relational status of each family member. 5. Were there moral or ethical concerns arising as part of this event? There is a need to develop awareness and focus on children’s inherent capacity, talents and skills to avoid delinquent behaviour and social conflict. No matter how big or small a problem may be an older sibling must also act immediately in for any reported issues and concerns that may arise within the family structure. At such stage of a child’s growth, parents must take full responsibility in a child’s actions. Values and ethical principles need to be appraised and re-evaluated. 6. Are there any personal learning outcomes that I can apply following this evaluation? To develop and enhance my confrontational and questioning skills To devise ways and means in allotting careful attention and time management for a family member To focus the learning ability of a child towards a more meaningful and fruitful effort To consider the necessity for a deeper family bonding To evaluate the values and ethical principles of the family and its impact on a child’s performance To identify how I can contribute to the overall well-being of the family Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) 1. What was the event? Brief Overview In as early as six years of age, my cousin John was observed that he was showing signs of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) by his teachers. The school requested that he’d be transferred to a special institution for ADHD children. John’s mother still insisted on having John in a regular school atmosphere to develop “regular” social skills. Too busy from work, the aunt decided to enrol John in a private school with limited number of students. The private school accepted John and immediately started his lessons. 2. What were the positive aspects of the event? The teachers were able to detect symptoms of ADHD based from John’s actions. Early treatment and management processes could be devised for John to receive the right therapy and counselling sessions. John’s mother somehow recognises the fact that her son could still develop regular social skills in a normal school atmosphere. She used assertiveness in recognising her son’s rights for a normal education. John’s transfer to a private school with limited number of students would allow him more focus and attention from his teachers and fellow students. 3. What were the areas that could have been improved upon? John’s mother should have immediately recognised the fact that his son is not a “regular” person but a “special child” who needs special attention from teachers. A more suitable school should have been chosen, instead of a private school. The curriculum of the school should be in line with John’s special needs. Mental health problems as that of John require particular attention. Studies showed that ADHD could lead to destruction of a child’s adolescent life. In some cases, it could also lead to drug and alcohol abuse, homelessness and unemployment. Severe lack of attention from his parents had made John suffer from ADHD. Even as a young child, he already felt considerable social isolation from his parents. John’s mother should have considered her son’s critical condition and provided extra-attention to her child’s needs. Teachers should have fully explained the implications of having a child with ADHD. More information should have been provided to enable John’s mother to carefully devise her plan of action. His mother’s busy professional schedule created an unforeseen obstruction in John’s mental ability. John’s new teachers should monitor his progress and provide learning materials to enable home-based learning support. There should be open communication among all parties involved. The new school, having accepted John, should develop clear, concise and constructive plans for John’s overall development. 4. Can you think of another way you might have handled the event to improve the outcome? If I were John’s mother, I would have considered the advise of teachers and transfer John in a “special institution” who shall cater his special needs. I would have move John in my top most priority and devise ways and means to manage my time. My time allotment would also permit constant interaction with teachers who foresee John’s daily activities. Cooperation with teachers would increase John’s chances of being a normal child. Aside from a special school, I would have also considered entering John in a family therapy or multi-systematic therapy sessions that shall assist with John’s emotional and behavioural problems. A home-based learning would have also given John the needed attention he had been yearning. It would also enhance the mother-son relationship. 5. Were there moral or ethical concerns arising as part of this event? There is a need to develop and promote the needs of children suffering from ADHD. Parents should have given more value and importance to children with ADHD. Professionals have the moral obligation of properly educating parents on the impacts of ADHD to the child, family and social climate to ensure that proper and well-guided attention is carried out. Special children with special needs should be given careful attention. Parents have the moral responsibility to pay particular attention and value to the overall well-being of their child. 6. Are there any personal learning outcomes that I can apply following this evaluation? To develop and enhance a parent’s understanding and open-mindedness To re-consider and re-assess personal values in handling special children To enhance the learning ability of a child through constant presence, understanding and patience To consider developing plans and methodologies in handling special children in a formal or informal setting To re-evaluate time management in allotting the needed attention to a child Homesickness 1. What was the event? Brief Overview My homesickness started when I went to University. I developed a habit of crying alone during moments of silence. I was no longer enjoying school activities. I wanted to transfer during my first month of stay. The registrar advised me to seek the advise of a school psychologist. After a few sessions, I was back to my normal self again. 2. What were the positive aspects of the event? After seeking the psychologist, I felt better with myself. I was able to actively participate in class discussions and other school activities. I was also able to recognise my personal limitations and identify my social needs in a new environment. I realised the need to accept change from one social setting to another. Upon the advise of the psychologist, I was able to devise ways and means in handling my moments of homesickness. Homesickness is a common social problem being encountered during the first few days, months or years of being away from home. Individual who have failed to recognise signs of homesickness becomes delinquent, easily swayed to peer pressure and lost in their thoughts. Such encounter gave me an understanding and confidence in handling more complex situations in a University life. The University is a complex social setting that carries various influences. If not psychologically prepared, new students may suffer from culture shock, homesickness or may lead to other related social problems. I was able to develop strategies in handling homesickness, and turn it into a positive outcome by keeping myself busy. The presence of psychologists made me gain more appreciation for my field of study. My parents became confident that I was able to responsibly tend to myself without their presence 3. What were the areas that could have been improved upon? I should have avoided silent “crying” moments and turn it into more substantial moments like socialising with school friends, studying for assignments and other meaningful events. I would have been able to fight my homelessness by enhancing my communication skills with fellow students, realising that not only have I been suffering with such problem. I should have made myself more communicable with old friends and share my grievances with people who are more than willing to listen. I should have developed constant communication with my family to feel the nearness of their presence despite the distance. 4. Can you think of another way you might have handled the event to improve the outcome? I should have engaged myself more in school activities rather than stay silently in one corner. I should have sought the presence of a peer to whom I can relate what I’ve been experiencing. In this manner, I would have immediately realised that I’ve been suffering from homesickness. Joining school organisations and festivities would have also saved time in hastening my recovery. Instead of a psychologist, I should have also sought the help of upper class men and peer groups for help. I should have reminded myself of my plans, dreams and aspirations to deviate any idea of quitting school into a more positive line of thought. Self-determination is a driving key in attaining one’s mission, no matter how difficult to attain it. I may have involved myself in a part-time job to divert some odd moments and rather immerse myself in work. I may have sought the help of religious people such as priests and nuns to be able to seek religious advice and the comfort of the church. 5. Were there moral or ethical concerns arising as part of this event? The presence of a psychologist strengthened, enhanced and developed my learning ability to cope with stress of a student life. Awareness of the struggles a student may encounter on his or her personal values and beliefs. Peer pressure and the need for an emotional blanket are two contrasting concepts that test ones’ inherent principles. Trust and confidence given to the psychologist made me realise the value of social skills in drawing out one’s problems and problems. 6. Are there any personal learning outcomes that I can apply following this evaluation? To develop and strengthen a set of values and beliefs that will be unshaken by social conflicts To enhance my communication skills for constant and reliable interaction To develop and enhance trust and confidence in ones’ self To strengthen my learning ability to cope with stress To enhance my socialisation skills and knowledge Read More
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