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Research Proposal October 24, 2008 XXXXXXXX email address of my paper: "Why does the Christian Church discriminate against women"My Major and why writing about this topic will be beneficial to me: My thesis: The focus question for my research paper is: "Why does the Christian Church discriminate against women" I plan to address what the Biblical view about women's roles and what the major influential churches, for example, Baptist or Catholic, say about women's roles.Approach to the subject of my paper: There are two ways I can take this - one area I can delve into is how the Christian Church uses examples of (sinning) women in the Bible as the reason for the discrimination, think Eve in the Garden of Eden.
The other aspect is that many times the Bible address the structure of the church and compares it to the family. Using those descriptions have been another way to define women's roles and have led to discrimination. Finally, I'll look at human nature, and despite all the scripture that supports women, and how it plays into the discrimination. Intended audience: Graphs or charts: Documentation Style: APA Kinds of sources I will use and why they will benefit my paper: Books, Internet Essays and references, Tentative List of References (http://www., Robert Nguyen: author and webmaster of www.bibletexts.comDenmark, Florence. Who discriminates against women Beverly Hills, CA Sage Publications, 1974.McGonigle, Thomas D. A History of the Christian Tradition: From the Reformation to the Present Paulist Press, 1996Purvis, Sally B. The Stained-glass Ceiling: Churches and Their Women Pastors Westminster John Knox Press, 1995The Holy Bible - NIVWalsh, Clare. Gender and Discourse: Language and Power in Politics, the Church and Organisations.
Longman, 2001Women Bishops in the Church of England. By Church of England House of Bishops, House of Bishops
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