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Letter and failure - Essay Example

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This letter is in response to your enquiry regarding my failed grade in Course Name which was taken during Fall Year. I have to admit that this failure is due to some fortuitous circumstances together with my limitation as an individual.
The Course Name is an online class complemented with laboratory activities which are submitted during the specified period…
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Letter and failure
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10 January 2007 of the Associate Director Associate Director of Address of Dear Sir/Madam: This letter is in response to your enquiry regarding my failed grade in Course Name which was taken during Fall Year. I have to admit that this failure is due to some fortuitous circumstances together with my limitation as an individual.The Course Name is an online class complemented with laboratory activities which are submitted during the specified period. Our professor solely based gauges our knowledge and performance through the labs.

Unfortunately, I got into an argument with my mother at the start of the semester. Because of that incident, I don't have the face to ask my mom for financial support in order to purchase the laboratory program. Throughout the course, I have strived to look for a job in order to raise the fund needed. I am only able to get the lab program during the last week of the semester. With the time constraint, I have finished the 15 required labs but failed to get the passing grade.As a student, I know that the failing grade can taint my sense of academic responsibility.

However, I still believe that each of us has his or her failure in some points of our lives which molds us into better individuals. With this experience, I have learned to persevere and struggle for employment, respect my parent, and admit my mistakes. In another viewpoint, the lesson that I have learned because of that incident far outweighs my academic failure. Thank you so much for giving me the chance to speak up and explain my case.Sincerely yours,Your Name

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