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Dixie Industries Womens Group - Case Study Example

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Dixie Industries, Inc has recently faced accusations from an ad hoc committee of female employees “of a continuing pervasive bias in promotions in favor of men”…
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Dixie Industries Womens Group
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Dixie Industries, Inc has recently faced accusations from an ad hoc committee of female employees “of a continuing pervasive bias in promotions in favor of men”. The spokes person for this woman’s group Mrs. Linda S. Feldman, has written to the President of Dixie Industries to explain to him their concerns of their future promotional opportunities within Dixie Industries due to the company’s promotional practices. She has demanded a response from the President and the Executive Committee.

The main problems faced by Dixie Industries and in need of addressing immediately, in this situation are; job action, the group could instigate a slow down, walk out or some other job action which will affect negatively the company’s ability to respond to customer orders and remain competitive; unionization; productivity, any job action would slow down productivity of the company which has already been below industry standards for the past year; publicity, exposure of these allegations would hurt the image of the company within the local community which would drive the stock prices down.. motivation.

This in turn would affect the productivity and turn over of the company. The group may also seek community support by publicizing the issue through the media. Alternative 2 Dixie Industries could invite Mrs. Feldman and the women's group to meet with the President and Executive Committee of the Company. At this meeting the President's views of providing definite equal opportunities for males and females given the possession of the necessary qualifications for any given designation could be explained and stressed to the group.

Having identified and specified the groups main concerns, the DI leadership could appoint a committee to look closely into these concerns together with the procedure and results of the study done on this subject by the women's group. The DI Committee could conduct their own study and compile results from that which could be compared with the study and results of the women's group.

At the end of this process, both the Committee and the group could evaluate the best possible actions to be taken for the betterment of the Company and the employees.Recommendation I would definitely recommend the second alternative. By approaching the problem in this way, Dixie Industries would;Avoid antagonizing the

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