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This paper is an application for enrolment into a Management Consultancy programme and identifies how the programme will help the applicant attain future career goals. MBA Application Acquiring education at any point in life is not only good for one's career but it also helps boost one's personality. Supplementing one's education in the middle of working life, with an additional degree may provide the career with a much-needed boost. It is important to note here that it is not only the upward growth that an additional degree brings but also the lateral one.
This is because a new degree in a related or a new area of study provides the opportunity to shift to a different field which can in turn provide career boosts that were otherwise impossible to achieve. I am currently working as a Support Officer for a charity where I am regularly faced with budget issues, logistic problems and other issues that have tested my analytical and problem-solving abilities one after another. Surprisingly I have managed to come through with flying colours and that is what has motivated me to enrol for your management consultancy programme.
Without sounding too flattering I feel I have strong analytical and problem-solving skills and enjoy finding solutions to problems. It is my personal motivation that is driving me to work harder and to achieve my goals. Although several motivation theories have highlighted different motivation forces namely fear, self-interest, security, safety, ego etc., I agree that it is also supported by self-interest which plays an important role in achievement and is one of the essential prerequisites for motivation.
We notice that people around the world make goals and then work hard to achieve them but have we ever really focused on their reasons for achievement If we delve deeper into the reason or forces that motivate them to succeed, we notice that self-interest dominates all other factors. Even those who appear to be involved in some absolutely selfless goals are in some way serving their own interests. This doesn't mean that self-interest is a negative force or that it leads to selfishness, on the contrary, I feel that if used properly, this force can be both positive and powerful.
Positive because, it creates a desire to achieve and thus keeps in maintaining a healthy interest in life, and powerful because this force can actually help in overcoming obstacles. I feel that it is high time that I overcome all obstacles and attain a Management Consultancy qualification. This qualification will help take my skills to another level professionally and will only be possible if I am allowed to enrol on your esteemed management consultancy programme. Adam Smith, the most renowned figure in the field of economics, wrote in his book titled, "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations" that self-interest is the force that motivates a businessman to succeed.
He writes "He (the businessman) generally, indeed, neither intends to promote the public interest nor knows how much he is promoting it. He intends only his own security; and by directing that industry in such a manner as its produce may be of the greatest value, he intends only his own gain" (Smith). For this very reason, I intend to eventually set up my own consultancy firm because I am sure the education that I receive in your esteemed programme will enable me to run my firm not just successfully but extremely successfully and help me make money and promote public interest as well.
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