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Fundamentals of Management Effective managerial performance is one of the most important elements of effective communication and human interaction atthe organizational level. Proper attention to the personnel function will help improve the efficiency of the labor force and the level of organizational performance. According to Mintzberg's matrix, the role of a manager can be seen from different perspectives: interpersonal roles, informational roles and decisional roles. Mintzberg's matrix is based on ten roles performed by a manager: leader, monitor, liaison, spokesman, entrepreneur and resource allocator, disseminator, figurehead, disturbance handler, and negotiator.
These roles will be taken into account during training courses in addition to others roles omitted by in this classification. This matrix does not take into account motivation and inspiring of employees, communication and control functions (Bateman, Snell 2004). The main skills managers need to develop include: a self-assessment, communication, coaching, conflict management and motivation of employees. In this case, the human element plays a major part in the overall success of the project and positive organizational atmosphere.
Management of conflicts, an integral part of project management, has assumed a vital strategic role in recent years as organizational attempt to compete through people. Today, projects can create a competitive advantage when they possess or develop human resources that are psychologically strong and organized. Managers should recognize that an employee may expect promotion as an outcome of a high level of contribution in helping to achieve an important organizational objective. They determine the perceived equity of their own position.
Feeling about the equity of the exchange is affected by the treatment they receive when compared with what happens to other people. Effective communication and motivation should be the core of training and employees orientation classes. Ongoing training and development is important to all employees, as is the opportunity of advancement within their chosen career.The managerial track of training will be based on leadership and communication training, change management and conflict resolution techniques, team work and group communication.
Co-ordination and leadership are intimately bound, as each affects the other. One cannot achieve co-ordination without effective leadership: together they ensure that all efforts are channeled effectively towards the right goal. Leaders' co-ordination is the process whereby the effort of a group is synchronized so that the desired goal is obtained. For future leaders is important to understand and create positive morale and culture which supports, guides and motivates employees. Team work and change management will be the main areas of training.
To achieve the task requires that leaders have clear definition, good planning, clear roles and responsibilities, appropriate resources and regular reviews as the project proceeds. At the same time, each individual of the cross-functional team needs to feel motivated and believe that he or she will benefit both professionally and personally from involvement in the project in terms of his or her individual contribution and the team's overall performance. Interpersonal communication and group communication differs in their aims and goals.
In general, work is a group-based activity and if the organization is to function effectively it requires good teamwork and cooperation (Schuler, 1998). Change management and conflict resolution will help future managers to overcome conflict situations and introduce changes into practices. The most important is to distinguish leaders and managers functions: the role of a leader is to create a perspective which people can share and which guides their decisions and actions while the role of a manager is to plan, organize, coordinate and control organizational performance.
The focus of training will be on identifying the organization's mission and goals, but attention is also concentrated on the resource base required to make it succeed. The higher up the hierarchy of management, the more attention is paid to planning, particularly in setting out goals and strategies for a long period ahead. Managers lower in the HR hierarchy usually deal with sections of the total plan, and are concerned with shorter periods of time.Table 1. Training Development ProgramPeriod ActivitiesObjectivesWithin one month-Attendance at seminars and conferencesTechnology course (technical and software skills) To enable the employee to become fully conversant with the organizations operationWithin six months- Management course (planning, coordination etc)-Leadership development course (including Mintzberg's matrix)-Group and individual communication course (including culture, morale and methods of motivation)To provide knowledge of current developments within leadership management and communication To improve management and leadership skills within the role.
To provide the employee with the next step on their career advancement program.Within one year-Change management -Conflict management course To upgrade knowledge of latest innovations within change management and conflict resolution techniques Further developmentBusiness studiesContinuance of studies to prepare leaders for career advancementReferences1. Bateman T.S. and Snell S. A. (2004). Management: the New Competitive landscape. 6th edn., McGaw Hill Irwin. 2. Schuler, R. (1998). Managing Human Resources.
Cincinnati, Ohio: South-Western College Publishing.
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