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The Effects of Globilisation - Essay Example

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The paper "The Effects of Globilisation" states that poverty is increasing, "In 25 years, global population will go up by 2 billion people. 98 per cent of which will be in the poor and developing countries" (Wolfensohn). Hence, globalization is a necessity and must occur to save the world…
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The Effects of Globilisation
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Running Head: Technology And Organisations Technology And Organisations [The [The of the Project "Identify and examine some of the major ways in which work, technology and organisations differ in Industrial and Post - Industrial (or Information) societies. Make particular reference to the effects of 'Globilisation'." Introduction Globalization effects upon technology and organization is not new, though. For millions of years, people and, afterward, business organizations have been buying from as well as selling to each other in lands at huge detachment, such as throughout the famed Silk Road across Central Asia that associated China and Europe all through the Middle Ages. Similarly, for centuries, people and business have invested in enterprises in additional countries. If we analysed the term "globalization" has acquired substantial affecting force. No doubt, some view it as a procedure that is useful a key to future world fiscal expansion and also inevitable and irreparable. According to the global experts there are so many questions concerning globalization like when did it commence, who supports, who alongside it or does technology effects globalization We will scrutinize these questions and attempt to find the greatest answers. 1.1 What Is Globalization and Internationalization Let's take a quick tour of globalization is a broadly used and hotly discussed subject which has numerous definitions. It can simply be defined as the compression of the world. However, globalization is too complex to be described with a single definition. Here are some more definitions to understand the subject better: Globalization is the homogenization According to the WTO report, globalization is the homogenization of people's tastes as well as demand patterns just about the world, due to augmented access to global communication of information regarding products and services as well as amplified access to transportation of products and people crosswise borders.(Hammond & Grosse,2003) Globalization Definition: Globalization can be explained as Adam Smith did as, "the growth of opulence," meaning when constraints on people's competitiveness are removed, then progress will flourish, with each individual looking to get better his or her lot. Globalization is The Process According to the expert analysis globalization is the procedure by which businesses generate value by leveraging their resources and ability across borders, as well as includes the organization of cross-border manufacturing and marketing strategies * Globalization is the rising integration of economies and societies around the globe. * A social procedure in which the restraint of geography on social and educational arrangements recede as well as in which people become gradually more aware that they are receding ( Waters, 1995). * Globalization is a procedure (or set of progression) which embodies a revolution in the spatial organization of social dealings and transactions, produce transcontinental or interregional flows as well as networks of activity, dealings as well as power. Technology and Organization According to the expert analysis globalization is a procedure of interaction and incorporation in the midst of the people, companies, as well as governments of dissimilar nations, a procedure driven by international trade as well as investment and aided by information technology. Global Value According to the expert analysis it is helpful for media reforms to obtain place, in order to reduce the harmful communal and economic effects for the nations it is moving. The onus is therefore located on the governments and media practitioners to plan remedial events. This process may not be an simple one due to the information the global media, is certainly propelled by globalisation. Hence the state of affairs worsens because each day the world becomes additional of a worldwide village. However apathy is not the method to go, changes have to be made to downplay the damaging effects of global media arrangements. No doubt, there is an additional significant term called internationalization, which is close to but definitely dissimilar from globalization. Mainly theories of internationalization have their ground roots in business organization and finances and have been expand in the 1970s and 1980s when American international started to endow in Europe and when European SMEs ongoing to export, mostly to neighboring countries (Weisfelder,2001).Here are some definitions of internetionalzation) * No doubt, internationalization can also be seen as the initial stage of the globalization. 1.2 Timeline of Globalization As globalization is frequently referred to as a recent event, it can be studied from a historical standpoint, by using the historical record spanning numerous centuries. If we analysed then we come to know that a past analysis of globalization, its origins, enlargement and implications, can offer a more complete look, and enhanced understanding of the perception and discussion surrounding globalization. Globalization In the recent years, a popular word which is always heard on the news, read in the papers and mentioned in conversations is globalization. In our world, the lives of people in different societies are becoming increasingly interconnected as they start sharing the cultural behaviours of each other, sharing traditional food, wearing the same brand of clothing and using the same brand of products. The common trend is that people from different nations tend to adopt the cultural behaviours and use the products of the more superior countries. This paper will outline the concept of globalization before going into the discussion whether globalization is inevitable or not. For each argument, drivers of the phenomenon will be explored with contemporary examples. The paper will also discuss the positives and negatives of globalization from different perspectives such as the economy, education, environment and the workforce. It is also worthwhile to discuss that these forces may or may not be controlled by the governments of world nations. What is globalization Globalization brings many different societies into one system. In this system, different societies interact with each other economically and socially. For instance, in any record store, people are able to select all kinds of world music from English folk to the latest dance tracks by Madonna. Due to globalization, the world has undergone profound transformation. Globalization, though, is known more as an occurrence that sees the rising interdependence among economies of the globe countries. The rapid increase in trade volume, in physical products and services, across borders in the last decade is more than enough proof that countries are getting closer to each other economically. More trade agreements are entered into and the integration of economic markets crosswise the globe facilitate capital flows, the creation of companies and hence the flow of goods as well as services. In the next sections, the positive and negative impacts of globalization will be discussed all the while considering the two arguments whether the phenomenon is inevitable or not. To do just that, it is inevitable not to discuss the drivers of globalization such as multinational companies, technology and the financial markets. Globalisation and the Media The term accumulation media refers to turn out, distribution and telecommunication structures. There is now a new phenomenon captivating place in today's extremely technologically advanced civilization; this is the digitisation of the modes of accumulation media which were mentioned beforehand. Furthermore, the hypothesis which applies to this digitisation of the accumulation media is recognized as the convergence theory. In additional universal terms the convergence hypothesis refers to the wedding of different technologies or industries. This meeting theory as it anxieties the mass media encodes all types of in sequence, whether voice, text, video, pictures and tune into digital formats. According to Vincent Porter simply put digitisation is the merging of the mass media by means of information expertise. Porter stated that there were two mounting trends which are facilitating this digitization of the media. Firstly, there is a tendency towards transferring all categories of information, voice, text, video, pictures and music into digital arrangements which can be manipulated by computers. Secondly, there is a growth of high pace multimedia communication networks in excess of which digitised information can be transmitted, for instance the internet. This digitisation of the media makes global media constructions. If we analysed then we come to know that the growth of information knowledge had a profound effect on our existence. The rise of internet and the fame of World Wide Web changes different aspects of person life. It opens up a overabundance of opportunities and potential to be exploited. One of the new phenomena is blogging that draws a lot of notice in the thinker community. Due to the mounting popularity as a communiqu media its crash on public opinion and mass medium are a lot of fold. What is blogging Why it is ahead popularity What are the impacts on Education, Business, Politics and News media etc. What are the in support of and cons and what lies in prospect This term paper is an attempt in this direction to increase a number of imminent of this occurrence. 'Local Values' versus 'Global Values' This research focused on this truth that the convergence of the accumulation media has some far attainment implications for restricted non western cultures. However, single of the majority serious implications that this technical superiority or digitisation has is educational imperialism. Professor Aggrey Brown recognises this educational imperialism as an attitude of power over all non industrialised civilizations to uncritically accept the technical imperatives of the west. The post-1950 period: The Second Wave of Globalization and forced global Labour Markets No doubt, the end of the Second World combat, the financial reconstruction of Europe and the transformation of trade and investment relations among nations in the second half of the 1940s as well as early 1950s gave rise to a new period of financial prosperity in the international financial system. The current policy regime was a system of fixed exchange rates, controlled global capital markets and constrained global migration. 1.3 Elements of Globalization Globalization is a universal phenomenon where there is growth in the interconnectedness of the economies of the countries in the planet. No doubt, the signs of globalization can be seen from the amplify in volume of international trade, the growing number of trade agreements among countries, the growing interdependence between monetary markets and more globalized personnel. More than just financial factors, globalization also has a great impact on sociocultural aspects. As one of the most well known debated topics in the International economics business over the past few years, globalization has become the very growing integration of economies and societies around the world. Rapid growth and poverty reduction in Asian and other countries that were poor a long time ago has been a positive aspect of globalization, but globalization has also produce important and amazing global conflict over concerns that it has increased discrimination, dissimilarity and environmental shortage. Globalization nowadays is really fatal and important in human live. It brings chances and opportunities for so many countries, especially in their business and economic aspect. However, every case and term has its own negative side and disadvantages. By the globalization and rapid changes that are happening in this world, causing a really major pressure and desperation in environment. Conclusively, through globalization human can get both positive and negative effect of globalization. The world should be able to adapt to changes that result from globalization, but also in the same time, human have to stay true to their personal beliefs that make each of us unique. 1.3.3 Spread of Information and Technology If we analysed then we come to know that the industrialized countries were the source of the technical uprising that facilitated globalization but that revolution has also had current effects on the rest of the global financial system. At one level, the new technology changed global comparative benefit by making knowledge a significant factor of production. Moreover, the knowledge-intensive and high-tech businesses are the fastest growing sectors in the global financial system and successful economic expansion will ultimately necessitate that countries become able to enter and contend in these sectors. Furthermore, this implies that they will have to emphasize investments in erudition, training as well as the dissemination of knowledge. According to the expert analysis, the possessions of this new technology have also spread well beyond the realm of the financial, prolonged though this now is. The same technology that enabled rapid economic globalization has also been exploited for general use by governments, civil society and individuals. With the spread of the Internet, e-mail, low cost international phone services, mobile phones and electronic conferencing, the world has become more interconnected. A vast and rapidly rising stock of information, sorting from science to trivia, can now be accessed from some location in the world linked to the Internet. 2. Information Technologies and Globalization According to the expert analysis by the convergence of information, computer as well as telecommunication technologies, it is now probable to access, process and make use of information from the mainly remote of all locations. Apart from being capable to hold vast megabytes of digitized information, it is now possible to broadcast such volumes of information, throughout digital signals as well as in multimedia formats, over long detachment. No doubt, this aptitude to access information from distant position has led to the description of the globe as a "global village". Globally, there is a little number of "source" countries with the possession of restricted medium organizations in the hands of, or in service in the interest of, Multinational Corporation. Even when medium organizations are nearby or nationally owned, the official managerial manage can be foreign or, with alike outcomes, controlled by nationwide elites with physically powerful foreign wellbeing. Not surprisingly, specialized ideologies escort the programming and skill. More recently, the conceptualization of cultural imperialism has been long-drawn-out to include a environment of other cultural enterprises such as subject parks, shopping malls, fast food dining, and expert sports. According to this research analysis the growth of new international standards for sharing information are making it easier and inexpensive for companies to do business by each other over the Internet. Today, online website is a key standard for enabling commerce to share and appreciate each other's data so that buyers in addition to suppliers inside an industry can transact trade professionally. Furthermore, exact industries are using websites to expand specialized vocabularies along with protocols for worldwide transactions. A Surveyor Report on Globalization Index of Top 20 Most Global Nations Released No doubt, the global financial system slowed down preceding year, but other elements of globalization deepened making the globe more incorporated than ever. These are the conclusions of the Foreign Policy Magazine Globalization Index. According to the report, these countries rank as the mainly global: THE GLOBAL TOP 20 1. Ireland 11. Sweden 2. Singapore 12. United Kingdom 3. Switzerland 13. Australia 4. Netherlands 14. Czech Republic 5. Finland 15. France 6. Canada 16. Portugal 7. United States 17. Norway 8. New Zealand 18. Germany 9. Austria 19. Slovenia 10. Denmark 20. Malaysia Conclusion: To Sum up this discussion we may say that globalization has vast benefits on our world especially on the economy, communication and education although it also has several negative effects on the environment and poor countries. Globalization is becoming increasingly independent and fair without the control of any group of nations. Someday, everyone will obtain more profit from globalization. Furthermore, globalization creates a humanity of winners and losers in this world some attain prosperity but some live in depression and despair. According to Anthony Giddens, the poorest fifth income of the world's population has dropped from 2.3% to 1.4% over the past 10 years, whereas the richest fifth has risen from 70% to 85%. The reason of this observable fact is that is many less developed countries, security and environmental system are low or approximately non-existent. A few overseas companies sell goods there to control their markets as well as industries, such as poor worth medical drugs, critical pesticides, and high tar plus nicotine cigarettes. This action is not global competition but global pillage. Due to globalization, the gap between rich countries and poor countries will increase. To sum up, globalization will spread whether we like it or not. Thus, it is better to start coping with it so that we would be able to compete instead of vanishing from the world market. We should start using our sources in addition to the external aid that we receive from the developed countries in an effective way. Poverty is increasing, "In 25 years, global population will go up by 2 billion people. 98 per cent of which will be in the poor and developing countries" (Wolfensohn). Hence, globalization is a necessity and must occur to save the world. In conclusion, the fame and usability of the Weblogs are rising rapidly. In many area novelty of uses are popping up. It is riding on the achievement of fame of internet. The main cause which contributes to its achievement is simple skill. It also empowered the consumer and provides chance to be heard across physical boundaries. The rising influence of inhabitant reporting has deep crash on our social scheme. References Busch, A., (1997), Globalisation: some evidence on approaches and data, 25th ECPR in Bern, Paper presented to workshop on Globalisation and the Advanced Capitalist State. Champy, J., (2007), Think globally, sell locally, Journal of Sales & Marketing Management, pp.24-29. Cateora P.R., G. G. L. (2005) International Marketing, McGraw-Hill Irwin, New York. Giddens, A. (2001) the class structure of the advanced societies, Hutchinson, London. IMF Staff, 2000, Globalization: Threat or Opportunity [Online], Available: [2005] Friedman, T. L., The Lexus and the Olive Tree: Understanding Globalization. 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(2007) Beyond the marketplace : rethinking economy and society, Aldine de Gruyter, New York. Larsson, Tomas, (2000), The Race to the Top: The Real Story of Globalization, p.10. Manardo, Jacques, (2000), Globalization at Internet Speed, Strategic Leadership, 28,3, pp n22-27. Porter, M. E., (1998), Clusters and the new economis of competition, Harvard Business Review November-December, 77-90. Sengupta, S., Mohr, J., Slater, S., (2005), Strategic Opportunities at the intersection of globalization, technology and lifestyles, Handbook of Business Strategy, 2006, pp.43-50 Streeten, P., (2001), Globalisation: Threat or Opportunity, Copenhagen Business School Press, Copenhagen, Weisfelder, C.J., (2001) Internationalization and the multinational Enterprise: Development of a research tradition, v.11, pp.13-46. Read More
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