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Teaching Adults with Autism - Essay Example

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From the paper "Teaching Adults with Autism" it is clear that generally, the action research proposal for teaching adults with autism has been established as a suitable research exemplar for educational, professional, executive and organizational development…
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Teaching Adults with Autism
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Running Head: TEACHING ADULTS WITH AUTISM Action Research Proposal - Teaching Adults with Autism of Action Research Proposal - Teaching Adults with Autism Introduction Action Research Proposal This action research proposal for teaching adults with autism has been established as a suitable research exemplar for educational, professional, executive and organisational development. This proposal aims to present new guidelines in action research for teaching adults with autism by bringing jointly leading action researchers who have seriously reflected on their hypothesis and practice with a spotlight on critical action research, based on the [Name of Institution] of Critical Theory. Briefly, my understanding of emancipatory action research is that it is mutual, critical and self-critical query by practitioners (e.g. teachers, managers) into a main setback or matter or concern in their own practice. They own the crisis and feel liable and answerable for solving it during teamwork and through subsequent a cyclical procedure of: 1. strategic planning; 2. action, i.e. implementing the plan; 3. observation, evaluation and self-evaluation; 4. critical and self-critical likeness on the outcome of points 1-3 and building decisions for the next cycle of action research proposal, i.e. revising the sketch, followed by action, scrutiny and mirror image, etc. Aim A discussion of the draft submissions from members of the Expert Groups, for the purpose of bringing together the various themes of the Review, in consideration of the questions offered by the Lay Group. Technical action research proposal for teaching adults with autism aims to get better efficacy of educational or executive practice. The practitioners are co-opted and depend deeply on the researcher as a catalyst. Practical action research proposal, in addition to efficacy, aims at the practitioners' accepting and professional growth. Being a researcher my role is Socratic and to encourage practical thought and self-reflection on the part of the practitioners. Teaching To integrate the proposed study of perception-movement-action, as a unity, in the teaching programmes at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels in PESLS and Psychology and other related departments with autism in the [Name of Institution]. Research Strategies Assisted by the outer visitors, the Review Members tasked with developing a broad, forward-looking policy for teaching adults with autism research in the UK. It will be useful to move toward this through classification of - Strategic research questions building on the Review's earlier work integrating perspectives of researcher and users - Appropriate (and inappropriate) methodologies to address those questions Methodologies 1. I have established three Expert Subgroups to cover the areas of: - Epidemiology and case definition for teaching adults - Physiology and infections with autism - Psychology and behaviour of adults during study 2. The Subgroups reported to the overall Chairman of the Review through the Subgroup chairmen. Information shared across the Subgroups, the steering group and to officers, as well as to the Students Counsel Group. The work of the group was otherwise being confidential. 3. The Lay Group have observers on the Expert Subgroups. The Lay members roles are to Advise on effective ways for lay and parental participation in the review; Throw in to the work of the Expert Subgroups, particularly through identifying coherent sets of questions to be put to the my researchers team; Advise on effective reporting and dissemination of the review so that it can address the needs of both the Department of teachers and the wider student counsels. 4. Department Head Office was supporting the work of the group in particular its meetings, which was minuted in brief. 5. The concerned department had also established an e-mail list for communications and a list of information resources. 6. School Head Office was responsible for communicating the work and findings of my review groups to the Department of [Name of Institution]. Group Questions 'Is autism associated with structural teaching methodologies' In general I have not been thought to be associated with autism approach while researching on teaching. However, there are methodological challenges to the assessment of likely associations, including the need for large samples in order to reliably classify malformations which are they relatively rare. 'What is the co-morbidity of academic spectrum with other medical conditions' This question is best addressed by population-based investigations in which identifiable medical circumstances have been originate in association with cases of autism that meet conventional criteria for diagnosis. Questions for Interview How much does a child's diagnosis depend on the route through the health care system s/he follows The Review did not directly consider this question, which is related to issues of service delivery. However, as discussed in the proposal, a diagnosis of autism can be made accurately using existing assessment tools for teaching systems. Families with an autistic child are given an approximate 6% chance of having another born with the disorder. Is this a true figure and what is its significance during admissions in school How best to achieving the interdisciplinary required to deliver the strategic Outcome of Interviews While my focus is on action research proposal while considering teaching with autism, there is obviously overlie with the need for definitions that have utility in the clinical and service context. For this reason a continuing dialogue between research targeting fundamental questions and that aimed at developing and evaluating tools for academic services is essential. There is consensus on the broad criteria used to identify those with autism spectrum disorders while providing education to adults. However, questions remain about the interpretation of more subtle patterns. This requires detailed information on patterns of impairment within population and family studies. Further work is required to develop and test the classification of subgroups within pervasive developmental categories for proposals. For instance, do children with autism spectrum can be bright students who show apparent regression represent a meaningful subgroup Additional work is needed to expand consistent methods to assist teachers in mapping identified impairments onto the currently recognised diagnostic categories of students. To understand the evolution of phenotype with increasing age there is a need to improve ascertainment of autism spectrum disorders in the very young, adolescents and adults. An important question is the extent to which the phenotypic and genetic features of autism spectrum disorders overlap with teaching methodologies, such as specific language disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders and attention-deficit hyperactivity. Findings Definition of Autism "Autism is defined by early signs of impairments in socialisation and communication and the presence of repetitive behaviours of young children in schools. The spectrum includes children and adults across the range of severity and intellectual ability, from severely impaired to high-functioning. Approximately a third of children with autism appear to lose skills in their second year, but the significance, in terms of cause and life-course, is unclear" (Wing, L. & Gould,J.,2002, 11-29). Planning The teacher's role is greatest during the planning phase. He or she consults with the students to refine the family's strategic (overarching long-term) goals and tactical (specific short-term) objectives. The specific features of their health-care prow, living wills, powers, and trust--indeed, which of these featured are used at all--are guided by family goals and limited by the quality of information provided. Problems concerning teaching methods and policy for adults with autism most often arise at this point. Flexibility in coaching and training is the key to effectiveness in this stage. Research To carry out world-class experimental/theoretical research proposal for teaching and training into perceptually guided movement - the foundation of meaningful action research proposal, interaction and communication in school societies. To study perceptually guided movement in capable recital and in development, learning and rehabilitation of adults for perfect learning at [Name of Institution]. To investigate natural movements, such as reaching, gesturing, walking; learned movements, such as in sport, music, dance and speaking; and intrinsic movements such as in controlling focus and intelligence flow. To incorporate explore on perception-movement-action in fields such as training systems, extracurricular activities, child development, music and dance, neuroscience, motor control, physics, physiology, psychology, robotics, speech, sport science. To secure external research grants and contracts for carrying out this research proposal. To encourage collaboration between faculties in carrying out, seeking interest for and publishing the research, by means of regular seminars. To attract top-class staff and postgraduate students to excel by virtue of the quality of the school's research and facilities. Recommendations A great deal of this basic action research proposal on causes is basically extended term and programmatic in nature. New and important findings will emerge from the current [Name of Institution] system and great managerial effort and investment in high quality research, and these too will inform longer term research and funding strategies for school. However there are numerous reachable steps that could be taken in the near future to improve services and research proposal for autism spectrum of adults during academics: - Bring to the attention of policy makers in [Name of Institution], social care and education, and to practitioners, teachers and students the results of the different national reviews pertinent to autism spectrum of adults along with best teaching methodologies in a co-ordinated way to maximise the allocation of agendas and determined actions. The kinds of topic that are likely to value a co-ordinated come close to embrace guidance for services and research in school, and how finest to make sure that the research and development environment in clinical, social care and educational settings is strong. - Consider whether specific initiatives are required to stimulate collaboration to further exploit [Name of Institution] strengths in the field and to address important questions where research is currently weak and could be strengthened. - Promote the research community to develop high quality research proposals for funding that address the key issues for research identified in this proposal for the betterment of school teaching and training, - Build on the researcher-lay-funder partnership that was crucial to this review, extending it beyond academic groups and research, so as to ensure that the best facts is easily available to all and to facilitate the growth of adult participation in the study, carry out and distribution of research - as a means to enhancing its quality and relevance. Conclusion The 'hard work' of enterprise research proposal in hard situation to bring about amend in [Name of Institution], or processes to continue an agenda for inclusion, requires all of the uniqueness which I have describes in the recommendations. Teaching today is no joke, and enclosure in school settings, for all the political rhetoric, leftovers the reason of a good deal of fretfulness with the vast majority of teachers, parents and often, it seems, children and young people too (Medical Research Council, 2000). To work to advance an agenda for enclosure, in the target-driven and achievement-oriented market place that education has become, requires teachers to have high expectations of their colleagues and those they educate. It requires them to 'see' that things can be improved and to belief that those around them - In spite of much proof to the dissimilar (American Medical Association, 2000) with a bit of help from the social model, with its stress on flouting down the barriers which construct omission, can and will change their practice and get better their game (Stratton K. 2001). Learning Objectives 1. To be able to describe a variety of research methodologies and understand the importance of framing and building the research question for educational trainings of adults 2. To develop and practice critical appraisal skills of adults with autism 3. To have discussed systematic reviews, including aspects of bias and the use of unpublished literature of amazing students. 4. To have well thought-out qualms in research and how this affects decision making of students for their career. 5. To facilitate participants to experience more sure and proficient in their pondering with the expert review groups. 6. To have networked and had some fun during their academic period at School. References American Medical Association. (2000), Current scientific data do not support causal association between autism and the MMR vaccine. American Medical Association. Medical Research Council. (2000), Report of the Strategy Development Group Subgroup on Research into Bowel Disorders and Autism and Teaching Methods. London, England, Medical Research Council. Stratton K. (2001), Immunization safety review: measles-mumps rubella vaccine and autism. Institute of Medicine. 2001. Washington DC, National Academy Press. Wing, L. & Gould, J. (2002).Severe impairments of social interaction and associated abnormalities in children: epidemiology and classification. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 9, 11-29. Read More
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