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Yvonne Marie Leyson For: Unidentified National Labor Relations Act 22 March 2006 A nation's economy apparently controlled by the pseudo-rich corporations can manipulate the law to ironically benefit them yet create a false sense of security among the labor sector. Employers were free to spy, interrogate, discipline, discharge and blacklist union members. Such was the occurrence led to the inception of the National Labor Relations Act in 1935 when confrontations turned violent after the police and security personnel took the side of the anti-union employers.
Senator Robert Wagner of New York sponsored the National Labor Relations Act in 1935 which created the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) that established the worker's right to Collective Bargaining. For a while, the employees felt a sense of contentment with the recognition of their rights made through their unions only to be plunged ultimately by the assertion of the Taft-Hartley Act in 1947. The labor law is defined comprising mainly on the elements of law, and in its entirety deals on the state policies on labor and employment.
It' constituents are composed of the persons, individuals, labor organizations, partnerships, corporations to name a few. On the one hand, an employer may be an agent directly or indirectly of any institution government or not that utilizes the labor force in it's earning capacity. Karl Marx would have blatantly the employer as: "the capitalist".Albeit a non-foolproof provision, the Act as a law considers it illegal for employers to exercise interference, restraint or coercion on a union's collective activity.
The Act also prohibits domination and refusal of employers to bargain in good faith with union representatives. Illegality is also seen in cases where the employer retaliates for the filing of unfair-labor practices charge and the discrimination against employees who take part in union or any other collective activity.Threats from employers against union members fall under the category of union-busting along with coercion, disciplinary actions, suspensions, discharges, transfers. To eradicate mis representations, the law provides that parties have the duty to bargain collectively to reach a desired effect congruent and acceptable to both sides.
Among the common collective bargaining issues' most common woes are the work conditions, salaries and wages, right to participate in policy making and the security of tenure.Professional workers under this law do not create their own varied and distinct activity that is dissimilar to the ordinary laborers. There is no separation between the professional and non-professional labor and workforce. They too are considered part and parcel of the labor force and are required to abide by the laws implemented for both the employers and employees.
Law under this manner is made to act as statutes, rules and doctrines that define State policies on labor and employment. It governs the rights and duties of workers with a certain set of standards that are defined more fluently under other laws of the country or the state. The aim of equality for all is tightly enhanced under this law which if properly followed to the hilt would enable one and all to perform to their highest potential. Man can exercise his freedom of expression, his right to due process and the freedom of association.
It is believed that man, when allowed to do what he feels like doing within the limits of norm, may perform at his best.Such performance without unnecessary hindrance may render quality products that in turn allow a higher yield for the employer and ultimately the nation's economy as the end result. Works CitedWorks Cited US Govt. National Labor Relations Act Handouts. 1994. US Govt. National Labor Relations Act Handouts. 1994. United States Government. p.2-4.U.S. National Labor Relations Board.
"Transcript of the National Labor Relations Act (1935):Findings and Policies". Houghton-Mifflin College Division. 22 Mar, 2006.http://college.hmco.con/history/readerscomp/reah/html/ah_063200_nationallabo.htm
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