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Charlton Lodge: Analyzing the - Case Study Example

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"Charlton Lodge: Analyzing the Case Study" paper analyzes the case study in which the system is meant for storing information of customers and room present in Charlton Lodge and creating Invoices. The Software Requirement Specification is the mechanism for capturing the requirements…
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Charlton Lodge: Analyzing the Case Study
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Charlton Lodge: Analyzing the Case Study The Software Requirement Specification is the mechanism for capturing and containing the project requirements. In the case study, the system is meant for storing information of customer and room present in Charlton Lodge, Customer_infomation and creation of Invoices. Process Flow 1. customer dropping himself to the lodge. 2. Customer books room. 3. if customer exists then ok else put customer in customer table and generate permanent custid. 4. generate invoice and finalise purchase Creating Use Cases for the given case study Actors Actors are not part of the system. They represent any one or anything that must interact with the system. Its role is to enter the input to the system or receive information from the system. In this case, the operator or better to say the Salesman is the only actor. The Salesman is a person who actually plays the role of customer interaction and negotiator. He also works as an operator and enter the details of all rooms which are now being available for the Customers to book. The information about the customer has to be recorded by the salesman itself. There can be more than one sales man but each of them will be given a login_id and password through which they can operate the software. Use Cases A Use Case is s sequence of transactions performed by a system that yields a measurable result of values for a particular actor. Use Cases identified as per the case study are Creation and access through ogin_ID Creation of a Room Record. Creation of Sales Invoice. Creation of Customer ID Creation of list of Options with each option being given a Code. Creation and Access through Login_ID:- The Salesmen have been given a login_ID to operate the system. The system will check the authenticity of the user and only after positive approval it can be accessed. Creation of a Room Record: - The Salesman in this works as a simple operator and enters the details related to the every room present in the lodge. Creation of Invoice: - The Salesman creates a Sales Invoice after every purchase. The invoice summarizes the booked room, including full customer information, and information of the booked room. The invoice may contain details of the Options selected by the customer or no options. The Options have a code. The customer choices are being put on the invoice after the Salesman fills the digital form with the code of the selected option. No selection of Code means no option has been chosen by the Customer. Creation of Customer ID: - If the customer books room in Charlton Lodge for the first time, his details are being recorded for future use for promoting sales. The customer is given an ID and so that the same can be used for data storage and retrieval. It's the Salesman who has interacted with the Customer will to fill in all details. Creation of list of Options with each option being given a Code: - The Charlton Lodge provides lots of options to its Customers and these can be identified through the list of features and Option Code. Each Option has been pre stored in the database. The Option contains the details of features associated and the related Option Code. The Operator of the system has to store the list along with its code. Use Case Diagram The Use Case diagram gives graphical view of the actor (i.e. Salesman), Use Cases and their interaction identified by the system. Activity Diagram Activity Diagram actually represents the dynamics of the system. They show the flow of control from activity to activity in the system. Activity diagrams contain activities, transitions between the activities, decision points, and synchronization bars. The activity diagram in this case shows the different phases of creation of the invoice which is actually the most dynamic work in the whole list of system functions. System begins login process. The access right is verified and depending on the result of this decision making process, the system moves on. If verification process gives positive result, room information from the database is taken. If the customer chooses any available option that data has to be taken from option database. After that Customer information is taken from the database but in case of customer being new, his information are first stored then it is accessed. If the customer is going for trade-in option, then information of that room has to be stored in the database. Finally the invoice is created. Class Analysis A class provides a blueprint for an object. The three primary class stereotypes in the UML are Boundary Class, Entity Class and Control Class. The Boundary classes lie on the boundary between the system and rest of the world. The Entity classes are meant for storing the information in the system. They are found in the flow of events. Control classes are responsible for coordinating the efforts of other classes. Sequence diagram for salesman login use case The login process is the most elementary process of the whole system. Getting an access is quite necessary to operate the system. The system is opened and request for login form is made. The login form is filled up and access request is sent to through login_manager. The login_manager sends these details to login_database for verification. The result is send to the login_manager and finally to login-form class to display the result and configuration of the system accordingly. Class diagram for salesman login use case Sequence diagram for Room detail use case The Room's information has to be stored. The request for room_entry_form is made and all data is being entered. The entered data is sent to the database through room_info_manager. The successful storage of data is displayed through the information sent by the room_database and resend through room_info_manager. Class diagram for room detail use case Sequence diagram for Customer_ID use case The Customer's information has to be stored. The request for customer_entry_form is made and all data is being entered. The entered data is sent to the database through customer_info_manager. The successful storage of data is displayed through the information sent by the customer_database and resend through customer_info_manager. Class diagram for Customer_ID use case Sequence diagram for Option_list use case The Option_list has to be stored. The request for Option_list_form is made and all data is being entered. The entered data is sent to the database through option_list_manager. The successful storage of data is displayed through the information sent by the option_database and resend through option_list_manager. Class diagram for Option_list use case Sequence diagram for Invoice use case The Invoice is generated after every purchase agreement. It requires data retrieval from room_info_database for getting information related to chosen room, customer_info_database for getting customer details and option from option_list_database. Only after these operations, the invoice form will be completed and after this completion. The invoice manager sends the complete information to database for storage which later confirms the successful storage through generating the invoice. Class diagram for Invoice use case State Machine diagram for room detail use case State Machine Diagram for Customer_ID use case State Machine diagram for Invoice use case Read More
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